Saturday, June 20, 2020

I Think David Raymond Has a Dilemma.

If you don't know David Raymond, he's one of our neighbors.  He lives with his wife, Amy, on 9th Avenue at the corner of 116th St.  David and Amy moved here a few years or so ago, and they've both become involved with the Village.  Amy's claim to fame is that she's part of the Art Advisory Board.  They generally come to (or now watch on ZOOM) meetings, and they're reasonably thoughtful and generous with their opinions.

David has been part of an informal discussion about the fact that our current Commission has stopped functioning with respect to finding a qualified, properly credentialed, and appropriately experienced manager.  As a frame of reference, David was one of the people who offered to help David Hernandez find CITT-related documentation, and David H refused David R's help.  This is not as crazy as how David H handled the help he got from Chuck Ross, but it's still pretty crazy.  David H has done nothing about the CITT problem, he appears incapable of doing anything about it, and he should be starving for any help he can get.  David R, by the way, has extensive government experience.

Before I go on, let me clarify something I said.  I said David H did nothing about the CITT problem.  In fact, he did do one thing: he got an extension on the deadline for us to produce documentation.  But he didn't look for any more documentation, and he won't let anyone help him.  It's sort of like getting a stay of execution, so you can bolster your defense, but doing nothing to bolster your defense.  So all that happens is that instead of being executed this month, your big victory is that you get executed in a month or two.  But still...

Not that you could possibly have failed to notice this, but I've been what you call all over the Commission to start a search for a proper new manager.  And I'm not the only one.  That's where David R comes in.  David R has decided to stimulate a petition "to ask the Commission to immediately commence [I don't split infinitives, but David R apparently does]...the process of hiring a qualified, experienced permanent Village manager."  David says he's "hoping to use the 'right to be heard' provision in the Charter" as his standing.  David's e-mail address starts with obewan, so he obviously thinks of himself as supernaturally composed.  Very Zen-like, you know?  To me, a petition with 100-200 Village residents' endorsements is more like a demand than a request, but this is how David put it.

David then specifies that he wants to start with an e-mail list of Village residents, and this will, according to David, result in signed documents, which will be sent back to David, and he will then print them out, and present them.  I myself am not sure how this kind of technology works, but David seems to have some scheme in mind.

David sent this idea to six people, myself included.  He wants us to help him get signatures, or find people willing to join the request/demand/complaint.  He says he's not asking anyone to go door-to-door, but he'd like us to distribute "it" to any Village resident who might sign and return "it."  But it's still not clear to me what "it" is.  It started out being called a "petition," then sounded like it was online or via e-mail, and then again sounded like a physical object.  So I'm a little lost.

At the end of David's request of the six of us, he reminded us that "things are going to continue to [deteriorate].  Can you imagine," David asked rhetorically, "what our finances will look like next year, with these folks in charge?  They can't even construct a sentence, or spell."  And David is exactly right about everything he said or imagined.  We started out in trouble, which quickly became deep trouble, and it's getting worse.  We have an interim manager who doesn't know what he's doing, and a Commission majority who don't know what they're doing, either.  And they all support each other.  It's really, really important that we get this to change.  The easiest change is to get a proper manager.  The next change we can hope for is that Will Tudor will 1) not run again, and/or 2) not get re-elected.  After that, it would be great if Commissioners had better sense than to re-elect Ginny O'Halpin as mayor, and if Ginny and Dan Samaria either settled into a minority, where they can't do any damage, or resigned.  Dan was actually OK for his first two years, when he was getting help from the right people.  But he's stopped consulting them, and no one knows whence he gets his material any more.  It's pretty bad stuff.

But in the meantime, we need the Commission to do its job, which is to use the proper procedure to deal with the fact that we have an interim manager.  This is our fourth time with an interim manager, and in the past, we knew what to do about it.  Now, we have a Commission majority and interim manager that "function" like four chickens with their heads cut off, and it's going to cost us increasing adaptation and money.

So, here's what I recommend.  I don't know what David R really wants to do about a "petition."  But you don't need one.  You can write to the Commissioners.  They are Virginia O'Halpin (vohalpin@___), Mac Kennedy (mkennedy@___), Roxy Ross (rross@____), Dan Samaria (dsamaria@____), and Will Tudor (wtudor@____).  After the @ comes for all of them.  You can write one e-mail, and address it to all of them.

I'm still waiting for David R to tell me if he wants me to publish his e-mail address and/or phone number.  If he does, I will.  But until then, please tell your Commissioners to start the search for a proper manager.  It's clear they don't think David H is a proper manager.  If they did, they'd start the search, then hire David.  They can do that.  But they know that with appropriate comparison, David H comes in somewhere around last.  Why they want to continue to bet on a losing horse is a mystery.  But they're betting your/our money.


  1. Would love to know what makes you an expert in government affairs... David H is a seasoned professional w 27 years experience. Maybe a session with a therapist would assist with your small man issues.

    1. I'm a seasoned professional with about 38 years experience as a doctor. May I perform bypass surgery on your heart?

    2. By the way, Anonymous (you really feel a need to hide, huh?), for purpose of discussion, you can set aside all the mistakes and attitude problems David H has committed. Although I think David H would make a poor manager (I've already witnessed it, so I'm not just guessing), I wasn't asking that he be fired as the interim manager. I, and others, have asked for the entirely normal and accustomed process of finding a properly qualified permanent manager from among potential applicants. This is what we should do under any circumstance. Even if we were all completely delighted with David H. And I have said that to the Commission: start the search we should be doing, receive applications, then hire David H, if you conclude he's better than, or at least as good as, everyone else. But as I said in my last paragraph, the Commission knows he's not qualified, with proper credentials and experience, and that he's no match for real applicants. That's why they won't pit him against anyone else. They know he'll lose. The question really is why the majority of the current Commission wants to hang onto an inferior (by their own apparent estimation) manager. The only answer I can think of is that they themselves know they, too, are incompetent, and they would not know how to choose a proper manager. Maybe they're afraid they'll make a mistake (although they don't seem to mind the mistake they already made), and they don't want to be held responsible.

      Do you live in BP? Are you aware that these Commissioners, and David H, are taking your money? And for this?

  2. A Doctor is not a qualified government critic . My heart beats and feels. Your services are not needed. Your hate and anger that you carry in yours.... surely needs some looking into.

  3. Ya gotta love people who actually think anything they say will be taken seriously when they don't even have the guts to own their comments.
    The number of years someone has spent in government has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether or not they have the qualifications and temperament for a particular position. I worked at the Herald for 31 years. That doesn't mean I could run a press.

    1. You gotta love professionals who criticize and demean other professionals... with pure enthusiasm and venom. Ted Bundy was a professional. Dr Fred ... see where I’m going with this. Be part of a solution and not the problem .

    2. To be perfectly honest with you, Anonymous, no, I don't know where you're going with this. I don't know what your point is, and I doubt you know what your point is.

      For example, you've said two things that have no meaning. One is that David Hernandez is qualified to do what he's doing. What are his qualifications? Apart from the fact that he's been doing something for 27 years, what qualifies him to be a municipal manager? What are the qualifications for that position? Whatever they are, does he have them? How do you know? And is everyone who's been around government good at functioning in it? Is there such a thing as someone who has some amount of training and experience, but isn't good at it? Why do they give tests in school? Isn't it enough that the students were registered in the class, and attended?

      Second, you talk about "a qualified government critic." What is a "qualified government critic?" What qualifies someone to criticize the government? I will tell you that almost no one in government is "qualified" to be what they are. They come from all walks of life, and essentially none of them are trained to be elected representatives. Because there's no such thing as training to be an elected representative. (There's some training that's offered to people who were already elected to be representatives, but it is not required to take the training.) So who is qualified to criticize the government, and what qualifies them? Are they qualified to vote for someone? Are they qualified to decide they don't like the elected representative, and vote for someone else next time?

      And finally, as Janey says, why don't you even have the "courage of your convictions" enough to identify yourself? Don't you suppose that what you say is discounted, because you're too cowardly to be a full part of the conversation? (It is.) And that's on top of the fact that what you say is inane. So it's a pretty deep discount.

    3. You are the problem. Period.

  4. By the way, Anonymous, David H holds an "interim" position in BP. The interim position he holds here has always in the past meant we immediately go about finding a permanent replacement. David was not chosen because he was "qualified." He was no in any sense vetted. There is no reason to assume he's qualified. Also, it happens that David is not doing a good job at his interim position.

    I, and others, have pressed the Commission to search for a properly qualified, and adequately vetted, person to relieve David of his interim assignment. I want someone who will know what they're doing better than David does, and who will do a better job.

    Doesn't that make me part of the solution? Do you want to reconsider who the "problem" is? It appears to be the Commission that is not doing its job, David, who is not doing a good job at his interim assignment, and cheerleaders/enablers/subversives like you. Whoever you are.

    There's a reason the Commission will not submit David to competition, and that you won't reveal who you are. And I suspect it's the same reason for both.

    1. Let’s get back to the subject at hand. Your arrogance and demeanor are grotesque. There are ways of handling things and demeaning others in a spotlight is typical of someone w your character flaws. You are quite aware of that though. Karma.... good day

    2. We have a significant functional problem in the Village (various people not doing their jobs), and a procedural problem (the Commission not doing its job). I don't see that anything you have said either resolves or even addresses either of those problems. You seem instead to have treated yourself to a weird detour in which you change the subjects entirely, and just criticize me. As if I had anything to do with this.

      Now, you did say that David H was a "seasoned professional with 27 years experience" in something you didn't specify (and about which you possibly don't know). If you think that all of this amounts to that David is actually doing a fine job, you should say so. And give examples. But even if you do that, you fail to address the procedural problem, which is that David is an interim manager, and the fact of our having an interim manager means that the Commission has an urgent task, which is to find a permanent manager. They're not doing it. They're failing us. Why is that OK with you?
