Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Today, the third installment of "" was sent to some collection of people.  This one was like the first one, in that it was not fact-based.  In fact, there was not one correct assertion in the whole letter.  It was different from the other two, however, in that it was signed.  The person who sent it was Kelvyn Whitfield, and he included his street address, instead of the impersonation of the Village address that was listed on the other two mailings.  Like the other two, this one was sent not directly, but through "ConstantContact."

I went to see Kelvyn at his house this morning.  I asked him about the letter he sent out, but he said he didn't want to talk about it.  He did acknowledge having sent it.  I pointed out to him that not one of the assertions contained in his letter was true.  He said he considered them all to be true.  I reminded him that he almost never appears at Commission meetings, making it unlikely that he would know what happens there, but he said he sometimes watches them, presumably on Comcast.  When I persevered, and told him that the things he claimed were true and happened were not true and did not happen, he said it was not possible for anyone to check facts about someone else.  I disagreed, and I offered to show him proof of what was actually true.  He wasn't interested, he "didn't care," and he said he accepted it as his mission to save the Village from poor Commissioners.  I pointed out that I am not a Commissioner and am therefore not to blame for whatever are his complaints about the Commission.  He fell silent.

Recognizing that Kelvyn could not be relying on anything he personally witnessed or knew, and further recognizing that the material he sent out was eerily similar to the complaints of certain other people, I suggested to Kelvyn that perhaps he was relying on what someone else told him.  I wondered who that someone might be.  "I don't have to tell you," countered Kelvyn.  True enough.  And for what it's worth, Kelvyn pointed out to me today that he is "not a child."

The other interesting fact about my conversation with Kelvyn today is that apparently, if what Kelvyn says is true, he did not receive the other two biscayneparkpride/ConstantContact letters.  He has not previously been included in this campaign.  Thus, it appears someone has come to Kelvyn, presumably provided him with something to circulate, and told him it was now his turn.  Clearly, he doesn't know anything about any of this, including the contents of the letter he signed.

Let's all await the election eve drive-by anonymous bill of accusations, not to mention more installments in the series.  (Interestingly, biscayneparkpride has been decommissioned by yahoo, so it's unclear how it was used to send out today's missive.)  It's beginning to look like it will be about Roxy Ross and me this year, or perhaps, if we can take Kelvyn as an indication, the "Jonas-Ross Ticket," whatever that is.


  1. Every Biscayne Park election seems to bring out the anonymous or not so anonymous letter writers. They spew their grievances and distort the truth. All too often the candidates they attack are defeated. All too often the candidates they support turn out to be mistakes for the Village. Just because something is printed, online, on paper or in the newspaper doesn't mean it's true. I always think Biscayne Park voters are smart enough and care enough to find out the real facts for themselves. If you hear something about a candidate - call them up and get their side of the story. Let's try to get the best Commissioners for Biscayne Park.

  2. I have had the chance to talk with Kelvyn, since we live on the same block, and he is a pleasant person with strong views against any type of code enforcement. Neighbors have tried to politely suggest that he clear the mosquito jungle which resided in his backyard, or remove the junk vehicles from everyone's view. I suspect, our code enforcement had to intervene, and like Mr. Espinoza, he is angry that he was fined and told has to respect his neighbors, and follow the rules set by our community.

  3. A brief follow up on candidate elect Manny Espinoza. I was disappointed in his comment regarding our code enforcement that he made during the Meet the Candidates meeting on Monday.

    He said he felt “harassed” and took no personal responsibility for the fact that he violated our codes by illegally erecting a fence without a permit.

    Homeowners should know the rules, the reasons for them and conduct themselves accordingly. I mean did he not know the setback of the property prior to purchase?

    I’m not sure at this point if I consider Manny a rule breaker or simply ignorant to our codes/rules. I’m also not sure that either is acceptable.

    1. In my opinion, Espinoza's only agenda is his own, and his apparent lack of understanding municipal ordinances is a red flag.

  4. He had a licensed architect working for him and representing him. A licensed architect knows that a permit is necessary for any fence.

  5. I have also received this hogwash from "biscayneparkpride". Meanwhile the real issues that we need to talk about are being ignored. The new commission will have the difficult task of making sure Biscayne Park can survive as a city. I know who I am voting for and we cannot afford another 3 years of a clueless commission. This is going to be the most important election since I moved in to Biscayne Park in 1988 and I don't think we will get a second chance to have a working commission.

  6. My apologies to Kelvyn. He wrote "The Biscayne Times is a newspaper delivered gratis once a month to our residents." That statement is true. Kelvyn also quoted part of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. As far as I can tell without looking it up, Kelvyn's quotation was correct. Nothing else Kelvyn said was true, however. For those who did not receive Kelvyn's screed, if you would like to see it, let me know, and I'll forward it to you.


  7. I bumped into Kelvyn in the street today, while I was out campaigning. He asked me what was new. I told him he was the newest thing in my life. He had an effect, sort of like a hurricane. He smiled.

    Later, I met up with Chuck Ross, who had also bumped into Kelvyn today. Chuck told me Kelvyn told him that nothing I said in the above post was true, and that I had "threatened" him. Unfortunately, Kelvyn did not tell Chuck what actually did happen when I went to see him, and he did not tell Chuck in what way, and with what, I threatened him.

    I also found it disturbing that Kelvyn met me as he did in the street, never letting on how offended he was at all my lies, and certainly at the fact that I "threatened" him. I wrote to him to ask him what he remembered as the real truth of my interaction with him, and how I threatened him. He hasn't responded. How unsatisfying.

