Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Truth Behind Biscayne Park Pride

Well, it looks as if the Bernard/Jacobs/Whitfield team were burning the midnight oil in producing their latest smear attack, emailed @ 1:23am this morning.  

I’m not sure how they are getting this sent out as their email address; has been shut down by Yahoo for abusing their SPAM laws.
<This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] ->
But this violation will only be added to what has now become a long and growing list of others.
This will be our last Biscayne Park stand-alone local municipal election on December 3rd. So, this full court press will likely be their last ditch attempt to control both our elections and their majority hold. 

There is a great amount of fear and desperation over two candidates coming from the Bernard/Jacobs/Whitfield team. (Correction, that should read the Bernard/Jacobs team as Whitfield is only an obedient puppet in this matter) 

Steve has once again successfully found a marginal resident with a bone to pick. Geez, it’s like a sixth sense with him. You see, Whitfield likes to live in squalor and is against any code enforcement. See, it’s easy to manipulate the uninvolved and uninformed. Especially when they have no interest in speaking, or in this case, writing the truth.  

From self-proclaimed Village Dispatch Kelvyn Whitfield: When questioned about the lies contained in his emails he responded that he “didn’t care” if the information was correct or not. (That sounds a lot like Gaspar doesn’t it?) When pushed to disclose who had put him up to this he stated "I don't have to tell you" and that “he is not a child.” 

Let’s all just take a look at the drivel that has come from the Biscayne Park Pride group: 

Email #1) Anonymous: Subject- Adult anti-bullying. This one was so ridiculous that I won’t waste any time on it other than to say “pot… meet kettle.”

Email #2) Anonymous: Subject Pro annexation- see below. A likely cover up piece.

Email #3) Whitfield: Attack on the Jonas-Ross Ticket (whatever that is supposed to be)

Email #4) Whitfield: “see above”

Email #5) Whitfield: “see above”

For some strange reason, Harvey, David, “Noah” and Manny have not fallen under the ire of Biscayne Park Pride. Nope, their focus is squarely on Fred and Rox. 

Could it be as transparent as that Rox was chosen among her peers to serve as Mayor over Steve? And that Fred has been critical about exposing Steve and his hand-picked commissioners? 

Nov. 2, 2013: “I hope he and his agents will stop attacking citizens and Candidates, knowing how it divides us as a Village. The facts should be enough to make decisions.” 

Steve Bernard

Steve, you’re a FRAUD! I find it typical that neither you nor any of “your agents” have rebutted any of the points I have made in my Man Behind the Curtain series. What’s wrong Steve…can’t combat the facts? Is hiding behind Whitfield the best you can come up with? Do you think that our residents don’t see you for what you are? 

Okay so let’s wrap up this Anonymous Biscayne Park Pride nonsense for once and for all.  

1)    Noah has the exact same type of Constant Contact account as has been used by the “anonymous” Biscayne Park Pride. Both used Village Hall’s address. Posing as an official arm of the Village constitutes a fraud. THIS IS FACT.

2)    Nov. 20th- Anonymous email #1 posted negative and libelous comments about one Candidate and current Commissioner. A candidate may not, with actual malice, make any false statement about an opposing candidate. (Section 104.271, F.S.) FACT.

3)    Noah has already been linked to Jo Schwenckert in Arizona. She requested the email addresses for ALL Commissioners and also for Crime Watch. P.S. Noah went to Arizona State University. They’re friends on Facebook.  This list is what has been used in these spam emails sent from “Biscayne Park Pride.” FACT.

4)    Nov. 22nd-Anonymous email #2, sent titled Why, Mr. Mayor? This looks to be nothing more than a diversion to attempt to cover up tracks from email #1. These emails are being investigated by Constant Contact as they are in violation of their anti-spam and privacy laws. The Yahoo email address used by Biscayne Park Pride has been closed for being used for spam. Yet another violation. FACT.

5)    Nov. 22nd-Noah then sent out his plea using his Constant Contact account stating I need your help. I need walkers, and talkers. I'm being accused of things, I've never done nor would I do. Without your help, Biscayne Park will end up with commissioners that none of us want.” Noah clearly cannot speak for the “wants” of all of our residents.

6)    Nov. 26th- A change of strategy due to mounting pressure and fear of exposure. A rambling and nonsensical diatribe against now two Candidates running was issued from non-voting resident and self-proclaimed Village Dispatch Kelvyn Whitfield. When questioned about the lies contained in his email he responded that he “didn’t care” if the information was correct or not. When pushed to disclose who had put him up to this he stated "I don't have to tell you" and that “he is not a child.”  FACT.

7)    Nov. 27th- We were treated to yet another attack on the same two Candidates mentioned from Kelvyn on Thanksgiving. This ridiculous tripe suggested, “Happy Thanksgiving (that is, if you do not have a huge concrete FPL pole in front of your house -- planted in our Village courtesy of the Ross-Jonas Team. Seriously, we hope you are having a happier Thanksgiving than those who now live with what Roxanna Ross and Fred Jonas -- two candidates for election -- supported. Please, think before you vote this December 3rd.” And in closing, Kelvyn made a veiled threat that if any “sane voter” would indeed vote for the Ross-Jonas team, we would possibly all end up with huge concrete poles in our front yards. FACT.

8)    Dec.1st- Just more of the same.

These pathetic, libelous and desperate emails are all the results of our own apathy during the previous elections and in allowing a divisive element to gain control of the majority of our Commission. THIS NEEDS TO STOP AND STOP NOW! 

Use your OWN COMMON SENSE AND GOOD JUDGEMENT with what you’ve learned! It will be up to YOU to either endorse or remove this malignant movement from within our community.

We can now expect the traditional Election eve anonymous smear handouts to circulate our Village soon. Expect more of the same of what has been described above to be hanging on your door. Don’t be duped into believing anything posted from any cowardly anonymous source. Their tactic is to distribute their venom just before Election Day so not to allow time for discussion or rebuttal.  Now know and beat them at their own game. Be Better than this! Ask your questions… call any candidate in question for their side of the story. Find the truth. Get the answers for yourself!

Fred’s number: (305) 891-5030

Rox’s number:  (305) 710-0620

That or we shall all suffer the consequences.


Milton Hunter
Biscayne Park Resident


  1. From Steve Bernard: Noah Jacobs has been our Mayor for the last two years, and has brought about significant change in resident's rights, including accurate minutes (including resident's comments) for those who don't have time to attend meetings, but still want to be made aware of what transpires. Perhaps most important, as Mayor he has made it his goal to give everyone a voice, even to those who have unfairly and without basis attacked him.

    "Unfairly and without basis?" Can you read Steve? See above. There is plenty of "basis." I suppose you've deluded yourself for so long you no longer can see facts from fantasies.

    1. Yes, it is a double self-delusion: that positive and constructive change has occurred, and that critics have no basis for their criticisms. Minutes are not in fact more accurate. The are less accurate, or differently inaccurate. As is said in testing and quiz settings, the more you say, the more opportunity there is for error. The advice is to be direct and say as little as possible to answer the question. So with "expanded" minutes, that depend of the Clerk's guess or interpretation as to what transpired, we have seen increasing error. What is remarkable is the lack of concern over those errors from the very people, such as Jacobs, who complained of inaccuracy.

      The pervasive and persistent arrogance, of Jacobs as well as Bernard and Cooper, leads always to the conclusion that anyone who disagrees, or even has a different opinion, must be being disruptive or baselessly critical. It's a tired old song that these people who have absolutely nothing to offer never tire of singing. And in pursuit of repression of opposing views, Jacobs has worked hard to keep his critics silent. Not at all like the assertion of giving everyone a voice.


  2. Incidentally, Bryan Cooper is now circulating an effort to try to get Roxy Ross removed from office. Among his bizarre allegations is that she tried to suppress residents who wanted to speak at meetings, and have them removed by the police. The fact is that no one, not "RAC," the "Jonas-Ross team," or any other imaginary affiliation has ever tried to remove a Commissioner from office, or suppressed residents who wanted to express themselves at Commission meetings. Only Steve Bernard's spawn, in the people of Bryan Cooper, Noah Jacobs, and Barbara Watts, have ever moved to do anything like that. The only Mayor in anyone's memory who tried to evict a resident from a meeting, or stifle one who was trying to speak his mind in his legitimate self-defense, was Noah Jacobs. But as we have seen time after time, facts and reality are only inconveniences and minor obstacles in the crusades of Bernard, Cooper, Jacobs, and Watts.


    1. Just consider the source Fred... consider the source.

  3. I read this earlier when it was new, but didn't comment. It's an excellent post, and now that the hustle and bustle of the election is behind us, I think we should re-focus attention on the shady/fraudulent/illegal "Village Dispatch" email list and messages. Who created it, what aspects were legal, was the request for email lists made with false intentions, who authored the posts, etc. The same posts could have been made by a legitimate person using a legitimate email address and a distribution list of interested subscribers (whether you agree with the content or not). The steps taken in reality were questionable and cowardly.

    1. Hi Brian,
      I’m glad that you got something out of my post and research. I think at this point, those behind the "Biscayne Park Pride and Village Dispatch" is rather transparent. (funny how that cuts both ways isn’t it?)

      Motivations and intentions were not cleverly concealed. As mentioned in another post, “Those who build their foundation based on lies and deceit, rarely stand for long. This was clearly proven yesterday. Their strategy of attempting to smear others as opposed to discussing their own views and ideas simply backfired.

      They exceeded their reach in their arrogance belief of influence.”

      I agree with you in that their strategy was both questionable and cowardly. But, now that the Elections are behind us, I feel that we should bury the axe and all work towards supporting what hopefully will be a constructive and vibrant Commission.
