Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Few Thoughts From Harvey Bilt

Thank you, Fred, for permitting me to post on your blog. I have a few brief thoughts to share with respect to my candidacy for Biscayne Park Commission.

I am committed to reasonableness, responsibility, and respectfulness.

Vicki and I moved here 15 years ago because we liked the character of the Park. Feeling safe is always an important factor in deciding where you live and purchase your home. Being safe has never been an issue here. We are very fortunate to have an excellent police force, which I will always support.

There are maintenance and improvement projects in the Park that, typically, Village government would fund, such as plantings in the medians and Village signage. We do not have those luxuries in our budget. The alternative is to allow residents, with Parks and Parkways' and Public Works' approval, to enhance the medians. We should also allow residents, on a block-by-block basis, to enhance the street signage, as residents could raise funds for cohesive signage to be purchased by the Park.

Wouldn't it be nice for people to drive through our Park and immediately recognize that they are in Biscayne Park because of the beauty of the medians and attractive street signage designating Biscayne Park?

Sally Heyman, our county Commissioner, who has done so much for our Park, including securing many police vehicles and other equipment for us (at little or no cost), recently attended our Commission meeting and suggested that we annex property south of 121 Street and east of the FEC railroad tracks. I would recommend that we pursue this action so we can get the facts, including anticipated additional revenues and expenses under different annexation scenarios. We need a complete picture, which is not available to us unless and until we make application.

In order to ensure property values are maintained and increased, we must keep our Village attractive to current residents and potential buyers, not through being cheap but through being better. A critical component is effective Code enforcement. All three candidates for Village Manager have stated this fact. I have an excellent grasp of Code issues, having served on the Code Review Committee and currently serving on the Code Enforcement Committee. A strong Code enforcement process is one of the single most important actions we can continue in order to strengthen our property values.

Both Vicki and I have been involved in Village committees, and have tried through the years to attend as many Commission and special meetings as possible.  Recently, the Commission meetings have become very mean-spirited. Because of this, fewer residents attend. I would like to change that. There's no reason for people to be disrespectful to one another.

These are a few ideas that I believe encompass maintaining and preserving the unique qualities of Biscayne Park, while taking reasonable and responsible steps to ensure our future.

Respectfully submitted,
Your Neighbor,
Harvey Bilt
November 10, 2013


  1. You're more than welcome, Harvey. I'm the founder of this blog, but I don't think of it as mine. Use it when and as you wish.


  2. Hello Harvey,
    Could you elaborate a little more on the issues of enhanced street signage and how to control haphazard median plantings for us?

    In the past the Village had, in my opinion too many signs that detracted from the feel of our neighborhood. As well, some neighbors would just move plants that outgrew their containers to the medians. This of course let to no cohesive theme or good choice of planting material in some cases.

    Under your idea, would the neighbors be responsible for the watering and maintenance of their medians?
    What would happen if one or two blocks did this but the rest of the street did not?

    Thanks in advance-

    1. Hi, Milton,
      Thank you for your comments. These are all good questions.

      My thoughts about street signage concerned the street name signs. I really like what El Portal did with their street signs. They went with a dual-naming convention, meaning they kept the county's street designation (e.g. NE 121 Street), added a descriptive name (El Portal used birds for one axis and plants for the other; e.g. Poinciana Street and Mockingbird Avenue), and incorporated the name of the Village on the signs, which are cobalt blue with white lettering. They are very attractive. El Portal estimates it took them a couple of years to get it done, but have indicated they are willing to share their knowledge of the process with us. I would love for Biscayne Park to undertake a similar project, and, it seems like it would be a nice project that residents could make small contributions for. This would not increase the number of signs, as it would replace the current green street name signs, and would enhance the overall appearance of signage in the Village.

      As to the medians, it would be great if Parks and Parkways Committee had a cohesive master plan for every median in the Village. We could let the residents who live in proximity to each median know what plants are needed, and in what sizes, and residents could purchase and/or donate funds for a plant. Perhaps Public Works could plant the materials, as proper planting is critical to long-term survival of plantings. I see watering and maintenance continuing as a Village service, but I have been a strong proponent (and volunteer) for having residents with irrigation systems being permitted to run a line from their front yards to the median if they so desire. Some residents have already installed sprinklers in their medians decades ago, and there have been no issues to date.

      Perhaps initially one or two blocks might decide to do this, but I think it could be a true point of pride for each street and could bring neighbors together for a common goal.

      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

