Thursday, December 3, 2020

Let Me Try to Talk About Roxy and Chuck Ross in a Different Way.

I have no doubt there have been better BP Commissions and worse ones over the years and decades. I've seen and heard about some of each.  And I've seen and heard about some of the Commissioners who made some of those Commissions good, and others not so good.

As I've said a million times, I moved here in the middle of 2005.  It was a few months or so before I started to attend Commission meetings.  I don't remember much about the Commission that ended at the end of 2005, but I remember fairly well the one that started then.  The Commissioners then were Ted Walker, John Hornbuckle, Bob Anderson, Kelly Mallette, and Chester Morris.  It was over a year later that Walker died, and his seat was filled with an appointment made by the remaining four.  The appointed Commissioner was Steve Bernard.

This first Commission I remember well was a good one.  After Walker died, Hornbuckle became the Mayor.  Meetings were tight, and they didn't last longer than 2-2 1/2 hours.  And the Commission accomplished some very important things.  The same voters who elected Mallette and Morris, and re-elected Hornbuckle, approved a Charter change that moved running of the Village and its departments from Commissioners to a professional manager.  So this Commission was the first to turn over many parts of its functioning to a manager, and to find a manager to whom to turn them over.  Symbolically, and the last (so far) step along a way that had already been established, this Commission also lowered its stipend.  And this Commission finished a process that had already been begun, which was to build a public works building.  So, some real accomplishments there, and all in the interests of the Village.

I'm going to skip over '07, in part because I'm not sure I remember the details (Mallette and Morris were in the middle of four year terms, Anderson and Bernard were re-elected, and I'm not sure who the two year term person was: it might have been Hornbuckle), and go to '09, which was a very important year.  Mallette shockingly didn't get re-elected.  I didn't see that coming, and I don't understand it.  She's a delightful person, and she was a wonderful Commissioner.  I told her as many times that there was no chance she wouldn't get re-elected as I told other people years later that there was no chance Donald Trump would get elected.  Wrong both times.  Morris didn't run for re-election.  Hornbuckle didn't get re-elected.  Anderson and Bernard were in the middle of four year terms.  The three new Commissioners who joined them were Roxy Ross, Al Childress, and Bryan Cooper.

I have to pause part of this story to talk about the Rosses.  Chuck, and, for all I knew, Rox, were in some way associated with Steve Bernard.  Steve was one of the most subversive and seditious people I have known in BP.  He was divisive, mischievous, and did not have an agenda, except to sow discontent.  I have no idea how Chuck, and possibly, for all I then knew, Rox, got associated with him.  But I was sure Chuck was.  I was wary of Rox, because I wasn't sure she, too, wasn't associated with Steve, and I told her so.  She reassured me many times that she was completely independent, and no feeling she did or didn't have regarding Steve Bernard would have any bearing on how she would conduct herself as a Commissioner.  She later told me that she worked harder for my vote than she did for anyone else's.  But she didn't get it.  Chuck and I were already friends, and one day, we were doing something related to campaigning.  Chuck opened the trunk of his car, and he had some campaign signs for Bryan Cooper, who I already knew was a Steve Bernard devotee.  So I figured that if I already knew there was some association between Chuck and Steve, and if Chuck was helping Bryan, then I was prepared to make an unfavorable assumption about Rox.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!  Rox is Rox.  She is not Chuck.  She is not Steve Bernard.  She is who she said she was: completely independent, with her own set of ethics, and an intellect and moral compass that are entirely unique.  I told Rox I didn't vote for her that first time.  When she's in a mood to tease me in a playful way, she reminds me about my lapse of faith.  She was right, I was wrong, and I've apologized as many times as I'm going to apologize.

So, Steve Bernard made the same mistake about Rox that I did.  He assumed...  When it came time for the new Commission to nominate one of its members to be the Mayor, someone (it had to have been Anderson or Childress) nominated Rox, she accepted the nomination, she, Anderson, and Childress elected her Mayor, and Bernard went on an unrelenting rampage, to punish Rox for not bowing and deferring to him, and anointing him as he expected.  If you weren't at those meetings, it's hard to envision the disruptiveness, overtalking, sniggling, sniping, and gross childishness Bernard and Cooper showed toward Rox, all meeting, every meeting.  I have no idea how Rox kept her composure.  It was not infrequent that she had to stop meetings for a several minute break.  These two children were totally out of control, and it was all aimed at Roxy Ross.  But she always looked forward, she never lost it (as anyone else in the world would have), and all she ever tried to do was make the Village "A Better Place to Be."  That was her slogan.

As another aside, there is no such thing as training to learn to be an elected representative.  People can become expert in particular areas that have implications for government functioning, or they can "major" in public policy or something.  But there is no curriculum anywhere that selects the best candidates, and provides the relevant education, for someone to be a good governor.  Roxy Ross is, by profession, a paralegal.  All paralegals know a great deal about the law, and Rox is an exceptionally talented and committed paralegal.  She is also breathtakingly well-organized.  She's patient, but she is not distractible.  She has a wonderful personal style.  Almost every good thing that has happened in BP since 2009 has happened because of the leadership or the support of Roxy Ross.  What creates the Roxy Ross we know is intelligence, raw talent, her personal style, and her innate ethical sense.  And Roxy is part of a team.  The other part of that team is Chuck Ross.

Chuck is a hoot.  It's the most obvious thing about him.  He's energetic, he's unrestrained, he's opinionated (and almost always right), and he makes things happen.  He's super smart, which makes the combination of him and Rox almost a bit scary.  They're both super smart.  Chuck, and Rox, are also deeply devoted.  Neither of them flinches from that devotion.  And the prime recipient of that devotion for the past +/- 13 years has been this Village.  It's been you and I.  They have each other, they both have day jobs, and they give the appearance of caring more about us than they do about anything or anyone else.

Rox had initially become active with the Recreation Advisory Board, and Chuck took over Citizens' CrimeWatch from his predecessor, Joe Chao.  As good a job as Joe did with CCW, Chuck exploded its relevance here.  I think he has quadrupled or quintupled the membership, created strong working alliances with a succession of police chiefs (until Tracy Truppman interrupted Chuck's success), and he made a name for himself in the county's CCW.  Chuck has won county awards for best CCW chairperson, I think more than once.  There seems to be no one, and no one's story, Chuck doesn't know.

Chuck is an accountant.  He's been amazingly helpful to Rox, and to us, in helping to analyze Village finances, and the Village books.  He's worked well with the succession of our Finance Directors, and they all value his contributions.  They say so publicly.

You know the story of Chuck's attempt to help David Hernandez, so we wouldn't be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in CITT money which we might have had to refund.  Had it not been for Chuck.  And Chuck has taken his share of flak, too, from a variety of unappreciative and/or embarrassed people.

Have you ever seen a movie called "Chef?"  2014, written and directed by Jon Favreau, and he's the star of it.  It's a really terrific movie, and parts of it are set in Miami.  Favreau's character is a spectacular chef in a restaurant owned by Dustin Hoffman's character.  A well-known critic, played by Oliver Platt, is coming to eat, and will write a review.  Platt's reviewer pans the meal, as well as Favreau's character, whom he had promoted enthusiastically some years before.  Favreau's character gets infuriated, and a Twitter pissing contest ensues.  Favreau's chef says he'll cook an entirely new menu, just for Platt's reviewer, on a date specified.  The restaurant is packed, waiting for the showdown.  Favreau's chef is going to innovate, but Hoffman's restaurant owner insists on presenting only the standards.  There's a showdown between the two of them, and Favreau's chef quits.  Platt's reviewer shows up for the challenge menu, finds the same old, same old, chuckles, and starts tweeting.  Favreau's chef comes storming back in to confront the smug and self-satisfied reviewer.  He yells at the reviewer, telling him how hard everyone works to provide a wonderful meal for patrons, how good the food really is, how the reviewer doesn't even understand the process and mechanics of creating the dishes, and how the reviewer just sits there, offering nothing, and taking pathetic pleasure in criticizing people who do what the reviewer can't do.

That's what Roxy and Chuck Ross have had to put up with from a number of us, and from some people who work for us.  Some of us, and some of our employees, have no concept at all about what makes excellent municipal functioning, and they wouldn't know it if it hit them in the face.  They're limited and wholly inadequate to the task, and all they can do is criticize people who do what they couldn't dream of doing.  They're too foolish and unappreciative to allow master craftspeople to take the lead.  But knowing Rox and Chuck as I do, I suspect they will retain much better and clearer memories of those of us who were grateful.

It's not that I will personally miss Roxy and Chuck Ross when they move to Gainesville.  They are extremely close friends to me, and of course I'll miss them.  What's at issue is that we -- the Village -- will miss them.  Many of us don't realize how much we'll miss them, and we won't know it while it's happening.  Their absence might be dramatically deflating, or it might be subtly deflating.  Some opportunities for vision and great functioning might continue, or come to us again some time.  We're very lucky to have Mac Kennedy and Art Gonzalez on the Commission now.  Unfortunately for us, the current majority of the Commission -- the three Commissioners who are not Mac and Art -- don't listen and follow along as they should.  They don't have enough sense, and they're too taken with themselves and what they imagine is some sort of personal accomplishment: being a Commissioner.  They don't know that their being a Commissioner is not about them.  It's about you.  It's about the Village where you live.  It's about making BP "A Better Place to Be," which is what Roxy and Chuck Ross worked hard and long to do every day, for years, and for free.


  1. If you’re going to miss the grand couple so much why don’t you move to Gainesville with them before you leave you need to help dismantle Biscayne Park write a letter to the governor

  2. Louis, I never received a copy of your email to the governor asking him to storm the log cabin and take over BP. Stop being so lazy and asking others to do the heavy lifting. Make the change yourself! Maybe Ronnie’ll name you Secretary of State of the new Republic of BP. You can dust off your Hot Dog King crown!!

  3. PS: When you write that email, may I suggest liberal use of periods and commas. Light on the exclamation points and umlauts.

  4. Dr. Jonas volunteered to do it Since you’re claim of being public official you can have Dan help you
    /husband I was checking into real estate tax there’s a better value for you and Dan/husband in Broward County the real estate taxes much lower is one particular neighborhood that is a good value to you which would be Wilton manners maybe you could bring your political experience and see if you could fix that broken city and pay less than real estate tax you paid way too much money for that house
    475 .000 needs all new windows has original bathrooms original floors it’s on a horrible block also houses all clustered together Poor judgment on that real estate purchase your taxes are almost $10,000 a year too much because you paid too much for the property dumb ass

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I never volunteered to ask your uncle Ron to take over BP. I never suggested we should unincorporate. I think it's an idiotic idea, as is (almost?) all of what you spout, and I told you that you are one of a few people who have had that idea with which almost no one agrees. So if this is your dream, and your crusade, you should take Mac's advice. You contact your uncle Ron. And if you express yourself with him in the same disorganized, unfocused way you do here, you won't get much of a hearing. Although something tells me he has about as much brain power as you do, so maybe he'll try to follow you for a little while. But do take John DH's advice, and go for a hint of punctuation. Not that any of your thoughts are worth paying attention to, but it's a nice convenience for your audience if they know where one ends, and the next begins. Although considering the content, maybe it doesn't really matter.


  5. Louie,

    I agree with you, Fred provides much more praise than we deserve, I hope you get your wish, and he joins us in Gainesville someday.

    I composed the paragraph below before I saw your comments posted on the blog.


    Thank you for your generous compliments, they really are over the top, but again thank you. Rox is certainly more deserving than I, in any case. I'm sure that Louie will weigh in and explain that Rox and I have been completely useless. I suspect, and this is pure speculation, one of his sources is Tracy. I don't understand why he doesn't move away if this is such a horrible place to live.

    Back to Steve. Just to confirm, I was the one that Steve used (underscore used) to help him with certain issues, most of which were related to Village finances and the related budget. Rox, had little interaction with him, and as you stated, he made certain assumptions before the election. Sometime, before Rox was elected I realized that Steve was taking unreasonable positions, obstructive, disruptive and dysfunctional as a Commissioner. After Rox became Mayor, Steve treated us like we were his worst enemies and never spoke to either one of us in a civil manner again.

    At some point later, other residents that supported Steve realized he had gone off the rails as well. Unfortunately, we had two years of Steve and Bryan vs the rest of the Commission, the then Manager Ana Garcia and BP in general.

    Art and Mac may be stuck with a 2-3 Commission, we will see how it plays itself out.

    1. Chuck,

      To say my comments were "over the top" is impressionistic and a little hyperbolic. Did I say anything that was incorrect?

      I know you and Rox really, really well. I know what Rox "brings to the table," and I know what you bring. Are you asking me to put the two of you on a scale, and decide which is "more deserving?" Not worth the trouble. As I said, you function as a team. The quarterback seems so prominent and uniquely valuable, until there isn't a good enough offensive line. Or the receivers don't have good enough skills. Which is more important?

      I'm only telling this to you, and I wouldn't tell it to Louie, but I really couldn't care less what he says, or what influences him to say it. He's got nothin'.

      Nor did Steve Bernard. Nor Bryan Cooper, nor Noah Jacobs, nor Barbara Watts, nor Tracy Truppman, nor any of her bobbleheads and stooges. All of these people are insignificant -- except that they were dysfunctional obstacles -- and none of them are worth remembering. Rox and you are unforgettable. As I said, if I was incorrect about anything I said about either of you, or if I misrepresented anything, you're more than welcome to point out what it was.


    2. By the way, Chuck, you don't have to say anything about your association with Steve Bernard. I wasn't criticizing you. I was just providing information, some of which many of our neighbors don't know (and some of it about me; I think many of our neighbors who know me and my feelings about Rox and you would be surprised to learn that I was very put off by the Cooper signs in your trunk, and that I didn't vote for Rox that first time she ran, because I wasn't sure any more where her allegiance was, even though she told me repeatedly). I have said before, and I will say again, I trust you and Rox implicitly. I trust either of you with anything. You are two of the best and smartest people I have ever known. I didn't say, and wouldn't say, that neither of you ever made a mistake, or never will. So have I, and I will again. Everyone makes mistakes. Ideally, mistakes are honest mistakes. What you described about the mistake you made letting Steve use you is clearly the description of an honest mistake. You meant well. And as soon as you concluded that what you were doing was a mistake, you corrected it. No one can fault you for any of that.

      When I was a Commissioner, I introduced a number of initiatives. Two of them that got zero traction were tasking P&P to make a median plan, and asking the Commission, at the request of one of our neighbors who was on a committee that researched this, to add the old bird and tree names to the street and avenue numbers on our streets (as they do in El Portal). When I say these proposals got zero traction, I mean no one, including Rox, agreed with me. In my opinion, these were a couple of what I think were Rox's mistakes. And we didn't discuss it. We didn't in the relevant meeting, and Rox and I have never mentioned it since. I just shrug off that Rox didn't agree with me, and some others of our neighbors, about some things, and I think she was wrong. But I don't hold it against her. She's an incredible human being, as are you, and she's entitled to make mistakes, which in my opinion is what she did. But she might still disagree with me. No problem.


  6. One would hope that every vote starts with a clean slate and clear brains. No preconceived notions here.

  7. But Fred also exaggerated to maximum explanation of the power couple call Chuck and Roxy let me begin with ladies first a paralegal has no legal training whatsoever she has no legal degree nor has she passed the Florida bar paralegal takes written instructions and works under an attorney to practice law and pass the Florida bar paralegal is strictly a glorified secretary so let’s get that straigh chuck to get to you I have no plans on moving ever my plan is to wait and see Biscayne Park be dismantled and as far as you being a CPA if you Google CPA nightmares more CPAs have gotten Lehman people working people and more financial trouble CPA is a very close minded people and ruin the multiple lives across the United States and you’re one of them good riddance to this useless power couple that claims to be superior than everyone else a paralegal glorified secretary and CPA that was around during the construction of the renovated log cabin A lot of mysterious things happen during the course of time and Chuck Ross was involved someday it’ll come to light Who sign for the mortgage note on the log cabin who initiated the loan for the log cabin on whose direction Chuck Ross I think going to Gainesville is more of an escape of what has transpired during the log cabin restoration

  8. Biscayne Park is a beautiful place to raise children great neighborhood perfect location The problem is it doesn’t have to have its own body of commissioners or mayor or public works it should be dismantled and let North Miami manage it because what’s going on now is not working and has been working for the last 30 years The sooner Biscayne Park is dismantled the sooner you’ll see Biscayne Park gain value in real estate public services better public works better sanitation We just need to get rid of the commissioners and mayors that been running Biscayne Park into the ground why can’t we have these commissioners surrender their phones tomorrow Mario Diaz cancel all cell phone contracts tomorrow and so can the mayor anyway Diaz is not going to be around maybe 60 days maybe but no more than 60 days

  9. Louie, I know you co-wrote a book about the rise of your Hot Dog business, what about the sequel, it's demise?

  10. I am compelled to write a little something and I don't think you are going to like it.

    I have been reading this blog for a time now, and I REALLY don't appreciate the public disparaging of, well, basically anyone. I see that you have strong feelings but it is divisive.

    Don't get me wrong, it's amusing, but that is it.

    I am going to take an unpopular stance (on this blog anyway). I know Steve Bernard and I like him. I like his whole family. Is he fallible? Yes, he is. Did he maybe do some things that were in his best interest? Possibly, I do not know. What I do know is that Steve worked tirelessly to protect Biscayne Park from the machinations of FPL and was successful. He worked everyone up (much like Mac is doing now) and he got us all to pay attention and see what was going on and take action. We were successful.

    As for Noah, very nice and smart guy. Should he have been Mayor? No. Why, you might ask? Mostly because he was monumentally uncomfortable to speak in public. I could see that clearly. That is his crime in my book.

    I am not going to speak of the others one by one, although I am friends with Barbara Watts and I think she is a great person, but unorganized.

    As to Chuck and Roxy, I disagreed with many of the things that Rox supported as Mayor. Was I wrong, I dont' know, maybe more time will tell. I think they are both great people and am very, very glad to have had their dedication in our Village for such a long time. Chuck in particular helped me personally during the recent FDOT debacle and I am forever grateful.

    Some of the other people you mentioned I didn't like personally or as Village officials. Many of the people you mentioned made decisions that I vehemently disagreed with. That is the world. That is human interaction.

    Bottom line is, I think you, Fred, spend a lot of time nursing personal grudges with people who may or may not deserve it. It doesn't read well with me. I also don't want you to stop because it is entertaining, is that wrong?

    Chuck and Rox, I am so very happy for you and I think the timing is perfect. Thank you for being dedicated and for me being able to see your dogs occasionally. I'm sure Gainesville will be a nicer place because of you.

    1. BrambleWitch,

      Everything you say is welcome. It's not a matter of liking or disliking your opinions and perspectives on things. Your views are as valid as are anyone else's.

      A lot of people liked Steve. Even more people liked Alice. And their kids were very well thought-of. Steve didn't promote anything that was in anyone's interest. He just liked to stir things up, and get people upset. He's like Donald Trump in that he likes to trash everyone else, so he's he last one standing. I watched a lot of his shenanigans. He was fine with anyone, as long as they went along with him. As soon as anyone resisted, he attacked. He was completely "unsuccessful" in his crusade against FPL. He hatched an idiotic idea that we should not participate in the franchise agreement, which cost us nothing, and which we very much need, and we ignored him, and signed up again. I don't know if he had an opinion about the concrete poles, but his flock (people like Barbara Watts and Noah Jacobs) did, and we allowed those poles (which we probably couldn't have blocked anyway). I have spoken to more than one person who said they were initially opposed to the poles, but once the poles were in, and became essentially invisible, and prevented the power from going out, the BP residents were glad those poles were here.

      I've heard people say Noah was smart. I know him to be nasty. If there was a smart aspect of Noah, I never got to see it. Noah burst onto the BP scene at Steve's encouragement, because Noah was whining about a concrete power poll. Noah had no experience or insight about BP matters, and he had no business being on the Commission, much less as the mayor. He may have been uncomfortable with public speaking, but that was not his only problem on the Commission. It was not his biggest problem.

      I have had moments of liking Barbara, too. She's certainly, as you say, unorganized. But she can have a cute or charming quality. She just was never about anything, BP-wise. Her personal agenda had little or nothing to do with the Village. She also had a short attention span and a short temper. I invited Barbara out to a concert one night. We had dinner together, too. I had a nice time with her. When she permits it, she can be a nice person.

      As I said, your thoughts and opinions are of value. I'm sorry you didn't choose to specify which of Rox's initiatives you disagreed with. Rox and I didn't always agree, either, and I gave you specifics. Feel free to say more.

      Also, please say more about the people about whom you think I'm unfair. Let's discuss. If I agree with you, I'll apologize, and I'll knock it off. I don't generally bother with personal grudges. They don't interest me. But I'm very assertive when someone else's personal grudge with me impairs functioning, for me or for the Village. I'll go to the mat over that any time.


  11. Well I say goodbye to Chuck and Rosse not sure if they’re going away party happened but a good place to plan it would be the Palace on Ocean Drive Mac/husband Dan is well aware of the place they know the owners they’re always there on the weekends Michael get a discount on food and beverage for you goodbye truck by Rossey

  12. The palace address is 1052 Ocean Dr. South Beach check with Mac /Dan husband their frequent customers Fred you should go along very entertaining

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Louis, WTF are you talking about? Do you just type random words, like a chimpanzee at a piano trying to land on Mozart? I think, in your rambling way, you're attempting to be homophobic by attaching "gay places" (The Palace, Wilton Manors) to the gay guys. Be a more interesting and original homophobe, please. Up your game. I'm almost 60 years old, and I've swatted away much more adept homophobes/closet cases in my time. Just yesterday, I read the most hysterical email written by a village resident to our police chief complaining about the flowers I put on my campaign signs. She lamented that my next election strategy would be to put pictures of drag queens on my signs. If we can thank Trump for anything, it's that he invited the vampires in our society from the shadows into the light for us all to see for what they are.

  15. I have a right to my opinion freedom of speech you goddamn jack ass you should resign as a commissioner you’re wasting time talk too much at the meetings A lot of people in Biscayne Park don’t like you and your inner thoughts you should surrender that cell phone immediately you’ve called me six or seven times on it you’ve emailed me over 50 times during the campaign about you and Dan resign as a commissioner it’s all about Mac Milton is right about you the snowflake syndrome right on point you’re the worst commission of possible for Biscayne Park something tells me you’re profiting from being a commission of Biscayne Park Convincing Diaz to contact Waste Pro but what purpose did doing an excellent job why rock the boat who’s going to pick up the garbage if they leave Biscayne Park you and Dan goddamn jack ass

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," you certainly do have a right to say what you like.

      I am the founder/creator of this blog, and I am the administrator of it. I am asking you to stop posting comments here. You add nothing, and you are simply rude. There is no meaningful thought process. There is no usable content. Please stop. No one is interested in your name-calling and your insults, explicit or implicit.

      I say what I think here, as do the other people who either author posts or make comments, and we all try to be at least relevant, and rational. No one expects to be agreed with completely, and there is always plenty of room for discussion, and disagreement. Your sputterings are not at that level. You are either tragically immature, or you have some version of mental problems. Please keep to yourself whatever is on your mind. It is of no interest or value to anyone else. Really, Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king." Please just go away. As Chuck Ross said to you a day or so ago, it sounds like you're very unhappy in BP, and you should really move somewhere else. Whether or not you do that, I am requesting that you spare readers of this blog from having to read the moronic and impossibly constructed nonsense you spew. Please stop, Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king." Please go away.

    2. Go back to Boston old man send some time with your children You’re still very angry because you lost the election it shows and all your posts you have nothing to offer to Biscayne Park community time to go back to your own family

  16. You shouldn’t be persuading or convincing Diaz the new city manager to keep contacting Waste Pro stop it waste Pro is doing an excellent job mind your own goddamn business Diaz is going to end up losing his job because of you

  17. Lots of notes, but still not Mozart.
    Are you the freakazoid with overly dyed, jet-black hair who showed up at my front door one day when I wasn't here and verbally accosted my husband, refusing to identify himself, leaving only after he threatened to call the police?

  18. Not me tell. Dan could be one of many of your neighbors that are not in agreement with you you should make that sell phone bill public record so all Biscayne Park residence could see who you calling can’t be all about business for Biscayne Park on that cell phone you’re using it for personal use surrendered his cell phone immediately along with all the billing details

  19. Get your facts correct I’ve never been to your house but in the contrary you’ve been to my property making a false statement to the police you will lose your commission seat Milton is correct snowflake syndrome rips within you

  20. It was a question, not a fact. We've had a few oddballs show up here unannounced.
