Wednesday, April 17, 2019

You Bought Your Commissioners a Present. And You Can Share It With Them.

You're so generous.  Here we are in 2019, when everyone and his uncle, including poor people and even many homeless people, have mobile phones, and you go and buy your Commissioners new phones.  You're the best.

It's not that they didn't all already have their own phones.  Of course they did.  But they decided you should buy them new ones.  OK, they didn't exactly ask you to buy them new phones.  They just took some of your money, and bought them themselves.

Now, why did you have to go and buy your Commissioners new mobile phones?  Well, you can be sure there's a reason.  And even though in all these years and decades, you never before had to buy your Commissioners new mobile phones, it appears something has come up that makes it best if you do get this present for your current Commissioners.  No other Commissioners you ever had needed this from you, but these do.  And here's the special reason.

It seems that a number of your neighbors-- possibly even you yourself-- have had a lapse in confidence in your Commissioners.  Some of you have noticed some odd goings-on that have led you to suspect maybe your Commissioners have been making some mischief by communicating with each other, when you can't know about it, in ways that the laws of the state of Florida prohibit.  And some of you suspect these communications have been occurring on the phone.  So, some of you have demanded to see your Commissioners' phone records, to see whom they've been calling, and when.

Well, it seems your Commissioners don't appreciate this kind of nosiness on the parts of their constituents, and they don't want you to see those records.  Maybe you think some of them have been having illegal conversations with others of them, and they think it's just none of your business.  I mean, if they had been breaking the law by having these conversations, and, in the process, subverting the democratic process, how is that any of your business?

So, instead of your Commissioners showing you what you want to see, they've hit upon a better idea.  How about you buy them a new phone, which they'll pretend is for work only, and which they'll further pretend is the only phone on which they conduct Village business, and then, they propose, you won't need to see those, you know, personal phone records?  Isn't that a pretty good deal?

Here's how it goes: they'll promise you all Village business will only be transacted on the phone they made you buy them.  They promise they won't call each other and have illegal conversations on that phone, and since they already promised that all Village business will only be transacted on that phone, then those are the only records you'll need to see.  You know, if you don't feel that you trust them entirely.  And just in case you're wondering, no, they won't make a mistake by using their personal phones-- the ones you didn't buy them, the ones they already had, the ones all Commissioners have had for decades-- and they won't cheat.  They promise.  Now you won't need to check, and everyone will be satisfied.  And if you still think you do need to check, your Commissioners will decide which phone you're allowed to check.  It couldn't be any more reassuring than that, could it?

So. here's what you'll need to know.  If you want to call your Commissioners, and we've already agreed that you won't call them on their personal and private phones, then you'll need to know what number to call.  No, not the one you already have.  We talked about this, and we all agreed: no Village business on those old phones.  The personal and private ones.  We're on an honor system here.  So, here are the phone numbers for the mobile phones you just bought your Commissioners:

305-213-4217 – Tracy Truppman
305-213-9145 – Will Tudor
305-213-4006 – Betsy Wise (Betsy claims she'll pay for this herself.  Unknown so far.)
305-213-5139 – Jenny Johnson-Sardella

786-609-5721-- Dan Samaria.  Dan's situation is a bit different.  Dan took personal initiative, and secured his own Village business phone at his own expense.  It was after Dan's move that your Commissioners took Village money to get their phones.  At the Commission meeting where this gift your Commissioners snagged from you was discussed, Dan asked if there would be Village reimbursement for the phone he got himself.  He was told no.

So, these numbers are how your Commissioners allegedly intend to communicate all Village business, and it's how they would like you to communicate with them.  Your Commissioners and the Village manager have been too busy to make these numbers public, or even to be published on the Village website, but they will be grateful that you were able to get the numbers here.  They would like you to feel free to use these numbers to call them to discuss any Village-related concern you have.  So, feel free.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cute, Slick, and Trendy. And the Big Problem With a Lot of EMR.

Tonight, The Betsy Wise Show, starring Bet-sy...Wise, took place at the log cabin.  Betsy let herself loose, in all her PR glory, to teach us about "branding."  Betsy has promised since the day she declared herself the next great BP Commissioner that she would bring the Village into the 21st, or perhaps 22nd, Century with...branding.  We need a brand.  It says who we want to be, or who we think we should be, or anything, Betsy told us, except who we are.  Who we are is  It might as well be yesterday.  And it's no good.  We need to become a future.  And Betsy walked us-- tangoed us-- to tomorrow, and a future we never dreamed could be ours.

We learned about Missions and Visions.  We found out how Coral Gables, and a few other municipalities that aren't BP, do it.  It's all about style.  It's acronyms, and slogans, and PR glitz, and it's constructed out of our imaginings.

Here are 35 traits, Betsy offered us.  Choose your favorite 10.  And a rapt audience, in the log cabin and at home, compliments, Betsy humbly-- well, no, that wouldn't be fair; there was nothing humble about it; this is a lesson in PR; it's all about Betsy-- conceded, except for the part about Dan Samaria's superior offering, which Betsy didn't think it was necessary to mention, a rapt audience of what turned out to be about 12 people who wanted to play the PR game.  Go ahead, Betsy encouraged, envision a Village characterized by your favorite 10 of the 35 permitted traits.  No, no, you can't choose any traits you like.  You have to choose from the 35 Betsy selected from somewhere or other.  And once you've selected your favorite 10 of the 35 Betsy permits to you, you can register them.  You can use your "workbook," provided by Betsy and her "team," which appeared to be some woman whose name might be Maura, or you can enter them...electronically (yay, as XXI C as it gets right now) on your mobile phone, or your tablet, or your computer at home.  Betsy was working those 12 customers, and she was working them good.

Where was this going?  This is the beauty of it.  It didn't have to go anywhere.  It was an exercise, or a game, and it allowed players to feel included, and important.  Apparently, Charlie Easton didn't feel included and important, or he just wasn't feeling it, because he asked a couple of questions, which Betsy grudgingly dismissed, and then he gave up and left.  "Not for everyone," Betsy spat at him as he left.  No, not for everyone.  There was only a certain amount of this song and dance I could take, too.  I think I was getting PTSD, either from Reggie Watts or from EMR.

I love watching Reggie Watts.  I've seen many videos of him, and I saw him in person once.  What a genius of social commentary.  Reggie Watts caricatures phony pseudo-communication, and pseudo-expertise.  He uses nonsense verbalizations where circular, aimless, and substance-lacking communication is commonly presented.  But it's presented as if it was sententious and profound.  Except it's empty and mirage-like.  Do you know about pop psych?  It's like a lot of that.  When Reggie Watts does it, it's very funny.  When Betsy Wise does it, not so much.  Maybe it's because Reggie doesn't really mean it, and Betsy wants you to think she does.

Electronic medical records (EMR) have been an increasing rage in the medical industry.  The good thing about them is that they're legible, and, because they're electronic and on computers, they're easy to transmit, like from the out-patient doctor to the hospital, or vice versa.  But the movement behind them got a lot bigger than that convenience.  It's like a whole universe just out of making medical records electronic.  There's this entire system of organizing them, and making them uniform.  What has happened is that records have turned from the productions of the authors of them into grand templates, where the author of the note has to complete "fields."  At best, you wind up with much more "information" than is applicable to the encounter.  It's superfluous, and neither pertinent nor actually helpful.  At worst, you get useless filler and dumb redundancy.  And if it's VA records, or Kaiser records (from California), there's precious little actual meaningful and relevant content in an avalanche of records.  They're all structure, and almost no content.

The Betsy Wise Show was starting to feel a lot like that, too.  We were imagining visions and missions, where we can't get agreement to fix the streets or drainage, or improve the medians.  And the reason for our inertia for the past almost 2 1/2 years is that the Commission all by itself couldn't be bothered to form a sense of vision or mission.  When a group of non-Commissioner residents took the initiative to get our neighbors (and there were more than 12 of them) to do an exercise much like the Betsy Wise song and dance, the Commission ignored the whole thing.  Now, Betsy has resurrected some of those same conclusions, and presented them as if it required her to think of the idea.  It was sad, annoying, and slightly infuriating.  The word Betsy once used with me, to describe her ambition to be on the Commission on the basis of nothing, was "arrogant."  Betsy has simply now gotten herself into a higher gear.  But it's the same vehicle.

Instead of a Commission that does its job, and listens to its constituents, and addresses the problems everyone can see, we have the New Show.  Ladies and gentlemen, Betsy entices.  Step right this way.  You'll see things that will shock and amaze you.  Just $10, and my capable assistant will escort you to your seat.

Yuck.  What a waste of time and emotional energy.  But thanks to Dan Samaria, and Chuck Ross, and Cesar Hernandez, for bothering to try to include more people.  At least someone on the Commission cares about the Village residents who aren't.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Dan Samaria Invites Us to Watch Village Meetings by Live Streaming.

Hi Everyone!
On Tuesday April 16 at 7pm, the Village of Biscayne Park will have a Communication work shop at the Log Cabin. We hope that you will be present, if not here is a way you can see it LIVE. The program is called ZOOM.

This is a streaming event only, there were not be any participation If you have any questions or comments of what you are seeing you can email me at  

You must go on to
 Meeting ID is 316- 713-20290
 You need to sign up with your first name and email
 Than hit join a meeting. 

 We will be beginning the program at 6:30pm to give you time to get set up.
 Let’s hope it works well!

Dan Samaria

Saturday, April 6, 2019

I've Been Making It All Up. And I'm Sorry.

I think my conscience is getting to me.  Finally.  I started this blog in 2011, and almost every word I've written is my invention.

If you read Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses, you remember the part where the scribe, who is writing the Qur'an, from the mouth of Mohammed, realizes he has made a mistake.  But he also realizes no one is checking him, and no one will know he made a mistake.  So he begins to make more of them, and to write whatever he wants.  That's what I do.  I'm mostly talking about things that happen, in places, like Commission meetings, where I am.  But since not many other people are there, I have come to realize I can say whatever I want, and almost no one will call me on it.  So I just make stuff up.

My big critic and external conscience had sometimes been Milt Hunter.  Months ago, Milt sent me, for some mysterious reason, an e-mail.  I couldn't tell what his point was, since he was rambling incoherently, but he did mention my then recent "whoppers."  I don't know if Milt reads this blog, and he doesn't come to Commission meetings, but he clearly knew I had been lying, big time.  He didn't specify what were the "whoppers," but he wouldn't have said it, if it hadn't been true.  Milt is an interesting figure for me.  He's like AA.  Milt is the anchor I can use, and the promise that's available to me, if I can admit I have a problem, and rely on a "higher power," which is Milt.  Milt made me that offer about this blog some years ago.  I was feeling discouraged, and I was talking to him about it, and he offered that if I would make a clear public statement that I had failed, and that he was the new savior (I hope it's OK if I don't use the upper case S), then he would take over the blog.  I guess I hadn't hit bottom by then, or I couldn't admit my life was out of control, and that I needed Milt as my higher power, so he just started his own blog instead.  Milt has been vastly more responsible and honest in his blog than I have here.  For example, when I was running for Commission re-election in 2016, Milt did the public service of writing a whole post all about how terrible I am.  He spelled it all out.  Well, as it happened at the time, and with the understanding that I'm neither honest nor willing to surrender, I wrote a comment to Milt's blog, delineating all the things Milt said that I considered inaccurate.  (Of course, it was me talking, so who can rely on my concept of accuracy?)  Milt, conscience/savior that he is, refused to allow my comment/correction to be printed.  Good old Milt.

Anyway, back to my confession, I admit I have made awful portrayals of some of our neighbors.  I'm thinking most recently about people like Tracy Truppman, Betsy Wise, Jenny Johnson-Sardella, Will Tudor, and, in a different way, Dan Samaria.  It was just this past Tuesday at the Commission meeting, that Tracy pointed out she's lived in the Village for about 20 years.  We all know Tracy.  She's a good enough kid, right?  But I can portray her any way I want, and I do.  I can "quote" various lies I claim she tells, and manipulative behaviors I allege she commits, because there are few people around who could challenge me.  And since the few who are around at meetings are accomplices of mine, they very rarely do correct anything I say.  I get away with murder.  The same is true about Betsy Wise.  None of us knew Betsy at all before she decided she should be on the Commission.  That's because she's a mild-mannered, quiet, tentative, and circumspect person.  But I describe her as if she was some sort of bad dog, barking and biting all the time.  Betsy couldn't possibly be like that, but I can say she is, because who's there to confront me?  Jenny Johnson-Sardella is an attorney.  She took a lot of initiative to get where she is, and she must know a lot about the law.  But I make her out to be uninspired, practically paralyzed, totally dependent, and clueless.  I say whatever I want.  Will Tudor just reminded us he's been a "federal employee" for 25 years.  He didn't say if he was president, a janitor, or something in between.  But 25 years...  As something he characterizes as a "federal employee..."  He's got to be stable, and someone who brings distinct value.  But I don't describe him as being valuable.  I describe him as vacant and non-contributory.  Hey, why not?  Who knows different?  All the people who don't come to Commission meetings? 

Dan Samaria is almost the opposite kind of situation.  We all know Dan.  He makes it impossible not to know him.  I generally think of Dan as a comparatively unsophisticated person, and someone who tends to be influenced by others.  I'll give you an example.  In 2017, we had a special election for a Commission seat vacated by David Coviello.  At first, the candidates were Dan, Harvey Bilt, and Mac Kennedy.  Mac eventually dropped out.  But in the meantime, I was trying to pull together a Meet the Candidates event, of the question-and-answer and topical discussion type we had always had...before.  But only Mac was willing to participate.  Harvey was either taking direction from the beast I portray Tracy Truppman to be, or he was, shall we say, highly skeptical, because I was the organizer, so he refused to participate.  Dan also refused, and it wasn't easy to get him to articulate a reason.  Much later, after Harvey won the election, Dan, who is my exterminator, told me his reason for refusing to participate: Harvey advised him against it.  Imagining this to be true, I pointed out to Dan the-- I'm sorry, Dan-- insanity of taking advice from a rival instead of from an unbiased person, who was sort of a friend, and who was a client.  Dan agreed he made a mistake.  Later, in 2018, he repeated the mistake.  That's Dan.  But the point is, it's not really believable for me to describe Dan, as I have on more than one occasion, as the independent brains of Commission operation.  But who's going to tell me I described it wrong?  Not you, if you're not there.

So, I want to make a request of you.  It's partly for my benefit, since I need an intervention, and partly for the Village's benefit, because I really shouldn't misportray us as I do, and contribute to giving us a bad reputation.  I want to ask you to come to Commission meetings.  I think you should pay careful attention, and maybe even take notes.  Because when I then do that awful and dishonest thing I keep doing, I want your comments all over this blog.  I need to be taken to task.  I need to be chastised severely.  Please, do something.  Come to these meetings.  Let me have it.  You know it isn't as I describe it.  It couldn't possibly be.  Right?

PS: If you know a Village resident who votes, but doesn't come to meetings, and isn't on my circulation for announcements about this blog, PLEASE forward this to them.  They need to know.  About me.  So they can stop me.  It will help me, but more importantly, it will help the Village.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Tonight's Commission meeting started as many of them start.  There were a few gratuitous and meaningless presentations, the Commission got raked over the coals for a collection of gaffes it has committed and insults it inflicts on Village residents, Commissioners ignored what was bothering their neighbors (or the fact that anything was), and the Consent Agenda was approved.  Then, there were two Board position fulfillments to approve.  It was really all a piece of cake.  And then, new business.

All the new business was Dan Samaria's.  Dan gets certain things stuck in his craw, and one that wouldn't go away was his continuing sense of offense that the March 5 meeting didn't happen when it was originally supposed to, and Dan wasn't told properly that it was postponed.  Dan takes this as a personal affront.  He won't let it go.  He still has visions of the meeting that wasn't, and how it could have been just him, and Will, and maybe even just one other person.  He could have been a fish in a slightly smaller pond.  Why and how Dan's going on and on hit Jenny Johnson-Sardella the way it did is a mystery.  Dan must have pressed some button in Jenny.  Maybe she felt somehow blamed, because she wasn't there, and Dan got beaten out of his meeting, and he was the last one to have been told, and he's still complaining about it.  Maybe it was that that finally pushed Jenny.  For whatever reason, she just didn't want anyone to blame her.  So she said it.  "Someone," she said, contacted her, and told her there was no meeting, so she shouldn't come.

Now, the story we had all been told until that instant was that Tracy, Betsy, and Jenny all coincidentally told Krishan Manners that they were unavailable on March 5, and they allegedly told him this just a couple of days before March 5, so Dan and Will Tudor were told there wouldn't be a meeting, because there was no quorum.  Three Commissioners were needed to make a quorum, but only two were available.  So we were told.  And so Dan was told.  But nope.  That's not what happened at all.  Jenny spilled what she wasn't to have spilled.  Dan was ready to meet.  Will was ready to meet.  And Jenny was ready to meet.  The whole Village was ready for this meeting.  The whole Village, except Tracy.  And possibly Betsy.  Unless Betsy was scammed the same way Jenny was scammed.  And Dan and Will were scammed.  And we were all scammed.  And the "someone" who called Jenny to tell her there was no meeting, and she shouldn't come?  Eh.  The big money is on Krishan.  But it could have been Tracy.  For whatever thus far unrevealed reason, Tracy did not want to have a meeting on March 5.  So, all by herself, she crashed the meeting.  Was Krishan complicit?  Probably.

A long time ago, I did a blog post about one of my favorite butcher stores: Proper Sausages.  But I was slightly careless, and I called it Proper Sausage.  I thought that was the name.  Freddy Kaufmann, who owns Proper Sausages, contacted me.  Or maybe he left a comment.  He thanked me for the boost, and he corrected me.  As Freddy put it, my error was "a small thing, but it's a big thing."  And he was right.  Moving that meeting from March 5 to March 19 was a small thing, but it was a big thing.  The glaring complication was that it threw off the variance hearing that really could only have taken place on March 5, because that's how it was advertised.  The less dramatic complication was that people who would want to attend the meeting expected it to be when it's supposed to be, and maybe they weren't exactly as available on some other Tuesday.  The subtlest, and most corrosive, complication was that changing that meeting, in the underhanded and manipulative way it was done, was an insult to everyone.  It was just another manifestation of the autocratic way the Village is being run these days, until we can get rid of Tracy Truppman.  Moving that meeting as it was moved was a reflection of how Tracy disregards and dismisses everyone else who lives in Biscayne Park.  It was a demonstration of complete contempt for all of us.  "A small thing, but a big thing."  Almost undetectable, but earth-shattering.

Well, Betsy, who had gotten a piece of several people's minds during public comment, was very quiet tonight.  Maybe she was also thinking, about what Jenny revealed, and what Tracy did, and maybe what she herself did.  And Tracy danced, getting herself all caught up talking meaninglessly about other things.  But no one forgot what Jenny said: "someone" called her to tell her there was no meeting, when there really was.  Or should have been.  It's a bad, ugly, destructive business.