Sunday, July 30, 2023

Bronny James. And Elon Musk. We Are At a Disadvantage.

Bronny James (son of Lebron James and his wife) is a student athlete (basketball player) at the University of Southern California.  Last week, James (Jr) suffered what has been publicized as a "cardiac arrest" while playing basketball.  He was resuscitated, and appears to be recovering well.

Elon Musk, who is an entrepreneur in various fields, has opined that James' cardiac arrest was due to James' having been vaccinated against the coronavirus, which Musk says is associated with various cardiac problems, including cardiomyopathy, which can cause cardiac arrest.

No one has said James did not receive a vaccination against the coronavirus, and most people with brains have been vaccinated, so we can assume that James was, in fact, vaccinated.  But the question is about James' heart, and what could affect it, and how Musk knows what could or did affect it.  Cardiomyopathy is a very uncommon, but not at all unknown, condition, it has existed long before the coronavirus vaccine, and rarely, athletes die of cardiac arrest, from one cause or another, very possibly including cardiomyopathy.

So, to phrase the question a little differently, for how long has Dr Musk been treating Bronny James, what methods of evaluation has he employed, and what were the results?  I have not heard that Dr Musk has made public the medical records he keeps of James, were there any murmurs, what were James' blood pressure and pulmonary artery pressure (which I have every confidence Dr Musk would have checked, if James had had any relevant symptoms), and what Dr Musk found James' echocardiogram showed.  I'm assuming here that Dr Musk is either a cardiologist or at least a knowledgeable general internist, and would naturally have pursued these areas of concern regarding his patient.

The unwelcome alternative is that Elon Musk is not a doctor, and is just blowing smoke out of his ass.  In all honesty, it was not my understanding that Musk is in fact a medical doctor, and we'd all have to think back to see if there has been a pattern of his blowing smoke out of his ass.  If there has, he should keep his ass blocked, and his mouth shut.


  1. Here's another example. Right now, there's an NPR story about smoking, and the effects, and advantages, of nicotine. The moderator started out talking one supposed researcher in California, and the researcher's synthesis about nicotine, what it does, and the neurotransmitters it affects. The moderator then switched to another researcher ("researcher") who had a close relationship to the first, and completely disagreed with him: "he was wrong." And when the moderator asked the second guy about the neurotransmitter references of the first guy, the second guy said the first guy didn't really care about neurotransmitters, and neither did the second guy. Neurotransmitters had been the whole point.

    So what we're dealing with is people who talk because they like to hear themselves talk. And if you want to know if that kind of thing ever happens, it's wildly rampant. Whether it's nicotine talkers, Elon Musk, or any of many other people. They say things that don't make sense, and that are completely unfounded. But the people just like to hear themselves talk.

  2. Here's another way to look at the Bronny James and Elon Musk issue. If James had a cardiac arrest, and no one listed a cause, then he did not have a cardiac arrest because of COVID. So, if he's vaccinated, then he was right, and Dr Musk was wrong.

    If James was, in fact, vaccinated, and the fact of his vaccination caused cardiomyopathy, but he didn't die of it (whereas over 1M Americans did die of COVID, which is far more than the number of Americans who died of cardiomyopathy from any cause), then James was right, and Dr Musk was wrong.

    The fact is that if James was vaccinated, and had consequently developed cardiomyopathy, and died of it, there are still far more Americans who have died of COVID than have died from anyone's estimate of the imagined results of vaccination, or the consequences of it, including the possibility of cardiomyopathy, so James is still right, and Dr Musk is still wrong. No matter what.

  3. Liberal Communist goals are pathologically predatory and the liberals that endorse liberalism have a mental illness that prevents them from recognizing the obvious when reality is in conflict with their propaganda! Heal theyself physician! Or find a rock!!

  4. Fred said:. That was profound!
