Tuesday, June 9, 2020

I'm Mad at John Oliver. But This is Excellent.

Actually, I love John Oliver.  But I got mad at him last year, because there was a lot of MeToo stuff going on, and he interviewed Dustin Hoffman, who had been accused of sexy talk from many years ago, and Hoffman tried to explain that he didn't do anything to anyone, and it was common culture back then (engaged in by males and females on movie sets), and Oliver cut him off, saying he simply chose to believe whatever any woman said about Hoffman.  I thought Oliver was very unfair, and I have a general and categorical aversion to anything that ignores context.  So I vowed not to watch or listen to Oliver any more.  I thought he was being indirectly dishonest.

But someone sent me this link, and it's pretty -- forgive the awful pun -- arresting.  This is the kind of fantastic work Oliver and his writers typically do.

This is a whole show, and it's 33 minutes long.  I'm just warning you.  I would only add to this that Kamala Harris, who was a prosecutor, said a day or two ago that it is very hard to convict police, because people tend to want to believe whatever the police say.  I'm sure Harris must have seen various videos, including the one of the assassination of George Floyd, and I guess she doesn't think even that will "trump" the defensive argument from the police.  I wouldn't know.  She probably would.


PS: I'm sorry these blog links are not "live," so they'll display as blue, and you can just click on them to watch whatever it is.  You have to cut and paste the URL.  If anyone knows that blogpost links can be made "live," and can tell me how to do it, I'll be grateful.

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