Saturday, August 17, 2024

Donnie's Gonna Win. The Polls Are Clear. Well, As Clear As Polls Get.

Do you happen to remember the famous photograph of Harry Truman holding up a newspaper, at the end of election day, or maybe even the next morning, and the headline said "Dewey Defeats Truman?"  Are you aware of a president named Truman?  You are?  Does president Dewey ring a bell?  No?  Hmm.

It's impossible you don't know that everyone knew Hillary Clinton gave all available evidence that she was going to beat Donnie in 2016.   Did that happen?  No?  Hmm.

And now, there's this: Donald Trump Gets Polling Win Amid Kamala Harris Surge (  Donnie WINS, according to a poll of 2700 "likely voters" out of 200M registered voters.  It's possible it's more than 200M now that the young'uns have reached voting age, and their goddess, Taylor Swift, has swelled the voting public with her encouragement to register.

And how badly did Donnie strike down Harris?  Well, according to this poll, he's one point ahead, and the margin of error is 1.9 points.  So they're statistically tied.  According to this poll.  Among someone's selection of 1) "likely voters," who 2) agreed to respond to a questionnaire.

We learned from polls, including some newspaper's EXIT (!) poll and whatever indicator Clinton relied on, that polls aren't worth much.  (We used to think that the only poll that counted was the one on election day, until Donnie started proposing that we could disqualify that one, too, and call them wrong and thefts, if he didn't win.)  And this one is worth even less, because it's a very small number of people, and the results were within the margin of error.

Yes, of course I know that Donnie will claim that his is bigger, and his "evidence" is some fantasy that no matter how increasingly small his crowds are getting, and how increasingly large Harris' are getting, everyone's lying, and they do it with mirrors or AI, despite the reports from people on site.  I would expect nothing else from Donnie, that bastion of reality and unwavering honesty.  He's also gone so far as to tell us in advance that if he doesn't win, he'll claim this loss will be a theft, too, and he's asked us to expect a "bloodbath."  (There's a real American for you.  He's not threatening to throw boxes of tea into Boston Harbor, He's threatening to urge his supporters to kill people, sort of like he did...last time.)

So, the fact is that we will all know on November 6, and not a day sooner (unless someone is so blindingly trounced that they concede -- no, Donnie never concedes: 65 federal judges can't get him to give it up), and no current poll of 800, or 1000, or 2700 "likely voters" means anything.  I guess if you're desperate enough, you'll tell yourself it must mean something.

In the meantime, if you're desperately worried about Donnie, as a proportion of Americans are, you can keep sending him your money.  Donnie is not capable of supporting himself (and he's infamous for hiring people, then stiffing them), and he, like Blanche Dubois, "depend[s] on the kindness of strangers."  Would he accept your last nickel?  In a heartbeat, sucka.


  1. Great blog Fred. Polls sure can be wrong. I was sure Hilary would win.

    1. She sort of did, Shell. She won the popular vote, as did Gore, and as did Biden.

      You should watch Michael Moore's "Fahrneheit 11/9." The beginning is heartbreaking.

  2. See, I told you Trump was going to win Oh, wait, he's alienating his own supporters -- important ones, too -- in a red state. Well, maybe it's not quite as clear as I thought I understood it was. It does sound like the boy needs as much of your money as you can possibly give him. (It's for campaigning, this time. You don't have to bail him out of failed businesses, or pay his lawyers, or pay his high priced girlfriends.)
