Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Thank You, Jared.

You've heard this ad nauseam.  You've heard it from Ray Atesiano, you've heard it from Chuck Ross, and you've heard it from me.  If you see something that doesn't look right, call the police.

A couple of weeks ago, Jared Susi didn't like what he saw.  Someone was driving oddly, going too slow, looking around, weaving in the street.  So Jared did the right thing.  But first, he did the wrong thing.

Jared approached the driver to ask him what he was doing, and if he had any questions or needed anything.  I'm happy to report that the driver drove away, and did not accost, attack, or shoot Jared.

But Jared still didn't like what he had seen, and he had a sneaking bad feeling about it.  So he called our BP police.  When our police finally tracked the driver to his BP destination, they found a meth lab and a marijuana distribution system inside.  They found money, watches, and two guns.

The police made arrests, and we are now free of two felonious renters.  And their customers or distribution agents.

Now Jared.  Please don't confront people.  You're bigger than I am, but you might not be bigger than mischief-makers.  And if they're intent on making serious mischief, maybe they're carrying guns.  We want to keep you as a neighbor, Jared.  We're not interested simply in remembering you.

Having said that, and scolded you (you do feel scolded, don't you, Jared?), let me express my, and our, gratitude for your keen sense of something that was just not right, and for your quick call to our police.  You hit the nail precisely on the head.

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