Saturday, July 20, 2024

Overpowering Campaign Strategy Advice

We have to start by taking a step, or three, back.  Donnie Trump originally claimed that had he been in office, Putin would never have attacked the Ukraine.  Later, he said we should leave the matter alone, stop helping the Ukraine, and let Putin win.  Now, he says that he can get the Russians out of the Ukraine.  We would clearly have to factor in that Donnie is an inveterate liar, which makes it impossible to know what, if anything, he ever has in mind, but two out of his three pronouncements are in favor of preserving the Ukraine, or never having had it attacked in the first place.  And his two civilized pronouncements depend on his influence with one of his boyfriends, Vlad Putin, who Donnie says will do whatever Donnie wants him to do.  Hey, that's what the best of boyfriends are for.

Then, there's the matter of Evan Gershkovich, a journalist no one believes is guilty of anything, but whom Vlad tried, convicted, and sentenced in private, and whom Donnie likewise says he can get sprung as soon as he gets elected.

But Donnie is handicapped by the self-inflicted problem of his continual lying, not to mention mind-numbing irrelevant rambling, and it's very likely that few, if any, people believe that he has the influence and magical powers he asserts.

So Donnie can end any doubt, and get real.  All he has to do is contact Vlad right now, tell him to knock off the invasion of the Ukraine, and release Gershkovich.

If Donnie does that, the public will see that Donnie's strutting and self-aggrandizement were real, and they'll be more likely to vote for him.

I could reach out to Donnie's campaign, and offer to accept a paid position as a campaign strategist (and then give Donnie this slam-dunk advice), but since Donnie is well known and infamous for hiring people, and then stiffing them, then I couldn't expect to get paid anyway.  So the advice might as well be free.  Which it is.  Donnie, be good for your wild bluster, and give the public a reason to believe you and your alleged superpowers, and trust you, and it will help you get elected.  If, on the other hand, you're still continually lying and full of shit, it's probably best for the public to know that about you.

You're welcome.

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