Saturday, July 15, 2023

Harvard, Huh?

Ronnie DeSantis graduated from Harvard.  So did Teddy Cruz.  And Clarence Thomas.  Little Joshie Hawley graduated from Yale.  Either these universities are dramatically careless about whom they admit, or they're actually looking for kids like these.

Florida is hurting as it becomes 'where empathy, decency and kindness go to die': columnist (

This article talks about the damage Ronnie DeSantis is doing to this state, and how "younger Floridians" are high-tailing it out of here.  I'm not a younger Floridian.  I was born at Jackson Memorial Hospital in 1950, and I, too, want to leave.  The "younger Floridians" have the advantage of being younger, and for me, I feel too old, and it feels like too much trouble to find a real place to be, pack up my stuff, and get out of here.  I didn't much mind dealing with ill-tempered children when my offspring were adolescents.  It was part of the deal, part of the process, and I could assume they'd grow out of it.  Ronnie DeSantis isn't growing out of anything any more.  He's a somewhat younger version of Donnie Trump, who also isn't going to grow up any more.

I've known Harvard students, and there was nothing wrong with them.  There were some who attended Harvard undergraduate and Harvard Medical.  We used to call them "Preparation H."  But the ones I knew were good people and good doctors.  For a long time, I thought I made a mistake by going to Tufts.  It was a very nice and small campus in Medford, it was easy to get to downtown Boston, or Cambridge, or anywhere else, and all the classes were taught by professors, instead of by graduate students as they would have been at Harvard.  But it was so small that they didn't have enough choice of classes.  Now, though, I'm glad I went to Tufts.  Who knows what kind of inane riff-raff could have been my classmates if I'd gone to Harvard?  My Tufts girlfriend, who later became my wife, had been accepted at Tufts (Jackson) and Harvard (Radcliffe), and she chose Tufts.  I never asked her (or I don't remember), but I now wonder what instinct she might have had to have led her to go to Medford instead of Cambridge.  They're only a few miles apart, and she and her parents could have visited each other either way.

It's not just the students they choose, either.  Bernie Madoff ripped off a lot of people.  One organization he suckered into "investing" with him was Harvard University.  Harvard makes more seriously bad choices than anyone would automatically expect they would.

I suppose one way to explain the problem is that Harvard is a sucker for self-assured people.  People like Ronnie DeSantis, and Bernie Madoff.  Nobody would argue that Harvard is not self-assured.  When I applied for psychiatry training, I applied in the Boston area.  Two of the places I applied were Harvard Medical School affiliates.  It's been a long time, and I don't remember what vibe I got from them, but I chose the Boston University system instead.  In my opinion, I made the right choice.

So, Ronnie DeSantis is now running people who are not haters and dimwits out of Florida.  I really can't say I'm surprised, or that I don't understand it.  Frankly, he's got me thinking again about leaving.  In the past year, I've interviewed for jobs in Georgia (I know), Texas (I know), and California.  But my sister desperately needed a place to live, she asked if she could live in my house, and she's a higher priority to me than is escaping Florida, Ronnie DeSantis, and the selfish dimwits.  Ronnie and his legislative stooges, who it appears are afraid of him, are turning this into a dysfunctional and two-bit state.  If my sister gets settled down somewhere other than my house, and I get out of here, I'll try to remember to say goodbye to you.  My daughter lives in Massachusetts, which is way too cold, my son lives in Colorado, which is probably too cold, and I was very recently watching "Peter Tosh: Stepping Razor/Red X," which reminded me how much I wish I lived in Jamaica, where I think I could do some good.  And the extra good news is that there are probably few Harvard graduates there.

1 comment:

  1. I omitted to mention that "Little Marco," as Donnie Trump calls him, Rubio also went to Harvard. Most people, upon learning that someone went to Harvard, assume the Harvard student must have had certain pre-existing abilities, and most likely had a creditable outcome.

    I sign lots of petitions, and some of them are about gun control. When those petitions are presented to the Senate, I not uncommonly get a response from Rubio. His response is pure boilerplate, and it always includes a statement that the "Second Amendment" says that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms(sic) shall not be infringed." Either Rubio is not very bright, or he's not very honest. He begins his quote with a lower case letter, which makes clear that something precedes it. But he doesn't say what that something is, or to what extent it influences the part he wants to pretend is the meaningful part of the "Second Amendment."

    I don't know if Harvard's problem is what they admit or what they graduate. But they very clearly have a problem.
