Sunday, August 11, 2024

This Is a Surprise?

Trump’s Anger Out of Control as Poll Numbers Keep Cratering (

It appears that even Donnie's supporters are concerned, as if they didn't expect to see this kind of reaction and behavior.  I don't know anything about him, except what I read, and what I have seen of his rallies and his bizarre term in office, and I'm not in the least surprised that he calls Kamala Harris a bitch.  He has nasty nicknames for most people who aren't he, including other Republicans.

But Miriam Adelson never saw these kinds of reactions and output coming?  And she donates very large amounts of her own money?  I always say that in my experience, on the average, women are smarter than men.  Miriam Adelson is not an example, even if it could easily be argued that she's probably smarter than Donnie.  But it's also an example of how dumb people can become when they have too much money.  They can't make proper decisions.

At the very least, his so-called advisors "are...aware that they are unlikely to change a 78 year old man known for his stubbornness."  Although they somehow haven't given up entirely.  "He has to convince himself to leave the other garbage behind."  Good luck with that.  And this strategy -- that he can leave the other garbage behind -- is based on what?  His childlike total self-centeredness, stubbornness, and tendency to bully people don't suggest that kind of capacity.

I can't imagine why the advisors are hopeful, but at least they have brains enough to be "deeply rattled."

What seems shocking is the polling, that shows Harris not much ahead of Donnie.  But if I'm entirely honest and candid here, I have to confess that I do not respond to online questions regarding for whom I'm going to vote, because I want Harris to work hard, and not take the voters for granted, and I want Donnie to be his usual cocky and out to lunch self who assumes he has nothing to worry about.  Although I don't think people who answer online questions like that are the subjects of polls.  On the other hand, most polls are of a few or several hundred people or more, out of 200M, and the fact is that there's only one poll that counts.  It will happen on November 5.  So who knows how these people are chosen, or what the polls mean, apart from actually nothing?  (You might remember the very famous newspaper front page held up by Truman, that said "Dewey Beats Truman.")

The linked video is of an interview with a guy named Tim Miller.  Miller is always referred to as a conservative, but Brian Cohen, who is an arch progressive liberal, has him on a lot.  Miller is an example of a question I have that has never been answered: what, exactly, is the more normal Rep/con agenda?  What's their platform?  Miller, who is himself homosexual (and has a husband), must realize that the current Tea Party/MAGA movement doesn't approve of him, and it's always a puzzle why he still calls himself a Republican.  Unless he means an older style Republican, whatever that platform is.  It's hard work being a Republican.  You have to ignore reality, and you have to want to convince the public to want something that is averse to their best interests.  Yes, of course you have to cheat, and to rely on exorbitant amounts of private graft, but Miller always seems like a remarkably sensible, intelligent, and reasonable guy.  He's just a Republican, whatever that means to him, and he wants the Republicans to win, but he can discuss their problems, like Donnie.

So, yeah, between Donnie and JD, they're sinking like stones, and it's really hard to see how they don't get wiped out in November.  But they're trying.  They're accepting as much campaign money as they can lay their hands on, trying to keep who would likely vote against them from voting, trying to persuade Americans that they're being overrun by criminals (even though every statistic says we're definitely not), and whatever else they have to do.  It's what they always do.  It's really not a surprise.

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