Saturday, January 6, 2024


New Democratic star utterly HUMILIATES Lauren Boebert using her OWN words against her (  This whole video is great, but note Mike Johnson from 5:00 to about 5:20.  Johnson, who is a primitive religious extremist, is arguing against abortion, and his argument is that aborted fetuses eventually don't become workers in the economy.  He adds something about Social Security and Medicare, but it's completely unclear what is his point.

There are two, or possibly three, relevant issues here.  One is that some people want to abort pregnancies, because they didn't want there to be a pregnancy.  Their approach is to have an abortion of a pregnancy they tried to avoid, instead of just not having sex, so there would be no chance of pregnancy.  Is Johnson somehow arguing that all people should have children, and maybe lots of children, for the benefit of a future workforce, whether or not the people want to have children, or how many?

Second, while Johnson is bemoaning the thinning of a future workforce, because a fetus who might have become a future worker was aborted, he is not advocating to open wide the gates to allow lots of immigration, so we could have an expanded workforce now.  And their children, whom they wanted, could be the future workforce.  That's among the reasons people want to immigrate here: to work.  (They also want to escape bad conditions in the old country, and have a better life, but that wasn't Johnson's point.)  Garcia made a version of that point.  It's no mystery why Johnson didn't want to be interrupted.  It's possible he was listening to himself talk.

As for Johnson's glancing crack about Social Security and Medicare, does he somehow, some way, not realize that the fetuses he thinks shouldn't be aborted would in theory grow to become Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries?

Then, there's Marge.  Marge, who exists in her own orbit somewhere, was squawking at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and going on about swearing an oath on "the bible," not the "Qur'an."  Does Marge not realize 1) that Ocasio-Cortez is not Muslim, and 2) that the Qur'an is a bible?  Even Donnie Trump knows that.  In this video, someone lobbed to Donnie a softball which Donnie whiffed, and he asked if Donnie prefers the OT or the NT.  Donnie (who frankly clearly doesn't know the first thing about either of them) said he couldn't decide, and he likes them both.  So Donnie knows the OT and the NT are bibles.  So is the Qur'an.

It's not a surprise that these people keep tripping over themselves.  And that's our government, which we chose?

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