Friday, November 4, 2022

For People Who Think This is A Christian Country, Maybe We Should Vote On "God's" Day.

Setting aside that there's no such thing as "god," and setting aside that the Pilgrims came here to escape religious persecution, and setting aside that the Constitution promises separation between church and state, and setting aside that different people who think there's such a thing as "god" have different ideas about which day is "god's" special day, maybe we should agree to accommodate those Americans who do think there's such a thing as "god," and honor "god" by voting on "god's" day.  Let's say that for most Americans who think there's such a thing as "god," that means Sunday.  It would make a nice tribute.  It combines thinking there's such a thing as "god" with being patriotic about America.  You know, if you do, and if you are.

The fact is, we have a problem when it comes to voting.  Here's today's article:

It's highly questionable whether or not the people who claim to believe there's such a thing as "god" really do believe there's such a thing as "god," but it has become increasingly clear that Americans do not believe in democracy.  The most democratic thing we can do, considering what the Founding Fathers did for us, is vote.  And we don't.  There's a noteworthy contingent of Americans who seem to be devoted to making voting as difficult as possible.  And our poor record shows that they're pretty effective.

They hold voting on a day that's inconvenient for many people, resist making it easy for Americans to vote by mail (when it would be more convenient), challenge or refuse to accept the results of elections, and try to keep people who are perhaps less likely to vote for their agendas from voting at all.  They just don't like voting, and they don't like the democratic process.

Part of the reason for this is that they also don't like Americans, or people in general (except, presumably, themselves).  They pick dumb fights that don't accomplish anything, and, if there's, let's say, an infectious epidemic, they resist the advice of epidemiologists.  If they said they wanted Americans to be miserable, or to get sick and die, it's not clear what they would do different.

Anyway, today is Friday, November 4.  In a few days or so, it will be Tuesday, November 8.  That's voting day, unless and until we decide we like democracy and Americans after all.  So don't forget to vote.  If you already did, good for you.

And for what it's additionally worth, don't forget to change the time tomorrow on the clocks you have to set yourself.  It's still not clear to me what this is about, and it's dumb and disruptive -- oh, yeah, if you dislike Americans, it's probably a good idea to send them on idiotic wild goose chases like this.



    1. "Anonymous"/Luigi/Louis/Louie/"Hot Dog King," to be frank with you, I don't know what's wrong with you. It's clearly something, and it's clearly a lot. You keep commenting in this blog, no matter how many times I ask you to stop. You don't seem to know what to do with yourself or with your time. There was all this fanfare about how you were going to run, but you skulked away instead.

      But since then, your comments have been very brief, and frankly idiotic. You keep mentioning "Trump," and now, you mention "god." Neither was on any ballot, to my knowledge (which might possibly be incomplete). Many people named Trump could have run, but none did. There was Donald Sr, Mary, Ivanka, Donald Jr, Eric, Tiffany, Melania, and Barron. To my knowledge, Barron might be underage to have run for anything, and I have heard he might be autistic. But an impairment like that shouldn't keep anyone who wants to vote for someone named Trump from voting for him. Such voters are breathtakingly lacking in discrimination, or minimal common sense.

      Really, what's the point of these nonsensical comments of yours? I would hate to have to take such a dim view of you as to think they don't even embarrass you. Or are you just looking for attention?


  2. There are more than one anonymous reviewing your blog. Don’t keep blaming it on the same person. I’m told it could be your current girlfriend and companion Judy, the commissioner or another possibility Dan Samarian just guessing now your blog does not belong to you. It belongs to everyone that can view it studied facts stop accusing. I remind you again this blog belongs to everyone worldwide.
