Monday, November 26, 2018

This Is Ridiculous. Do Not Let It Get Away From You.

I've written before about musimelange.  It is a series of magical evenings at the M Building in upper Wynwood (30th St and NW 2nd Avenue), and the content is gourmet food, excellent wine, and an intimate chamber concert.  There are four such events per year, and the first usually occurs in January.  Events are always on Monday evenings at 7:30.

The cost of a musimelange evening is $65 at the door (well worth it), $60 in advance, and $50 if you subscribe to the season of four.  Considering what these events are, the quality of every part of them, and the uniqueness of the experience, getting this for $60 or $50 per evening is an exceptional bargain.

Well... musimelange is now making you an offer you can't, or shouldn't, refuse.  You can have all four evenings, complete with the food, the wine, the music, and the desserts, for $150.  And you'll meet really cool people, including the chefs and the performers.  This is insane.  You couldn't duplicate the experience, unless you had loads of money and you wanted to host it yourself in your home, and there's no way you could do it for $37.50 per person.

And let me tell you what the program is for the coming season.  On January 28, the title of the evening is "Amour."  The trio is Konstantin Soukhovetski (a bit outrageous, loaded with style, and a magnificent pianist), Anne Chicheportiche (the founder of musimelange, and a wonderful violinist), and Ashley Garritson (a cellist Anne typically uses, very well-known and accomplished in classical music around town, and a delightful person).  On February 25, the program is called Musijazz.  Anne has done this before (although she tries to stick to classical chamber programs), and it works very well.  I'm guessing she'll use Jim Gasior, who is a highly acclaimed local jazz pianist, and probably someone else.  The last time Anne did Musijazz, she also had Wendy Peterson, who is a wonderful singer and has a nice history of duets with Jim Gasior.  The title of the program on March 11 is Farinelli.  If you know of Farinelli, or the movie about him, you know he was a castrato.  The performer is countertenor Max Emanuel Cencic, and the program is baroque.  The countertenor voice is a male alto/soprano.  It is a magnificent voice.  I don't know Cencic, but I have total confidence in Anne Chicheportiche.  She would not have engaged him if he wasn't a great singer.  April 22 is called "Tutti," and it is described simply as a "showcase."  I don't ask questions.  I know that whatever is presented at musimelange is top notch.  That's just the way Anne does things.

So, what you do is go to, buy tickets, and use the promotional code MUSI-CYBER19.  You really don't want to overthink this.

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