Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Once Again, Donnie Trump is Right.

I've seen two versions of Kamala Harris.  The first one was when she was a Senator from California, and she was grilling SCOTUS nominees.  She was intense, focused, eminently knowledgeable, unwavering from the essential issues, and, if I had been a SCOTUS nominee whose record and qualifications she doubted, frankly terrifying.  She decided to run for president, and she was my first choice.

Then, I saw the other version of Kamala Harris.  She seemed more timid, cute and girly, and the whole vibe of being commanding and in charge was gone.  It's true the DNC had already decided to spotlight Biden, and give him any advantage they could, and he had the support of the voters, and maybe she was cleverly angling for the VP choice, which she got.  But I was very disappointed, and she wasn't my first choice any more.

But now, that prosecutor, that tiger, has been unleashed again.  She's all that, and everything else, too.  And everyone knows it.  Watch the video of Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, who gets warned by a Fox host (!)  GOP Senator Gets Called Out On Fox News Over 'Ding Dong' Insult | HuffPost Latest News.  Watch Brian Cohen and his video BREAKING: Trump FINALLY responds to Kamala’s debate challenge (youtube.com).  Someone asks Harris if she thinks Trump is afraid to debate her.  She says "he should be."

And Trump is hiding and running as scared as possible.  As Cohen points out, Trump is all about a two-dimensional image that isn't true.  He's not a tough guy.  If his mommy was still alive, he'd be hiding behind her skirt, holding on to her legs.  Debate Kamala Harris, who has come back to her powerful self?  Step into the cage with her?  Suicide is quicker and less painful.  And suicide is what little Donnie is working on.  He was dying for a piece of Joe Biden, and he'd take as many shots as anyone would give him.  Kamala Harris?  Um...no.

Everybody can see it, and everybody gets it.  Donnie is like whatever person puts comments on this blog, but insists upon calling him- or herself  "Anonymous."  Make moronic and irrelevant cracks, and know that everyone knows who you are, and is laughing at you?  It doesn't sound like a good plan.  "Uncle Donnie, what should I do?"  "Hide, kid.  Some places are very unsafe for weak people who got nothin'.  I wouldn't even debate other Republicans, because they're all smarter and stronger than I am.  I took a chance with Biden, because I had a sense he was weak. You make sure to keep calling yourself 'Anonymous,' and I'm staying way out of Kamala Harris' way.  If you and I are not careful, we're both going to get hurt.  I was lucky.  My ear got grazed by a gunshot wound from one of my own supporters.  Getting in the cage with Kamala Harris would be a lot worse.  I'd get laughed at for the rest of my life.  And so would you if you let people know who you are."

So, Donnie is absolutely right to give a very wide berth to dealing with Harris.  Unfortunately for him, it just cements the image of him as a meaningless child.  But the worst that can happen is he'll lose an election, again, and complain that he didn't really lose it, and was robbed.  Maybe he can find 65 more judges who will tell him again to knock it off.  At his age, it's way too late to tell him to grow up.  He's got a carefully chosen SCOTUS and Aileen Cannon to try to protect him, but that's about all he's got left.


  1. I so agree with you about Kamala Harris. At first I thought she was giggly and unserious but now I see the strong tiger in her unleashed. She's tough and smart and I hope she wins

  2. That is absolutely false that in hospitals today in the United States,, a woman can have an abortion right up to the last second before birth. That does not occur. And in 35 years of practicing medicine, I have never seen it nor have I ever heard about it.

    1. Dave, in support of your long experience in the OR, I will tell you that statistics show that 93% of abortions occur in the first trimester (that's about 14 weeks), and 6% more -- that gets us to 99% --occur by the 20th week. Essentially all the rest are fetuses that are found to be hopelessly defective, and will not live much past birth, and ones that have already died.

      Donnie, who has never uttered a true word in his life, claims there are abortions just on the cusp of birth, or even after birth (so he's imagining executions, not abortions -- you can't prevent from happening [abort] something that already happened --, which is a curious complaint of his, since he's not opposed to executions. And if he specified that these executions he fantasizes were not preceded by a proper legal process, he rejects legal processes, too, at least when he's the losing party.). He makes this shit up. You've never seen nor heard about it because it doesn't happen.

      PS: Although I have written about this before, that's not what this particular post is about.

  3. Let me be clear, "Anonymous," you cowardly and meaningless infant. I will always answer your questions, never delete them, and have any conversation you like, as soon as you grow up and identify yourself. Until you do, you are worthless, and certainly not worth the bother of trying to have a discussion with. Have I made myself clear...yet...or is this still ambiguous to you?
