Friday, November 2, 2018

To hell with code and rules ...

Here's a little dose of what we're in store for with the incoming clown car of commissioners. Apparently, rules and code don't apply to candidates for commission, as evidenced by this sign on the front porch of Betsy Wise's home, directly across from the BP rec center polling place. This sign violates campaign rules, no question about that. I've reported it to the village, with no response ... no surprise there. But, several other residents also reported it and were told (hearsay, they may chime in) that the village attorney approves the sign even though it violates the rules. 

But, even more important to point out is the hypocrisy of these candidates. What, exactly, is "positive" about this sign ... or respectful or courteous or showing any integrity, to village rules or to neighbors or to the other candidate? Betsy, Will and Dan would be well-served to live by their own words.

And, as this sign clearly states, they are running as a "slate," even though one of them (Dan Samaria) told me to my face that they aren't and he never would. Dan Samaria lied to me on my front porch. I won't vote for a liar ... or for candidates who campaign in such a reprehensible style and avoid answering questions about real issues facing this community, as these sad choices have done this campaign season. 

This is what our liar of a president has done to our country: made this kind of campaigning normal and acceptable ... ditto the behavior of elected officials like Tracy and her email about voter suppression. To the likes of Trump, Truppman, Wise, Samaria and Tudor, winning for themselves is more important than winning for the constituents or for the community. A vote for any of them is a vote for everything that’s wrong with BP. What a shameful, sad and fearful time and place in which we live, both nationally and locally. Thank God we still have our vote to make our opinions heard. I am voting for JARED SUSI and Manny Espinoza: Jared because he deserves to sit on the commission and Manny because I'd love him to "beat" any of the other three candidates, even though he can't accept that seat now. Long shot in the case of Manny, I know, but I'm voting on principle: the principles those three candidates sorely lack, as evidenced by that ugly, ugly sign on the front porch of Betsy's house today. What a lesson in civics and civility for her kids.


  1. Wow, she certainly put herself right in the trash dumpster, didn't she? Sad. At least she made it obvious before the election.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We're getting at least two of these clowns. That, coupled with the two clowns whose terms are not up yet, should give us quite a circus. Except there's no actual entertainment. It's just the ringmistress having her pets do whatever tricks she wants. It's for her own pleasure.

  4. We might get some entertainment if Betsy wins, we will see what we will see. Nothing good will come of it of course.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Right now, I'm more concerned with flagrant violations of Code and rules and misappropriation of the truth heading into an election, one of our basic democratic principles: Tracy misinforming BP voters that exercising one's right to vote for 1-2 commissioners is "voter suppression" and the village looking the other way while candidates violate election rules. This is stinking of Krishan and the village attorney meddling with an election and/or working at the direction of the mayor while she diddles with it.

  7. Mac,
    So far it seems that the arrogance of that sign is backfiring on Betsy and Company. The people I have spoken to are incensed and the fallout from this bad behavior will spread to Tracy as well.
    So if Betsy had any sense she should take it down, it's clear that it violates the intent of our code and the opinion of the Attorney and his Supreme Ct case that is not on point is irrelevant to our residents. What we can do as residents is put the pedal to the metal and continue to call them out for their misdeeds.

    For the record I already voted and only for Jared.

    1. Backfiring on Tracy in what way? Tracy already won. She needed one stooge for her to stay in power, and she's going to get at least two of them. She does whatever she wants, and she doesn't care what anyone thinks of what she does or of her. The only implication for Tracy is two years from now. The vast majority of voters don't know what the Commission does. If Tracy continues to sing them songs, they'll probably continue to listen. As we know well and increasingly, Tracy and her stooges tell people anything they want, and it may have nothing to do with reality or the "truth." I suppose we now have two years to try to educate Village residents.

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  9. Fred, Betsy is a wildcard, I think Tracy made a bad bet on her. Then there is Dan, also somewhat of a wild card. So we really might get a surprise if it ends being Jared, Dan and Betsy. The interesting question is who will be Mayor out of that mix.

    Anyway to answer your question about backfiring, my theory is if the three get a very low vote count it shows that Tracy does not have the support of the Village.

  10. One more thing, Betsy has two signs up, one to the North and the other to the south of her house. It appears that neither has the proper authorization to be posted. So there's an example of more rules broken. The house to the north I believe is vacant I know the owners have not lived here for some time and they rent it out on a temp basis and the house to the south definitely is vacant. The code calls for the owner to authorize any signs on vacant property by the owner of the property and file it with the clerk. After the Clerk was informed on Friday an email was sent to the Clerk on Saturday from the caretaker of Audrey's house. The caretaker is not the owner and I doubt she has a POA either. And since the note from the caretaker (authorized or not) was not received until after I sent my email the rules were violated. There are no other authorizations on file.

  11. Call it all out publicly. Preaching to the choirs here, on Milt's blog and on the private group on ND is merely screaming into the wind. Call out their hypocrisy and bullshit and lies on public record at the commission meeting.

  12. If she wins it will be brought up.

    1. Why does any of them care, after they win? They're only looking to win. They're not looking for honesty, honor, doing things right, or the best interests of the Village.

  13. Fred on principle I completely agree with you. That being said Mac is right. At least it's on public record. Now granted the minutes no longer even give a hint as to what is brought up during public much for transparency......but at least remarks will be on the audio and video. It's gonna be REAL hard to sit through these meetings. I'll likely not attend them all but to completely stay away is exactly what Tracy and company would love.

  14. Mac if you think it was to hell with code and rules before.....ya ain't seen nothin' yet. We all know what Dan's house looks like so that's all we need to know about his feelings on code. Wil has certainly shown no support in 2 years. Betsy? Just read her website. Her section on Code is the same pure bullshit spin that everyone who ISN'T big on code says in hopes of looking good. If we thought that the last 2 years were bad.....they pale in comparison to what's coming next.
