Tuesday, November 6, 2018

She Takes 'Em Sort Of Like She Dishes 'Em Out.

"I Voted Today."  Yay.  I'm hoping for what I think is best, here and elsewhere around the country.

I like to vote on election day.  It feels different from early voting, or voting by absentee ballot.  Voting is a community (small or large) expression, and voting in person on election day has a community feeling you don't get the other ways.  Among other things, you interact with your neighbors, who are there in the same spirit as you are.

I got to the poll at 6:00 AM, an hour before it opened.  I was third in line.  Behind me was a couple I hadn't previously met.  Behind them was Tracy Truppman.  Someone told Tracy she looked very nice.  She said "I'll take all the lies I can get."  I thought it was very fair of her to be willing to accept being lied to the same way she lies to other people.  The difference is that Tracy can self-impose insight to decide if something someone tells her isn't true.  When she lies to other people, they often don't have a perspective to know they're not being told the truth.

A case in point was the husband of the couple behind me.  We were talking about a variety of things, and among them was the local election.  He happened to mention that Will Tudor is his next door neighbor, and he said he had suggested to Will years ago that Will run for Commission.  Presumably, Will gave his neighbor some version of "aw, shucks," and he didn't run until two years ago.  For whatever reason, the neighbor pointed out that Will's decision was at that point independent of the suggestion the neighbor made years before.

The neighbor then, unsolicited by me, went on to complain about how Village Commissions don't do anything.  He gave as an example that the streets are so bad.  He concluded "we ought to be ashamed of ourselves."  I told him I thought so, too.  He added that he had recently run into Harvey Bilt at Cafe Creme, and Harvey confirmed that he was not running for re-election.  According to our neighbor, Harvey gave what seemed to me to be a very curious explanation: the Commission doesn't accomplish anything.  If that was Harvey's complaint, why was he so much a part of the inertia and non-function?

I was thinking about our neighbor's confidence in Will Tudor, and his frustration that the Commission-- the current one, anyway-- doesn't do anything, and I told him he should come to Commission meetings.  I told him that sometimes, you can form an image of what someone would be like as a Commissioner, but that they might turn out to be very different than you imagined they would be.  I hope he decides to come watch some time.

Once we got into the polling room, the usual group of volunteers was there.  Among them was our Village clerk.  She saw Tracy, and she jokingly said "I don't recognize you."  Tracy responded with "you're fired," which she delivered with that nervous, self-conscious, and faintly paranoid laugh Tracy does.

Well, I did vote.


  1. It occurs to me that I may have left an impression that I don't think Tracy Truppman looks nice. I don't have an opinion about Tracy's appearance. I never bothered to form such an opinion. I was responding to Tracy's response to the person who complimented her. My guess is that most people who receive a compliment like the one Tracy received would say "thank you." Tracy didn't do that. Whether or not she really thinks it's not true that she looks very nice is unknown to me.

  2. Fred, I awoke this morning excited for the possibilities of the day, the future of our government, national and local. Having early voted, I feel settled in my choices, and anxiously wait to hear what the rest of our neighbors and citizenry have to say.
    Thanks for this post on your election day voting, but I have to admit that it leaves me saddened to know that the Mayor chose to use bad and even cruel jokes on this important occasion. Our Village Clerk, who among her many jobs is also tasked with opening and closing our Village voting place (before 7am and well past 7pm), should have been given kind word, a little boost of confidence, and even celebrated for her service. This is Roseann’s first time at overseeing Village elections, and I am sure she would have appreciated a thumbs-up to start the day.
    Knowing that Tracy exerts influence and control over day-to-day Village operations, the likes of which have not been seen since Mayor Ed Burke under the old charter, the Trumpian phrase, “You’re fired” is at best NOT funny, and at worst threatens the Clerk’s job security.
    I go now in search of something to lift my spirits … Rox

    1. That's right, Rox. Coming from any other person, or any other Commissioner, or any other Mayor, what Tracy said was funny. Coming from Tracy, it's ominous and disheartening. It's a waker-upper.

      Let me know where you want to go for breakfast. I was supposed to have lunch later with a friend, but he just cancelled.

    2. By the way, Rox, I don't know what the old Charter said about the prerogatives of elected officials. And whatever it said, it's my understanding that Ed Burke operated a one-man Village government. Our current Charter absolutely proscribes what Tracy does all day, every day. Her whole tenure is a continuous Charter violation. I think some of us are trying to arrange a confrontation of her over it. Unfortunately, the first line of defense for the Village would normally be the rest of the Commission, but it has folded and acceded to whatever Tracy does. I'm not sure anyone has an understanding as to what that's about. Clearly, most of them have no material of their own, and it's probably easier just to let Tracy do whatever she wants. But it's a flagrant abdication of their oath to their neighbors. (They act as if their oath was to Tracy.) And they keep taking our money for behaving this way.

  3. I like the feeling of voting, too. It puts things in perspective. It’s inspiring to walk into a polling place and wave hello to neighbors engaged in similar pursuits. There’s a contagious sense of pride and camaraderie that feels both neighborly and universal. I love the kids who stand behind the bake table pushing their edible delights in hopes of raising money for their worthy causes. It’s a time when the country comes together, reminding us that all is right with the world...at least for a little while.

  4. Nothing makes me feel more proud to be an American than voting, which I also only do on election day for the same reasons as Fred ... and showing up for jury duty when called without bitching, which most folks do and which I've never understood. This year, I was placed on a jury for a trial that lasted eight days, and I was selected by my fellow jurors to serve as the foreman. Folks live, fight and die for those and other rights, and we should never take them for granted or joke about them or treat them with disrespect. I also make sure to thank all the volunteers and buy baked goods from the kids, Judith! Even this morning I wished our clown candidates good luck. Good luck to us all today, locally, statewide and nationally!

  5. All elections are important but today like never before carried with it a certain level of relevance and importance as Trump would say " the likes of which the world has never seen before". Did i just quote Trump LOL Today we hopefully begin to take back our country from extremists, racists, homophobes, misogynists wanna be dictators. We are more divided today than ive ever seen in my lifetime anyway. We need leaders that bring people together not divide while trying to conquer. As for the Village I am less hopeful based on what we have to work with it :(

  6. Fred,
    I don't have anything good to write about Tracy at the moment so I'll leave it at that.
    I know the couple you were speaking to. I find them both to be very pleasant and intelligent individuals, but I have often wondered why neither one of them has gotten more involved by going to meetings, etc. Especially the husband since is retired and has some time on his hands. He was probably excluding Will from his complaint about the Commission since he had his sign in his yard. If he had attended Commission meetings he may have had a different opinion about Will.

  7. I just posted this on ND, my first post there in a long time. I was waiting for the right reason to say something, and today felt very "right" when I left the rec center, particularly hearing a slur hurled my way. Whatevs.

    Today, I voted. Of course, I voted for people, and I voted “yes” or “no” to a lot of questions. But, I really voted for intangibles like ideas, accessibility, accountability, and most importantly for me, for potential. I didn’t use a single vote against anyone or anything, which makes me feel great. I just love election day, with full respect for the folks who lived without that right for generations and for the others who died so I can have that right. I shrugged off the word “faggot,” which was used by a BP resident to describe what’s wrong here. I won’t even let that get me down today. All that was missing was a bake sale.

  8. Wow unbelievable!!!! You are a way bigger man than I Mac.

  9. Art ... just re-read what I wrote and literally made myself laugh out loud. Sorry to "out" you when you're not gay. Not that we wouldn't welcome you into the fold, but you don't meet the minimum qualifications.

    1. I suppose it can go either way (why not?), but I thought the preferred, if anything about it is preferred, spelling of fagot is with one g. Not that it's any of my business. I'm as disqualified as is Art.

  10. My post was removed from Nextdoor. Good grief. I'm guessing because I used the word "faggot." So, it's OK for people to say it (free speech) but not to quote it on ND. Is "faggot" that offensive a word? I didn't think so. Chalk that up to the ND police pussies looking for a way to shut me up on there. Happy to keep him (you know who that was) busy today! Hope calling someone a pussy on here doesn't get me kicked off your blog, Fred! The president can grab the vulgar usage for that word, so I hope I can use the more innocent meaning to describe someone as a coward.

  11. another example of "good for them, bad for BP" ... winning isn't everything when the rest of us lose ... seriously, I don't think of faggot as being a bad word ... a slur, certainly, but offensive to use when quoting someone? ... nah ... some folks need to grow a pair ... woops, that got me in trouble with another neighbor who thought that expression was unseemly to use on ND ... LOL ... I'm so offensive without even trying!

    1. You do object to the word fagot. It offends you. In your 9:35 comment, you pointed out that you had to shrug it off, and you wouldn't let it get you down, because you were so uplifted by voting. I think it's offensive, too, and I think it's meant to be. But you can still say whatever you want here. As I always say, everyone who comments here runs the same risk I do: that someone else will object or disagree or criticize. That's the deal.

  12. Mac,
    I don't think Milton had anything to do with your post being pulled.
    There is a new lead named Kathy Schaefer, she pulled Nicole's comment today reminding people to vote. Why I have no clue, perhaps because it was part of Jared's introduction post? So her comment raised his introduction to the top of the post. She pulled a post I made that she thought promoted Jared, but it didn't. I am filing a complaint against Kathy with corporate. She also pulled a post that Brian McNoldy made about the 3 pack putting out literature.
    This shit is going on I think because of Tracy. So seriously, what did they censor you for, because you stated that someone called you a name, that's bullshit.
    You should also file a complaint with corporate.

  13. Kathy's not so new Chuck. She's just VERY biased. Mac's post gets pulled without notice but likely because of the word faggot. In the context he used it in it is hardly offensive but Dannel Espinoza can call Jared and his supporters the disease of Biscayne Park and she takes no issue with that. Jared's intro post has been up for weeks. There is no reason for it to suddenly be closed last night and Nicole's comment removed. She pulled 2 of my comments on Sunday - one of which referenced apparent censorship as I saw my and other comments go missing.

    Interesting that Nicole having 2 posts regarding getting a mommy group together is considered excessive by Kathy but there can be 1/2 doz. posts on the same pet or items for sale. And the best part (not) was her giving Nicole 1 hour to pull one of her posts or Kathy would do it. Guess she got a little antsy 'cause in 24 minutes she had removed one of Nicole's posts which Nicole didn't realize until after she removed one. So now they're both gone and along with them all the names and contact info of the moms who responded. It's not at all hard to figure Kathy was just looking to make Nicole look bad 'cause now these women will be left wondering why they aren't hearing from her.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Who mentioned Milt? I was referring to another person who tried to rib me via email about not being on ND ... and apparently didn't know that I am on there but haven't been posting until voting today inspired me. (Several folks have teased me with a certain amount of glee in their voices that I was kicked off ND. I wasn't. I closed my account many months ago because I got tired of reading about lost animals from people who turn their pets onto the street and then cry that they're lost. I'm an animal/nature lover, so animal neglect/abuse, stupidity and playing the victim are a bad mix for me. But I do love knowing the biddies are fretting over me being gone.) Rules are rules, but for Christ's sake we're all adults and should be able to handle some salty language and back and forth on local topics. It's healthy. The kumbaya bullshit wears thin after a while, particularly when spat out by hypocrites. Everyone might benefit from growing a pair and steeling themselves for whatever comes back their way.

    Worth mentioning that Milt refused to include my post on his blog about the election because I said (paraphrasing), "Did you consider that the other candidates don't find you to be a credible source of info, Milt, based on your past posts and behavior?" That's certainly fair, but he refused to post it. Nice to have this blog, Fred, where everything goes and all comments are in bounds. Refreshing. Thanks.

    1. I mentioned Milt. He was on a rampage to prevent me from getting re-elected two years ago, and he started to complain about every ND comment I made. Apparently, they just have a rule that if there are enough complaints about someone, they lock the person out. I'm not sure there weren't two other people working with Milt. But I was talking about MY experience with ND, not your experience. I have no idea who complained about you. Someone thinks it was this Kathy Schaefer character. Could be. I wouldn't know.

      Apparently, not all of us are adults.

      I have an interesting history with Milt. He and I used to be more or less friendly, until I was thinking of transferring stewardship of this blog to him. He wanted me to make a public statement to the effect that I had failed, and that he came along on his white horse to save the day. I would be the ignominious failure, and he would be the savior. When I wouldn't do that, he started his campaign against me. He never stopped. At one point, when I was running for re-election two years ago, Milt, in his effort to undermine me (you know other parts of his campaign), ran a very nasty post about me in his blog. He said a number of things that were blatantly untrue. When I tried to comment in his blog, to tell my side of things, he blocked and would not permit my comment. It sounds like you got a milder version of it from him. I don't do business that way. I'm very transparent, and I try always to be honest. I might make mistakes, but I don't lie. And if anyone catches me saying something that isn't true, or that I have distorted, they are more than welcome to set it all straight right here. If I couldn't take that heat, I wouldn't be in this kitchen.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So Milt watches over us all, enforces all the rules AND saves the day? Such a busy guy. How's he even have time to censor critiques of his work?

  17. Poor Nicole Susi, can’t even post to get new moms together without being censored!!
    Today was an interesting day to say the least.
    Our new commissioners are Will Tudor, Laura Wise & Dan Samaria.
    as the wife, so happppyyyy this process is over !

    1. I will say of Jared what I said of myself two years ago: Jared won, and the Village lost. Jared would have been miserable sitting there getting steamrolled by Tracy for two or four years. And it would have been all the more frustrating for us to have watched potential get abused.

      People get stupid, and they get persuaded about really wrong things. We see it nationally, and we see it here. Right-thinking people could not be more proud of Jared, and of you. Thank you both for extending yourselves, and making a real commitment to this Village. Maybe in two years, we can get rid of Tracy and Jenny and Will, and have Village function back.

  18. And as the wife you should be so proud of the amazing substantive campaign Jared ran. He garnered support across the board. Just feel so bad that it wasn't quite enough. Thank you, Jared and Mason too for putting yourselves out there for us who so believe in you.

  19. Yup Jared won, he would have been miserable up there with Tracy, Congrats Jared and Nicole for running a clean campaign. You can't beat the big lie and I think that's what you were dealing with.

    So any bets on Mayor, I have some slogans I've been working on maybe Betsy will hire me.

    "Bet on Betsy", "Betsy is Best"? or better yet "Laura is Lousy". Maybe she won't hire me after all.

  20. Betsy must accept the position of mayor. She won by a landslide, so that center seat is hers. Kinda like the center square at Hollywood Squares. You wanted to be involved, now here's the gavel. Get to work.

    1. I'm told it used to be the tradition here. It changed when Kelly Mallette got the most votes, but she was not made Mayor. Since then, the only high vote-getter who became Mayor was David Coviello, until Tracy last time. We've had two instances I can remember when the low vote-getter of the winners was chosen to be Mayor. One was John Hornbuckle, who I think was a good Mayor, at least in terms of running meetings, and the other was Noah Jacobs, who was a disaster. Other highest vote-getters who did not become Mayor were Bryan Cooper and Barbara Watts.

      Anyway, Betsy, Jenny, Will, and Dan work for Tracy. It is unimaginable to me that Tracy will not again be Mayor. She's highly controlling, power-hungry, and totally about herself. I don't see her letting anyone else sit in the center chair. Besides, Tracy runs the Village now. She spends a huge amount of time at Village Hall. How is she going to do this if she's not the Mayor?

  21. Betsy needs to step up. She wanted to play and she has the most toys. Game on. Get to work.

  22. There was never a tradition nor direct correlation between the highest vote getter and who was appointed mayor. At least not in the 40 years Bob and I have lived here. That was a misconception Kelly had. It's strictly up to the whims of the commissioners. While there have been times the top vote getter was appointed - Ted Walker in 2003 being another example - there are probably at least as many if not more that haven't been top. Richard Ederr comes to mind. A fantastic mayor and all around good guy who was not the top vote getter.

    Even if Tracy does not have the title mayor I don't believe for one minute she'll change her behavior. Her meddling and interference isn't done because she has a title. It's done because she's Tracy.....a self-absorbed power grabber who is convinced she knows everything about everything.
