Sunday, August 25, 2024

"An Unserious Man?"

That's what Kamala Harris called Donnie Trump.  And there are two problems with a characterization like that.

First, Donnie Trump is not a man at all.  Other people charitably refer to him as a "man child."  The "child" part is accurate.  Donnie is 78, of large stature, and he could chronologically be called a "man."  But he only gets that label because he's old, and because he didn't happen to die very young.  In terms of things like maturity, he's not in the orbit of a "man."

I suppose someone could say I was splitting rhetorical hairs, but I wouldn't call Donnie "unserious."  He certainly is unserious, but that's way too generous a term for him.  It was about four years ago, in a debate, that Joe Biden called him a "clown," twice.  That's much closer.  And frankly, Donnie is a caricature.  He's sort of a caricature of himself.  If you imagine someone who once had a nice appearance, and who people thought was some sort of success (which he never was), he has become an aged, rambling, nonsensical, grossly unworthy, totally and relentlessly self-involved, version of that.  His own supporters walk out of rallies he hosts, because at some point, they just can't bear to listen to his blather any more.  And watch his air accordion.  I don't know whether it's mostly the incoherence, the childish name-calling of other people, or what.  But clearly, it's unbearable.  I even saw some reports of Fox News anchors shutting him up, or shutting him down, or shutting him off.  Biden told him to shut up four years ago, too.  How prescient.

He clearly has no idea what he's talking about, which is why he lapses into his completely unrelated rambling, that always includes mention of who likes him (it's the common joke among leaders of other countries that if you compliment him, he'll give you whatever you want), how popular he is, how big his crowds are, how everything that happened during his term was the best, and nothing was bad, and other material that doesn't require him to know anything.  Which he doesn't.

But not only does he claim to know what he's talking about, but he also claims personal expertise in areas in which he wasn't trained, and about which he knows nothing.  That's why Project 2025 appeals to him: it allows him to be an expert in every area of function.  He can pretend to be an expert in politics, an expert in economics, an expert in medicine, and an expert in anything he wants.

And the other absurd, "unserious," thing he's been spouting lately, possibly another reflection of Project 2025 -- of course there's no connection between what he says and what he thinks, and no connection between what he says and what could possibly be real -- is that if he is elected this year, there will be no further need for any future American presidential elections.  It's unclear if he means he expects to live forever, and always get re-elected, or if he means we will discontinue the American "experiment," and just have him name his successor, who might then name his or her successor, and so on.  We went to a lot of trouble to end our status as a British colony, but Donnie seems to think we should replace our independence (we even had a "Declaration" of it) with being the colony of him and his and others' future designees.  All that trouble, and we go back to having kings and queens after all anyway.

"An unserious man?"  It hardly scratches the surface of the Donnie Trump catastrophe.


  1. Well said. I agree 100% about Donnie.

  2. Among other thing, Donald Trump is a pussy.

    1. I guess that's why he's so drawn to them. It must feel freakishly familiar to him.
