Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Are You Younger Than 65, and Not Busy on November 3?

November 3 is election day this year.  Do yourself a favor, and get a mail-in ballot.  Anyone can, and you don't need a reason.

Do you want to know if the coronavirus will have receded by November 3?  Me, too.  No one knows.  I've had two trips planned to go visit my family in Massachusetts, and I've canceled both of them.  I canceled each trip the day before I was supposed to leave.  It's too crazy, and there's no way to tell if much of anything is safe to do.   So, standing in line with your neighbors, waiting to get into the polling place?  Yeah, maybe.  Or maybe not.

But the plan at this point is that the polls will be "open" for anyone who wants to brave them.

You've voted at the polls.  You've seen the people who register you, and hand you a ballot, and escort you to the machine where you have your ballot processed.  They're not kids, right?  They're more like grandparents.

And grandparents have issues.  Either they have "comorbidities," like high blood pressure, diabetes, or pulmonary disease, or they're just "old."  By "old," we appear to mean over 65.  That population is not recommended to be out in public, exposed to all comers.  So it's unlikely they'll be helping this year.

Instead, the solicitation is for younger people to man the polls.  Even teenagers, or 20-somethings, or older can man them.  They pay you to do it.  How much?  I have no idea.  But if the coronavirus hasn't finished tormenting us, then it's very possible that a lot of people aren't working their normal day jobs, and whatever it pays might be good enough for a day.

If you might be feeling generous, or bored, or patriotic, or whatever it takes to get people to help on election day, you can explore the option.  You go to, and you'll find out what the deal is.

Whatever you do, though, please vote.  If you're satisfied with what we've been living through for the past 3 1/2+ years, vote for Donald Trump.  You know, your taxes might have been lower, and you might have experienced less regulation, so what's the problem?  If it hasn't been your cup of tea, your best other option is Joe Biden.  If you can't bear either of them, vote for the Libertarian candidate, or the Green Party candidate, or apparently Kanye West.  Although I think Kanye West's candidacy is a scam, and it's intended to draw off some black voters, so West's preferred candidate, Donald Trump, will have a better chance.  West is thinking that Trump hasn't sabotaged himself quite enough yet, and taking a few voters away from Biden might give Trump another "victory."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  If Trump wins again, and if my mother dies, I can't live with people who want this kind of country, and I'm out of here.  I'm planning to move to Jamaica. 


  1. And, let's not forget that we also elect lots of state and national representatives ... and a local commission, too, which impacts our qualify of life right here on our streets, not to mention the value of the properties in which we live and invest.
