Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Maybe There's a Silver Lining

First of all, we in BP have a new Commission, and the two incumbents running didn't win.  Generally speaking, that's great for the Village.  The only problem is that we know nothing at all about two of the new Commissioners, and not a lot about the one who was on the Foundation.  I hope they get their sea legs.

As for the general elections, this is a midterm year.  In midterm years, the party that is not represented by the president makes gains.  That happened this year, too.  But...

Republicans could have done better than they did.  They shot themselves in the feet badly over overturning Roe, and maybe this will allow them to understand they're working against the interests of most Americans.  Maybe it will allow them to listen to other people, and even compromise (which modern day Reps/cons do not like to do: they act like bulls in china shops).

It's a mixed message about Americans' concern about inflation.  Everyone is concerned about inflation.  Dems, and the Federal Reserve, are trying to reduce it by increasing interest rates.  Reps/cons whine, but have thus far offered nothing.  If they have a majority somewhere now, maybe they'll realize whining isn't sufficient to solve a problem.

Reps/cons could also have done better than they did, except their stance on gun control (they essentially don't want any) cost them support.  Maybe that will give them pause, and allow them to realize they're going against the wishes, and the interests, of Americans.

Reps/cons made a little bit of headway because they have somehow duped voters into thinking they're the only ones who care about crime.

They made much more headway because of their anti-immigration stance.  They have hypnotized Americans into forgetting we're almost all immigrants, and all but the Africans were willing and eager immigrants, who were happy to get here, and have generally made the best of our experience here.  An important thing that has allowed the non-Africans to do as well as they have is that after an initiation phase that all immigrants undergo, we were allowed and welcomed to thrive here.  When African-Americans say they "have to work twice as hard to accomplish half as much," they are absolutely right.

So, we'll see how things develop, unless Reps/cons still can't get over themselves (and their secret humiliation for having supported Donald Trump), and possibly use a majority in the House to waste Americans' time, money, and opportunity by pretending to impeach Joe Biden and anyone connected to him.  I hope Reps/cons grow up, and don't do that.  Last night, someone sent me a clip of part of a Lewis Black routine.  In that clip, Black said it is essential to have two opposing parties, because an overpreponderance (is that redundant?) of one is tyrannical.  Black was right.  But Reps/cons don't understand how and why he was right.  They just want to dominate.  Of interest (maybe it was in the same clip, or maybe somewhere else), I heard someone last night talking about how McConnell couldn't deal with Obama, because Obama just wanted to tell McConnell how right he (Obama) was.  But McConnell could deal with Biden, because Biden knew how to understand and accept other people's points of view.  Even the points of view of people with whom he disagreed.


  1. Doctor when will the commission vote on the new mayor? I hope we all going to support Mac Kennedy we need someone with experience, devoted, hard-working

    1. So, you don't know the rules about electing the new mayor. We can add this failing to the avalanche of reasons it's great not to have you on the Commission.

      And when you inarticulately say "I hope we [are] all going to support Mac Kennedy," does that mean you also don't know who elects the mayor?

  2. No I don’t tell me explain please Commander, in chief of this blog

  3. While commissioners elect a mayor from among them, residents do certainly have a voice by sharing their opinions with those commissioners who will choose.

  4. You have a big voice in this community. You should start a campaign with the new commissioners that were elected yesterday to vote on Mac Kennedy, becoming the mayor. No one else can do the job. start walking to beat start making phone calls call all the new commissioners they must vote for Mr. Kennedy.

  5. This is my last ditch effort to make you understand there are two anonymous that read your blog one is good and one is different. Do you understand the word different all I’m interested in is the support Mac Kennedy as the mayor of Biscaynpark reach out to Art Gonzalez I’ll chip in for donuts and coffee to explain as a senior representative and passed commissioner all the pluses that we get with having Mac Kennedy as the mayor

    1. There are more than two. Sometimes, my own comments are listed as "Anonymous." You're the one who refuses to identify yourself when asked to, who refuses to leave this blog alone, who doesn't know how to spell Biscayne Park, who's incapable of putting together a proper sentence, and who wants donuts delivered to him or her. I'd ask you what's "good" about you, but I don't care, I just want you to stop. If this is your "last ditch effort," then maybe you will stop. Although nothing has gotten you to stop yet, so I'm not confident.

      By the way, if you were remotely familiar with "Commissioner Barbara Watts," you wouldn't take any interest in what she wants or what she's planning or advocates.


      PS: Please leave this blog alone.

  6. Congratulations Mac ! Congratulations new commissioners! Greetings from TX!
