Saturday, July 6, 2024

Who Has Less Self-Awareness, Insight, and Perspective Than Joe Biden?

Last night's interview with George Stephanopoulos wasn't as bad as the debate on Thursday of last week.  But it wasn't very good.  Biden realized the debate didn't go well, but he didn't seem to realize things weren't going well last night.  And he thinks he's "the guy" (who can make great things happen, and stabilize a treacherous world).  He seems to think he's all powerful, and can make good and adaptive things happen, by dint of his wonderful powers.

It was frankly a bad look, and the fact that Chapter 2 wasn't as bad as Chapter 1 isn't reassuring.  I and a number of other people thought he should have packed it in last week.  At one point, he tried to excuse himself by saying he just needs more sleep, and he should go to sleep at 8:00 PM.  If he stays up later than that, or is called upon to address an urgent middle-of-the-night situation, then what?  He's unreliable?

So, back to the question which is the title of this post: who's less self-aware, less insightful, and has less perspective than that?  And to make matters worse, who has less understanding, and at some level doesn't care about the outcome, the country, or the world (Stephanopoulos asked Biden how he would feel if he stayed in the race, and lost, and Biden said he'd be at peace, because he'd know he gave it his best shot, as if this was just about him), than Biden?

Who has even less self-awareness, less insight, less perspective, a more inflated self-concept, and cares even less about the outcome for everyone else, but himself?

It's not a remotely hard question to answer.  And as bad as Biden performed and looked, he's vastly better than the alternative.

More and more people with political weight and influence are now being more direct with Biden, and letting him know that he did a great job, but it's over.  I have no information as to what his family, advisors, and friends are telling him after last night.  But the clock is ticking, and if anyone is to replace Biden on the Democrat ticket, they're going to need time to establish themselves as the primary candidate, articulate a platform (will they be moderate, left of center, farther left, "Progressive?"), and campaign.  Obviously, the easiest replacement would be Harris, but only if she's the old Harris -- the former prosecutor, the Senator with the laser focus, the no fucking around -- and not the newer, cute/sweet girl, don't make too many waves Harris who emerged in the 2020 primaries.  The old Harris plus Newsom, Buttigieg, Raskin, Warren, Bennett, or a number of other possibilities?  Oh, yeah.

This country, and the world, are badly damaged by Trump, McConnell, and now the Supreme Court.  Four more years will finish us all off.

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