Saturday, July 25, 2020

Chief Cook (Will Not Wash Bottles)

This is coming into increasingly clear focus.  More people than I thought appear to know about it.

The Village is currently being run by Milt Hunter.  Milt's mechanism is that he has seduced Ginny O'Halpin, whom he encouraged to run for Commission, and Dan Samaria, whose main advisors used to be the Rosses and the Andersons, to imagine that he's a knowledgeable authority, and to do whatever he says.  Ginny never had any other source of mentoring, and Dan has disengaged from the people who were really knowledgeable, and who really cared.  I don't know if Milt has also seduced Will, or if Will's easy, because he couldn't care less anyway, and he's still under Tracy Truppman's "Roxy Ross is a criminal" thrall, so he just goes along.  But that's how Milt does it.

He gets the Commission to vote any way he wants them to, and from what I've heard at Commission meetings, it appears he doesn't explain to them his reasoning.  Either that, or Ginny and Dan don't understand, or they don't remember.  They just remember what Milt told them to do.  And they do it.  If Milt tells them to elevate and retain David Hernandez, and keep him in an interim position indefinitely, that's what happens.  If David quits, and Milt tells them to substitute Roseann Prado, she's in.

The question anyone might ask is why Milt does this.  And there are few reasons.  First, Milt has always believed, and communicated, that he considers himself a genius who is the only one who knows the real right way to do things.  Have you ever seen his blog?  Every post ends with his little slogan: "Standing Watch."  Like he thinks he's the National Guard, or some kind of savior or something.  I know what you're thinking: am I talking about Milt, or about Tracy Truppman?  It turns out it doesn't matter.  It's the same pathology.  That's probably why Milt, who worked so hard to get Tracy elected, wound up enraged at her.  He was jealous, and resentful.  She had the power he wanted.  Ginny and Dan do what Milt tells them.  Tracy didn't.  I guess she wasn't grateful and beholden to Milt for the help he gave her to get her elected.  He probably thinks he got scammed.  The result is slightly different, though, because Milt only doesn't know what he's doing.  With Tracy, there was an added component of vengeance and destructiveness.  In any event, one person I know summed Milt up this way: "Milt hates anyone who doesn't genuflect at his altar; anyone who doesn't follow the gospel according to Milt."  It's probably just a coincidence that it sounds so religious.

But it goes further.  Milt's crusade is not only to create the Village According to Milt Hunter.  It's also to exact revenge on a couple of people.  It used to be just one: Roxy Ross.  Why does Milt hate Roxy Ross?  Who knows?  I would consider the possibility that Milt knows, but he might not.  I can't imagine he would hate Roxy because she's vastly smarter than he is, and she genuinely cares, and she commits and takes responsibility.  Oh.  I answered my own question sort of thing.  Now, it's also Mac Kennedy, because Mac is functional and goal-directed, he's smart, he's ambitious for the Village, he's hard-working, and he's capable.  And perhaps worst of all, Mac disagrees with what Milt tells his puppets to do.  So maybe I'm not entirely right about Milt.  Maybe there is a small component of vengeance in him, too.

Coming back the pathetic comedy of David Hernandez and now Roseann Prado, it turns out there's a method to this madness.  The goal, as I understand it, is to stretch out the search for a permanent manager until after November, because Roxy Ross won't be a Commissioner any more after November.  The idea is that Milt doesn't want Roxy to have anything to say about a new manager, and no influence over the process.  But really, Milt doesn't have to worry.  His two stooges, and Will Tudor, who's along for the ride, just outvote Roxy, and Mac, anyway.  It's true there was a slip-up, though.  Somehow, the search process began this past week.  There was agreement to post an ad.  Interim manager Roseann, of course, got some things wrong, but these errors were picked up by the Commissioners who were paying attention (no, not Ginny, Dan, or Will), so it's possible the ad will be correct.  And if it is, we'll get some applicants.  Although Roseann is very busy with her three jobs, so she might forget to call publications, to get the ad placed.  But just as with the attempt to hire a permanent Village attorney, Dan Samaria might once again claim there aren't enough applicants, and we should wait longer, like until November.  At least he'll do that if Milt orders him to.  So Milt might get his wish anyway.

It's a weird thing about some people.  In BP, it could be Steve Bernard, or Noah Jacobs, or Tracy Truppman, or Milt Hunter.  But some people are just willing to create a lot of misery and actual destruction, just to be in charge of something, or to draw attention to themselves, or to spite someone.  And we pay for it.


  1. 1) I am corrected, and told that there was a time that Ginny used to rely on Roxy for guidance. Clearly, neither she nor Dan could do that now, since it would be a violation of the Sunshine Law, but they could rely on Chuck, or the Andersons. He's a charmer, that Milt Hunter.

    2) Immediately after I published this post, I went to my e-mail to send out the new post announcement. After that, in less time than I would have thought it would take someone to read the post, I got an e-mail from David Hernandez. David wrote: "I agree with your last paragraph. Are you referring and or implying the name Chuck Ross ? Or Rox ? Someone is trying to ??? Someone wants to control....Someone.....I wonder who that might be. Maybe you can figure it out." I typed this exactly as David sent it to me. It's his I also wrote back to David, which I normally don't do, to tell him that I have no need nor wish to hear from him, and that this one time, I would give him the prerogative to ask me not to post his comment. But that from now on, I will always feel free to post anything he sends me. I did not hear back from him. So I'm free to pass this along. Apparently, David was a great choice for Milt, since he, too, appears to harbor delusions about Chuck and Roxy Ross. And maybe David is as embarrassed in comparison to them as is Milt. He certainly should be.

  2. Fred this all sounds very deep state. Chuck was just recently posting videos with Milton so apparently he doesn't or didn't feel like you do. I dont see any motivation for Milton seeing as he never attends any meetings, unless you've diagnosed him with some form of narcissistic disorder, you're the DR. If folks approach him for advice its on them not on Milton.

    1. Art, I know all about the "Greybeards" videos Chuck did with Milt. I'm not going to comment about that. If Chuck wants to, I'll leave it to him.

      I agree with you completely that Milt is not responsible for the limitations of Ginny and Dan. The question you might ask is why "folks approach him for advice," since, as you correctly point out, Milt does not watch meetings in person. And those folks were already getting advice from someone else. To take the example of Dan Samaria, Dan had from the start relied heavily on the Rosses and the Andersons for advice. As I said, it's clear why Dan can't rely on Roxy any more, but he also abruptly stopped relying on Chuck, and he quit consulting the Andersons. As I also said in part 1 of my comment, it turns out that Ginny at one time consulted with Roxy. But it was reportedly Milt who urged her to run for Commission, and she does not consult with anyone else.

      So I agree with you that it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but there are facts that are not otherwise easy to account for. And the decisions Ginny, Dan, and Will make are nonsensical, and they are harmful to the Village. Dan used to "make" very good decisions, and he was sharp. Now, he just reiterates the same foolish positions repeatedly. And the three of them consistently agree with each other, on the basis of nothing, or at least nothing articulatable or rational. Also, I am told things, by increasing numbers of people. It all makes sense, and nothing else makes any sense.

      If you have a competing theory, and it's persuasive enough, then maybe I'll be relieved to know I was wrong.

      If you've ever read Milt's blog, you might wonder how this guy who never attends anything, is so "well-informed." I can tell you one thing about Milt's blog: when he publishes something that is patently wrong, or about which there is a valid competing view, he won't publish his "competition's" comment. I've been there, and I can tell you that with complete confidence.

  3. I do read Miltons blog just like I read yours and from time to time I comment on both. Turns out I comment way more on yours than I do on his. I dont have a competing theory except to say that that the responsibility for any and all decisions by anyone on the commission are theirs and theirs alone. Full disclosure I consider Milt a friend just like I consider Rox, Chuck and Mac friends, they may not like each other but I like them all. By friends I mean we speak from time to time and are friendly with each other. I have never been part of any group and am not about to join one now. If I think you're wrong I will tell you and we can move on from there.

    1. Appreciated, Art, and very fair of you.

      I used to consider Milt a friend, too. Perhaps I've known him longer than you have, or maybe I have a different perspective than you do. It's possible he's shown me a side of himself that he hasn't shown you. I do not expect you or anyone to come to the same conclusions I do. I'm just presenting something.

      If you don't have a competing theory, that's fine. I presented one which either you find persuasive, or you don't. As you said, if you thought I was wrong, you would say so. You found my presentation creepy -- "deep state" -- but you weren't moved to think it was wrong. I assume that's further evidence that you're being fair and open-minded.

  4. I am not saying you are right or you are wrong because I do not know nor have any proof of your theory.I typically try to stay away from conspiracy theories unless I have proof. You have no idea how many times I have had to hear from my beloved brother in law that we never landed on the moon and that aliens have a base there on the dark side. What I do know is that everyone on that commission is an adult and whatever they say or do is solely on them not some puppet master.

    1. Art,

      I, too, take a dim view of conspiracy theories, and conspiracy theorists. And they're mostly foolish, such as whether or not we really landed on the moon, and whether or not there are space aliens on the dark side.

      But the Commission is different. The Commissioners are there because you and I put them there. And we have our reasons for choosing the ones we do. We prefer certain candidates, because we think they would be better governors of the Village than the ones we don't choose. If you could know in advance that a given candidate intended to do whatever Tracy Truppman, or Milt Hunter, told them to do, wouldn't that make a difference to you? I would think it would make even more of a difference if the person from whom the prospective Commission was willing to take orders was someone for whom you and I don't even get to vote, because s/he isn't running. And isn't taking responsibility for the votes taken by the "adults" who win the election. If by "adults" you mean people over 21, or over 18, I agree with you. If you're talking about emotional development, I'm much less sure.

      It might be messy to have to consider that Milt Hunter is making all the decisions for the Village, and it might interfere with whatever friendship you think you have with him, but I still say it's important to know if this is true. Because Milt is not an elected person, and neither he nor the people he seems to control admit that he runs the Village. If terrible mistakes are made, which they already have been, he can't be confronted, and certainly not removed from office. He's not in office. And it's like "herding cats" to challenge the people who are the elected people, in part because they don't know what they're doing, and they have no articulatable theory. Milt presumably does, but he doesn't come forward.

      So I understand your point about the electeds supposedly being "adults," but we can't do much with that fact. And neither can they.

  5. Fred you speak as if you have proof of what you're talking about but I dont see any. You are trying to connect dots and that is your prerogative but unless you have facts this just remains as you call it a theory. Having said all that I dont disagree with you about accountability. Based on what you've written it seems to me to be pure conjecture at this time. Ill wait for some facts before I head down this road. On a side note, just because I consider someone a friend that friendship does not stop me from calling that someone out if I feel what they are doing is wrong. You have very strong opinions, so does Milt and so do many others. I certainty do not always agree with your opinions nor do I agree with Milts and thats ok, I still like both of you :)

    1. Fair enough. From your perspective, it appears as if all I'm doing is connecting dots. If, for example, David Hernandez says he did something entirely on his own, and it's well known that he didn't, then he's just making up a story. If Milt Hunter repeats the exact same story, then it's unclear who has bamboozled whom. Or who does whose thinking.

      And if Milt Hunter urged Ginny O'Halpin to run for Commissioner, and Ginny can't even run a meeting, then either Milt didn't really urge Ginny to run, or it's just a coincidence that Milt backed an incompetent candidate. And if Ginny used to rely on Roxy Ross for advice, and now she doesn't, and Dan Samaria used to rely on the Rosses and the Andersons for advice, and now he doesn't, and it's unproven where these two people who used to rely on someone for advice now get the advice they appear to need, and Ginny and Dan vote in unison for things that don't make sense, then it's either a coincidence, or one wrong-thinking Commissioner somehow influences another wrong-thinking Commissioner.

      If any of the people who are my sources allow me to name them, I will. Until then, you're right. I appear only to be connecting dots.

    2. And we have to add one other peculiarity. Ginny proposed to fill David's spot with Roseann, who is our clerk. Ginny claimed to think that it is traditional here to elevate the clerk to the position of interim manager when we need one. And Ginny offered that theory even though tapping David, who was not our clerk, was supposedly Ginny's idea. So Ginny doesn't even follow her own alleged theory. In addition, Ginny either wasn't here or wasn't involved the last time we elevated the Village clerk to be interim manager. So how would Ginny have known we've done that before, and how did this suddenly occur to her, when she appears not to have known anything about it perhaps three months before? Unknown. Just more dots.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This reminds me of that saying.

    "Dont base your decisions on the advice of those that dont have to deal with the consequences".

    Apparently, Milton holds grudges and does not let them go. He still bears animosity against Rox and Fred, because when they were on the Commission with David Coviello, they supported the Manager to engage the BP Engineer, Craig A Smith to prepare a stormwater study, funded by a state grant. Milt opposed the view that BP had storm water issues, several of us including the majority of the Commission, didn’t agree.
    I’ll get to more of that shortly, but let’s say I thought that was all behind us when he approached me to do the GBR. The original purpose of those reports was to expose the collaboration of Krishan and Tracy and reveal that Krishan was being controlled by Tracy who was using him to run the Village at her behest.
    Back to some background, there was a workshop held for the engineer to present his report. Milton, persuaded the Clerk ,who was the acting Interim Manager, to allow him the opportunity to present his side of the argument against the engineer, that the engineer was wrong. I believe Milton’s purpose was to avoid spending any taxpayer dollars on Storm Water projects In BP. He was also upset that this same Commission had passed an ordinance to impose a stormwater fee on residents. This fee was never implemented.
    This was at least five years ago, and to this day, apparently Milton still holds a grudge against Rox, Fred and probably me because when Milton began his presentation, we left the meeting. We really were not interested in listening to someone who is not an expert on this matter, try to refute a credentialed engineer. I thought that Milton was over this, but he made mention of the Storm water dispute after one of our GBR ( I think I ignored the comment) and I think he reiterated it in one of his recent blog posts.
    When it was confirmed that Rox was not opposed and would replace Tracy as Commissioner, I told Milton that we should do one last report about Krishan and that would be it for me. We never did that last report because Covid struck but I got the sense that Milton was upset with me that I decided to end my collaboration with him in the GBR.
    Milton and I have for the most part have been on friendly terms, even when he opposed positions Rox took as a Commissioner, or at least I thought we were. When he did the Rox the Boat blog post, defending Hernandez and accusing Rox of treating Hernandez unfairly I was not completely shocked. I was surprised, he didn’t reach out to me as courtesy, to find out the other side of the story.

    I know that Milton was a big fan of Hernandez, in the beginning when he was hired, so was I. However, after Hernandez was appointed to Interim Manager (IM) he started down a rabbit hole and his behavior became increasing strange.

    If Milton had reached out to me, he would have learned that Hernandez was over his head, and besides his strange phone calls made to several of us, had acted improperly on a number of matters and therefore Rox was rightfully concerned.

  9. I thought we were looking for confirmed connections among Milt, Ginny, and Dan, of a character that would give greater weight to the conclusion that Ginny and Dan are Milt's puppets. And maybe evidence of that will be presented by people who are willing to come forward.

    In the meantime, if we're just talking about Milt, I can share the following story, because it's not particularly confidential, even though it only happened between Milt and me. A few years or so ago, I was bemoaning something about this blog. I don't remember what it was, but it could have been what seemed to me like a reduction in discussion and comments. As I was friendly with Milt, I was talking to him about my frustration. Milt offered to take over the blog, on condition that I make a public statement that he penned for me. I have deleted it long ago, but it was something to the effect that I was falling on my sword, and admitting that I had not made a success of this blog, and that I was delivering it to Milt, who would be a kind of savior of it, breathing new life into it. The theme of Milt's preferred statement was along the lines of the understanding someone else had of Milt, and which I quoted: Milt requires people to "genuflect at his altar...[and] follow the gospel according to Milt." Milt wanted me, in effect, to "say uncle," and I felt this was inappropriate. So I offered a different kind of proposed transition, which Milt refused, and it was then that he started his own blog. And Milt's blog is very different from this one in that it is not at all democratic, and Milt does not welcome information, insight, and disagreement from others. It's all Milt. And people who either agree with him, or whom he can publicly educate.

    So it's not surprising that Milt would decide, for example, that he knows more about engineering than does an engineer, and hold a grudge indefinitely. It's almost as if he and Tracy were made for each other, except each needs to dominate, and neither can be a proper partner. I can't tell from your description, Chuck, whether Milt genuinely partnered with you, or he was just using you. I do agree with you, though, that it is Milt's style not to want to spend money, as in pay taxes, and that would certainly be a basis for his assertion that there really isn't a problem, if the solution to the problem would cost him money.

    As for David, yes, he became increasingly unhinged and inappropriate, desperately needing, but refusing to acknowledge and show appreciation for, help, and apparently, Milt still supports him. Whatever that's about.
