Wednesday, November 4, 2020

This Can't All Be Because of Luigi Di raimondo. Can It?

One of the things I can track about this blog is views.  That is, how many times, in a day (a "day" starts at 8:00 PM, and it goes until 8:00 the next night), the day before, in the past month, and since the blog was begun (in 2011), anyone has viewed this blog.

For stretches of time, which can be days or a week or more, there is no new post.  (And when there is a new post, I send out an announcement.  The circulation for those announcements is either about 90 recipients, or it's about 185 recipients, depending on the topic of the post, and what else is going on in the Village -- and how many people I think might be interested.)

When there is no new post, and there hasn't been a new post for at least a day or so, and there is no lingering conversation in the comment section, it is common that there are anywhere from 25 to 50 views per day.  When there is a new post, and depending on whether I send the new post announcement to the smaller circulation or the larger one, there are up to anywhere from 150 or so to 200-300 views.

Two days ago, there were 819 views in one day.  Nothing remotely like that has ever before happened.  Yesterday, there were 482 views.  There are 356 views so far today, and it's now 12:15 PM.

It's a little shocking, and very hard to understand.  The very recent new variable is Luigi Di raimondo, who has entered very many (and frankly somewhat wacky) comments.  He's stimulated some reaction -- initially mostly from me, when I tried to engage him, respond respectfully, and calm him down -- and clearly, he and others have been following these conversations.  But over 1600 views in 2 1/2 days?  Not what I would ever expect.

Of course, there was also a flurry of blog posts -- one a day for almost a week -- in the run-up to the election.  So maybe that relative frenzy caused more people to check more often.  There was a record number of comments to two posts in a row -- a total of 95, which is unheard of -- but that activity was mostly before the past two days.  And much of the commentary came from Luigi.  And got responded to.  Maybe interested, but silent, readers were checking in to see if there were more comments regarding those posts.

So it's a curiosity.  Just a flood of people suddenly looking for information, or opinion, or a cock fight, or something.  I guess that's part of what blogs are for.


  1. Replies
    1. So I'm told. Some people have said he really goes by Louie. But if his last name is Di raimondo, then it's entirely possible his formal/birth first name is Luigi. I'm not sure I met him. I do remember the last name from my door-to-door campaigning this past month or two, but I don't remember if I spoke to him or someone else at his house. I'm told he's sort of a misfit who never leaves the house. He says he rides a bicycle around the neighborhood with his grandchild(ren). So I wouldn't know.

      Also, he wrote in a comment that he's only lived in BP for five years, but I thought "the hot dog king" had been around longer than that. So again, I don't know.

      He's certainly unloaded, as the below from him demonstrates, and for a while, he seemed almost to liven things up a bit, until he went off the rails (again, note below). Well, it's too bad Heidi and Art and I couldn't get him back on some sort of coherent and civil track. That seems to be our ambition, and not his.

    2. Yes Drew, it's that Louie, the Hot Dog King

    3. Why is Luigi/Louie "the hot dog king?" Did he say he's "the hot dog king," or did someone else say that about him? And what qualifies someone to be "the hot dog king?"

    4. Fred - you have to buy the book (!

      Got to love the charm of our little hamlet. You just can't make some of this stuff up.

  2. I’m sure Fred that you’re going to be a major player in the reality show that’s been going on and will go on with many more episodes and lots of seasons to come This Season we got a couple of new cast members It’s still going to remain hilarious and funny and interesting to watch in here and study But very entertaining For someone that likes raw humor That’s what the Biscayne show is all about humor So stay tuned and check in once in a while I assume the first episode will be the first week of December Second episode of be probably the swearing in ceremony of the new cast members A lot of these episodes I would say 100% unscripted Add lived So you never know what to expect In one episode you could have a mayor not showing up a commission of dropping out A city manager being escorted out by the police So much more The characters in the show Don’t really describe the 3000 people and 1200 homes that live in Biscayne Park it’s strictly describes themselves being myself and I And it’s not aimed and shouldn’t be misunderstood as Biscayne Park residence this is a small group of cast members That enjoy pretending play roles And once a month cast members meet I’m sure there’s some type of rehearsal before the meetings because most of these cast members friends of friends They engage in lots of social events within themselves I hear in one episode coming up not sure Coming episode is going to fall under the roasting /Goodbye episode of ex Commissioner what’s all that about I’m sure they’ll be food and beverage Paid by the Biscayne Park operating account Two cast members leftovers from the previous last year’s show i’m sure down the road will be able to see these characters and cast members live on stage in person at the log cabin but for now what I hear it’s going to be shown on the zoom network It’s just temporary so if you got the time tune for hilarious show Each character has its own identity Their ratings Are very low Because only between 10 to 12% of the 3000 1200 residents and Biscayne Park. Watch Occasionally You can read about the episodes in the Miami Herald they usually post them every 90 days we’ve had multiple episodes post in 2020 And there’s no doubt in 2021 I expect the same every 90 days and episode to be in the Miami Herald This year should be a little bit interesting if you like politics we have a new president that was elected last night first woman president ever elected her name is Kamala Harris I’m sure going into 2021 will be multiple episodes about our president Kamala but I’m excited to see the first episode With the new cast members it’s only two could be three depending if the mayor shows up Anyway enjoy viewing The hilarious show called the Biscayne Park Hilarious. 👍👍👍

  3. Fred /Sleepy Joe I promise I’m gonna make every suggestion to the to existing cast members that are left over from last year and new ones to keep you in the show My pitch to them is going to be that you’ll be in the audience And constantly raising your hand trying to talk I’m not sure if they’re gonna allow you to speak anymore I’ll do my best to include you Well if you have any suggestions But you got to keep it funny like you always have you need you to wear your straw hat And raise your hand and always interrupt them like you always have Maybe they’ll let you do the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag once in a while as a courtesy I’ll see But the show is going to remain funny sorry that you didn’t make this year season and you won’t be in any of the episodes but you’ll be on camera on the show goes live again in the log but you got to be at every single meeting and you got a raise your hand Interrupt and ask And try to keep one of the commissions from not sleeping so much When they are video the live episodes in the log cabin Your character I promise will remain the same Which is Biscayne parks misfits That’s the perfect role for you You are great playing that role Can’t understand why they didn’t put you in the new season All shows need a misfit to make it a little bit more funny 👍👍👍

  4. I don't wish to undermine this blog, or anyone's interest in it, but as of right now (5:35 PM), there have been 607 views "today." This is out of any kind of range, and is second only to the 819 from two days ago. I did get a private e-mail from one of our neighbors a bit ago, and s/he said that this kind of activity, from Luigi/Louie, who is described by this neighbor as an example of BP "crazy," is very entertaining. S/he thinks that may be why the viewership is as high as it is. So, from that perspective, it looks like the answer might be yes, the stratospheric viewership is in fact because of Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king." I myself have found Luigi's/Louie's/"the hot dog king's" much more taxing and annoying than entertaining, but it seems others are more amused.

    I'm in the difficult position of appreciating Luigi's/Louie's/"the hot dog king's" seeming interest in the topics, while simultaneously wishing he would stop with his wacky rants. The fact is that he's frankly very offensive, especially regarding people's gender preferences. And his more recent caricaturish and insulting right wing references. If Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" doesn't favor Joe Biden, that's fine. He's more than welcome to say so, and he can explain what he doesn't favor about Biden. But there's no more need to refer to Biden as "sleepy Joe" than there is to refer to Donald Trump as "the orange man," which I would never do, despite how orange-colored Trump in actual fact makes himself.

    So, I'm sort of glad Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" has found something that engages him here, but at the same time, it's gotten hugely tiresome, and part of me wishes he would just either belt up, or go away. Ah, the dilemmas of life.

  5. Oh sleepy Joe/Fred You’re just upset because they didn’t give you a going away party When you left the Biscayne Park show Reality show Like the other cast members getting including food and beverage And you didn’t get a free cell phone from Biscayne Park If you need to make a phone call just ask one of the cast members and use their cell phone I’m sure they’ll be happy to loan it to you it’s free for them shouldn’t be any issues Get your rest now it was a long day for you yesterday get your thoughts together tonight and maybe ask for a recount of the votes ballots That may put it to rest for you ?

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I did get a going away party. Will Tudor was not elected, and neither was I. That's all the party I could want.

      If you're still selling hot dogs (I assume a "hot dog king" sells hot dogs), and they're from pasture raised animals, I'd be happy to buy some from you.

  6. Louie,

    I think you are on to something, this could be the revenue source that will allow us to reduce that Millage rate. We can call the show Drama Park, maybe Netflix will pick up the series. You offered to pitch the show, but we need a producer and a script writer. How about it Louie? How else can you help out.

  7. I think I’m going to run for Commissioner and mayor whatever comes first My platform is going to be dismantle and rebuild !! It’s pretty easy to win A contest in Biscayne Park It’s all about signage Which I would flood the area with I plan on buying a ton of newspaper coverage digital and print The campaign will have a publicist TV ads Dismantle rebuild stronger !!! And we will have a team in place 100% slam win I’m not going to ask for one penny in compensation Nor will I be soliciting any donations I plan on self funding it myself totally !!

  8. Sounds great. But what about the TV series?

    1. Ah, it's coming into focus for me now. Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" wants to run for Commissioner or mayor, having contributed nothing yet, except whining, and insulting and criticizing other people, and he wants a reality show on TV or Netflix. He says he just needs a producer and a script writer.

      I have a funny feeling that Donald Trump and his people are very soon to be out of work, and therefore available to help Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" in his mission. The only problem for Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" is that if Trump et al can't do any more for Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" than they can do for themselves, then he's not going to be much of a success. But he can still rant on this blog. I think it pleases him, or makes him feel better about himself.

  9. Chuckie i’ll think it over but you can’t call it drama park This is a comical show the characters are all comical unscripted reality show not pre-written The current cast members going forward into the new episodes their characters For instance two of them are dummies One keeps falling asleep at his seat I guess inhaling too many chemical fumes Then of course we have the part-time mayor that has 1 foot in a nursing home I suggested Miami Jewish Health Center terrific place my mom was there We got Art the macho man That will satisfy the Spanish viewers We need an African-American Player So we can capture those viewers as well Maybe we can use one of the volunteering On hold police patrol officers that are waiting to be placed and other police departments currently cruising the streets of Biscayne Park endlessly but I’m bit busy right now because I’m planning my campaign Based on sleepy Joe/Fred of the 3000 people that live in Biscayne Park it’s basically between 7 1/2% that voted that’s a very very small number to capture. One of the winners receive less 900 in change The other ones got between 300 and 400 That’s almost 0 compared to 3000 residents sad to say do I guess my theories are all correct that 85% of the residents and Biscayne Park do not vote do not know who the commissioners are do not know who the mayor is or what the hell is going on with the close down police station

    1. Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king," if it makes you feel better about it, information recently given to me was that there are about 2000 registered voters in the Park. So your denominator is 2000, not 3000. Mac Kennedy received a few votes less than 1000. So Mac got about half the available vote, not 7.5%. Those candidates who get between 600 and 700 votes got about 1/3 of the available votes. (And you realize that many people in this country don't vote, and some people who vote don't vote for every available office. So if Mac got about half of the votes maximally available, which would assume that every registered voter voted, he almost certainly got more than half of the votes actually cast. The same bump-up goes for the other two winners.) And the same is true of the people who did not win seats: they got a far higher percentage of the vote than you seem to think they did.

  10. Who knew punctuation was so optional?

  11. Me guesses the hot dog king uses dictation

    1. Yes, I figured that out some time ago. There was one point where he was transcribed as saying "this game park," which seemed obviously to have meant Biscayne Park.

  12. Sleepy Joe/ Fred What are the numbers for yesterday how many people logged on and view the blogs ? Are we doing good ? Don’t be so upset Fred don’t be sad You should be spending more time with your grandchildren and children It’s good for your health Doesn’t seem like you spent much time as a family man Your readings are very very lonely Anyway we now have a woman president first time Kamala Harris ever I’m sure your buddy Mac is happy he’ll be able to sell beauty supplies to her via Amazon What worries me with this woman president Not good for our children not good for our country not good for our grandchildren not good for the future Was setting the stage for economical disaster Far greater than the depression recessions this is going to be an avalanche of economic Avalanche !!! I suggest you start visiting nursing homes some of them are very very good I highly recommend Miami Jewish center health center now It’s a good fit for you

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," the total for yesterday was 635. Unbelievable. It depends what you mean when you say "doing good(sic)." It's good, if it means readers are interested, or even amused, and satisfying their wish for comedic relief. If, on the other hand, and just to by hypothetical, you're making a fool of yourself, and readers are essentially laughing at you, then it's less "good." Not so "good" for you, anyway.

      I'm not at all upset or sad. My aim is to give us all something to think about, and maybe talk about. If that's happening, and even if you arrange things so that it's at your expense, I'm satisfied. And if I was failing to provide and promote something of interest, I hope someone would tell me that, so I could alter my course.

      I appreciate your encouragement, but unfortunately, you've hit a bit of a nerve. My son is in the San Francisco area, and my daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren are in the Boston area. I haven't visited them in a long time, and I'm not happy about it. I planned a trip to Massachusetts in March, canceled the trip the day I was supposed to leave, planned another one in May, also canceled the day before the trip, and I'm now booked in December. But the coronavirus is destroying a lot of things, including my opportunities to see these important parts of my family. I'm not "lonely," per se, but maybe you're picking up on my frustration and disappointment.

      There's a long list of what's unconventional about Donald Trump, but as far as I know, he's not a woman. If he gets replaced as a result of the election we just had, the person who replaces him also won't be a woman, unless there's something I don't know about Joe Biden. If Biden wins, Kamala Harris will be the Vice President, not the President. There are some important differences there, and you should familiarize yourself with them.

      If you yourself have children and grandchildren, I assume that you have or had a wife, and either a daughter or a daughter-in-law. Did you consider these women in your life not good for your children and grandchildren? You're very off the cuff, and sometimes very offensive, and I hope you didn't communicate to the women in your life and family how no good for children and society you think they are. (If you do think that, I suspect you're wrong.)

    2. Oh, I see what happened. You think that because Donald wears a ton of bizarre-looking make-up, and is obsessed with his hair, then he's probably a woman. No, I don't think he is. But maybe you know something I don't know.

  13. Oh I forgot one thing your numbers are totally incorrect It is 7 1/2% of the vote you need to recalculate By the time I’m ready to run for Commissioner/mayor which ever comes first you won’t be able to vote anyway That time you’ll be in a nursing home Maybe they’ll let you vote by mail Once you’re all settled in a nursing home you’ll be able to create some type of a coalition You’ll be the voice of the nursing home have your own blogs your own newspaper you can walk All the floors Make sure you bring your signature Straw hat with you !!!

  14. Fred, regarding the number of blog views: I'm guessing Mr. Weiner (or is that spelled Whiner, perhaps Winer?) logs on about every 30 seconds to see who replied to him, so each counts as a "view." That's not unlike how the village "watchman" counts views of his hate vomitus in the most Trumpian way. If only Louie would add one comma or period to his posts per visit, they might actually become intelligible.

    1. Mac,

      Rafael Ciordia and I have figured out that Luigi/Louie/"the hot dog king" dictates his comments. Setting aside that they're commonly incoherent and almost stream of consciousness anyway, he clearly doesn't bother to recognize when a sentence has ended, so he can say the word "period," and certainly not to understand where commas belong.


  15. Good morning big Mac What dress are you wearing for the swearing in ceremony ?? It’ll bring up the ratings for the reality show Mac !!

  16. Little Freddie Harris is going to be president Not sleepy Joe Why can’t you figure that out !!! So I was right Freddy you are very lonely you’re not engage with your grandchildren Or children you must be on the same oasis island that Mac is on Try to remind Marc that this is not an island this is not an oasis And 48 months is going to come and go he’ll be gone you’ll be gone Well you already gone And I’ll be the mayor !!!

  17. Oh Boston is beautiful has a great Italian community world famous pastry shops I go to Boston Are you familiar with Framingham Great little town there’s a country club not too far from there that I am member of Currently

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I went to college in Medford. I used to frequent, and food shop in, Haymarket and the North End. I was an intern, a resident, and a fellow in psychiatry up there, and I lived in Malden and Medford. I used to do our Saturday food shopping at Haymarket, and a little bit in the North End. Years later, I was up there again, because my wife got a terrific job at Children's, and we lived in Brookline. I had a job for a few years at the North End Community Health Center (I was the psychiatric medical director, and I took night classes in Italian, because some of the patients, even after decades in this country, didn't speak English), and toward the end of my time up north, I had a job for several years in Framingham (Wayside Counseling; I was their medical director, too).

      Haymarket is mostly gone now. Do you remember the butchers, and Al Capone's Cheese Company? I have a tee shirt from Al Capone's. The North End is increasingly gentrified. I don't think there are any, or not many, poor and old Italian people living there any more.


    2. There were also the butcher shops in the North End, with more or less whole and skinned animals hanging by hooks, without even being in the refrigerator.

      And several good pastry shops. The most famous was Mike's on Hanover St, but there were some other excellent ones. It seems to me there was a highly thought of one called Maria's. I haven't been there in quite a while, so I don't know what's left of all that.

      And the stories of Mafia assassinations in certain restaurants.

      I recently saw on my homepage a story about Anthony, who was then a kid, running in the North End in some macaroni commercial from decades ago.

  18. Wow impressed Sleepy Joe/Fred But all your credentials and all your background why would you waste your time with these misfits that run Biscayne Park Maybe your reasons because you have psychiatric background you’re trying to help them And believe me they need help One of them really needs help major issues very mixed up !! Maybe you should have some type of group counseling for them Apply your psychiatric background and help these individuals we got some basket cases involved there With that said let’s see what happens in the next 48 months with the first African-American woman president of United States

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," it's an odd matter of my "[wasting my] time" with the current government of the Park. For one thing, I don't know which ones you think are "misfits." I think you think Mac Kennedy is a misfit, and if you do, I very much disagree with you. You had certain very specific complaints about him, and I didn't disagree with you about some of them. But if you would declare him a "misfit" in terms of being one of the electeds of BP, I would say you're very, very wrong. He is extraordinarily fit.

      As for the rest, do you know how many psychiatrists it takes to change a light bulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to want to change. These others aren't looking to change. They don't think they have a problem. I can't help them.

      I hope Biden wins, and I hope he is well and fully functional for his four year term. If he does win, but something happens to him, then Kamala Harris will become President. I'm not too worried about her. I think she'll do a good job. But that's not the point I wanted to address with you. It's your categorization of Kamala Harris as "African-American." And I will remind you that that was the general categorization of Barack Obama, too. I think even he would say he's African-American, or perhaps "black." But what qualifies him to be "black" precisely equally qualifies him to be "white." He's exactly half of each. The same is true of Harris. You could choose to call her "black," or "African-American," or you could choose to call her South Asian (the au courant term for Indian). She is precisely half of each. So for me, it's best to avoid any of this categorizing, since apart from the influence it has on other people and their receptions of these people, it not only doesn't matter, but it's not even accurate.

    2. She’s half Indian from India and the other half Jamaican African black but she never talks about the Indian part only talks about her black African American heritage it’s my opinion it’s a ploy to attract African American support/votes they did it they accomplished it Biden will be the president in theory And again only in theory keep in mind that he’s 78 years old in four years will be 82 I don’t think he has the stamina and energy to travel the world to enforce policy to discuss policy and it’s always going to be her as the point person I could see that you’re highly accomplished in your field Getting back to Harris It’s a very uncertain next 48 months for America with her involved not involved she’s in charge sleepy Joe it will go to sleep he’s going to very seldom travel it’ll always be her it is going to be always be her speaking on his behalf I think Americans are going to get tired of it I don’t see this as a successful 48 months to come Just think of it as a car payment for 48 months It’ll pass both to be gone

  19. Fred what’s your psychiatric evaluation your opinion speak freely Fred don’t be afraid of anybody You’re allowed to have an opinion and talk that’s what a blog is Do you honestly think they were in the right path with this current commission ? Don’t you think one particular commissioner Is screaming for attention ? Has anybody clocking in on the time allowed to speak on zoom are you counting the time do they a time clock on that ? I don’t think one commissioner should overpower the other three commissioners in their own personal views It’s not healthy for the Biscayne Park residence This personality that he carries on his shoulder me myself and I It’s scary I think he’s going to self-destruct in time Someone is going to catch wind And ask for his resignation you’ll see

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," The majority of the present Commission has not been on the right path. They haven't been on any path. They spin their wheels, and consume your money, and don't do anything. They resist doing anything. It's not a psychiatric matter, unless it's a feeling of inferiority that they think goes away, because they have a title.

      Yes, I think one Commissioner more than the rest likes attention. He gets it in part the way you say he does: he talks a lot. I have discussed this with him. I don't think he should do that. But the fact is that he's so superior to three of the rest, and most who preceded him, that we get tremendous value out of letting him talk as much as he wants. It's time extremely well spent. And if you have listened carefully to Roxy Ross, who is very much more soft-spoken, you'll find that she, too, talks a lot. And every word is loaded with value. It's true of both of them.

      Be careful before you just write someone off, because you don't happen to like their style. Or because you don't like homosexual people. (Or African-Americans.) That's not relevant. Mac Kennedy is one of our Commissioners, he's a great one, and for the record, he was just elected with the most votes any BP Commission candidate ever got. Ever.

      You can roll your eyes, but don't doubt the magnificent value you get from Commissioner Mac Kennedy. Let him do whatever he wants, and know that it will be done right, and it will end in the right place. He will make your Village better.


  20. I have nothing against African American /Black Lives matter I don’t agree with violence and destroying other peoples properties It’s wrong Anyway it’s the minority not the majority as far as the other issue you bring up lifestyle because that’s really what it is it’s a lifestyle And the same goes with this lifestyle it’s the minority not the majority Your opinion that it brings value what’s the value ? Like I mentioned in previous blogs it’s really easy to win a contest in Biscayne Park extremely easy It’s all about how much money you spend He outspent The others with signage And is continuous screaming I do plan on running for mayor/commissioner which ever comes first To capture 7 1/2% of the vote is is a slam dunk It’s a walk in the park You’ll see

    1. The evidence that you have something against African-Americans is that you gratuitously attach "Black Lives Matter." You "don't agree with violence and destroying other people's property." The "Black Lives Matter" movement is a protest against destroying other people. I hope that if you object to destroying people's property, then you object (even more) to destroying people. If the property matters, don't the people matter?

      I have no idea how much Mac spent on his campaign. I don't know how much anyone spent, except William Abreu, who appears to have spent the $20 fee to register. I doubt that you know how much anyone spent. (I do know how much I spent. How much do you think it was?) Mac worked very, very hard. You should have seen him at the polls. He knew everyone, had made friends with the vast majority of them, and knew their stories.

      It's my great honor and privilege to be represented by Mac. My life in BP is in good hands with him. I hope that he and Art and Judi will form a functional majority. If the rest of the Commission will listen to Mac, they won't go wrong. And neither will the rest of us, which includes you and me. He'll have ideas with which you, and I, won't agree. But he'll always want a better Village. You like flowers and trees and plants and children and safety and a Village that will increase its value? So does Mac.

  21. We’ve had some tremendous leaders That live a different lifestyle Hoover in charge of the FBI created the FBI but he didn’t bring his lifestyle to the job We have Anderson Cooper on CNN news again he’s not bringing his lifestyle to the network Pete B former mayor And so many other senators political private They don’t flaunt their lifestyle It’s private !!!

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," you want Mac to tone it down a bit. OK, fine, but it's not in your way. Mac never misses an opportunity to refer to Dan as his husband. Chuck Ross never misses an opportunity to mention that Rox is his wife. They're both very attached, and devoted, and appreciative. Mac is as proud of himself, and who he is, as you are of being Italian, and all your Boston/North End/Framingham connections. I'm not homosexual or Italian. But I get both of you. I'm happy for you that you have pride. It's a good thing.

  22. I’m only getting my information from the blog that was posted not by me by somebody else including photographs I don’t think Hoover our former FBI director put signs in his front lawn about his lifestyle I don’t think Anderson Cooper does that either I don’t think the former presidential candidate does that either I don’t think that Hoover Anderson Cooper or the former mayor Pete bring their husbands to the job or Wife’s Over the last 60 to 70 years There are neighborhoods throughout South Florida that are More in line with that lifestyle. I don’t think Biscayne Park is one of them based on what I hear from Neighbours I what to read and how he conducts himself and handles himself he’s going to implode it’s just a matter of time Before his bombardment with emails Knocking on my door and calling me Didn’t even know who the hell he was Had no idea he was a commissioner I don’t really pay too much attention Of the politics of Biscayne Park anymore I attended a couple of dozen meetings didn’t like what I saw and heard And I never went back And I don’t plan on going back Only when I’m voted in as mayor/commissioner Anyway we need to get ready for this tropical storm that’s coming I’m going to Publix now where shopping is a pleasure i’ll check in later

    1. There are very many homosexual people who live in BP. They are among our most prominent neighbors. And they're all as proud as is Mac. That's why we had a "gay pride parade" some months ago. If homosexual people, and black people, hadn't been so picked on for such a long time, maybe they wouldn't feel such a need to express their pride and legitimacy so openly. But on the other hand, Italians aren't very subtle, either, with their saints parades and swagger and other elements of showiness. Enjoy Mac and the rest. They make your neighborhood better. That's a good thing, right?

  23. That’s fine Fred/sleepy Joe Are you asking for my participation in the parades ? I pointed out to you how many prominent people In my previous blog Famous people politicians See if you can get them to tone it down a bit and not to talk so much stay in his own Orbit Don’t try to persuade people With his views like I Mention you before he’s going to implode Once this Covid stuff settles in and they start having the open meetings at the log cabin I’m sure there’s gonna be a lot of people that are not in line with his thoughts as the new Leader

  24. Don’t Assume or conclude My views anything You’re incorrect

  25. Have you read the blog that was posted about me myself and I you never answer that question ? You always skirt around it Why ? About the snowflake symptoms What’s your definition of the snowflake symptoms With your psychiatric training and background ? I never even knew that it existed such a theory But I guess it does Fire fire fire pants on fire !!

    1. I'm sorry, Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know what blog you mean, or what are snowflake symptoms.

      The only thing I can add is that if you know J Edgar Hoover was a transvestite (was he also homosexual?), and that Anderson Cooper and the others you mentioned are homosexual, then I guess they weren't as unrevealing about it as you like to tell yourself they were and are.

      Please just leave people alone to their own actualization. No one criticizes you for your lifestyle, so be considerate enough not to fixate on other people and theirs. Whether it's that they're homosexual, or you think they're lonely, or they think black lives matter, or anything. Find your own happiness and contentment, and don't let it depend on finding a way to criticize other people. Would you show your ranting on this blog to your grandchild(ren)? Is this the kind of grandfather you want them to think they have?

  26. Another theory about the campaign his last name is associated with the famous ex-president political family and dynasty Maybe with all that signage people think there’s a connection

  27. Go read it and then get back to me it was posted October 16. It’s called me myself and I Go over all the symptoms that are pointed out in the snowflake Diagnosis

  28. And your assumption About my opinion of African American Very incorrect In the late 70s and early 80s Way before you moved to south Florida In 2005 I had a business on Martha Luther King Boulevard in liberty city It was in the food industry and most of the clients came from Edison school which was around the corner down the street During the riots back then and the disturbance we had Because my Pizza Place Was serving the community which was 100% African Americans in liberty city Not one of my windows were broken Why because we employed We provide a service And we call mingled The name of the establishment was called liberty pizza my 50% partner was 100% African-American black For my safety And my brother safety back then we were escorted over the 79th St. causeway Back to Miami Beach and when things settle down not even a scratch on my business while all the other businesses burned to the ground You aren’t around back then so you don’t know the facts we’re currently East Side Pizza rear is now on the 17th St. causeway he used to be called Flores called floor is pizza And there was the National Guard in place Search disturbance wouldn’t flow over into Miami Beach and I had to show my identification with my address that I was a resident of of Miami Beach And later on when things settle down in Miami Herald came and did a big piece on liberty pizza So make sure your opinion and fact checking a correct Some of my best friends and best workers Or African American later in 1999 Again Way before you moved here Fred My other establishment was in the heart of Little Haiti 100% black Right on 54th St. Three warehouses 10 black employees And seven Hispanic employees My office manager Was gay we worked side-by-side. In an open office We ate lunch together Every day Terrific guy He had a husband I had no problems no issues with that at all he did a great job protected my interest And we’re still in touch now I think he was with me almost 6 or seven years While I was living on Miami Beach I entertained a lot My home contained of five bedrooms five bathrooms 4500 ft.² under air conditioning Totally remodeled from the ground up Just about all the piano players that I hired to entertain at the parties all day and I’m still in touch with them now And consider them my friends One particular piano player that I used to hire regularly lived in Wilton manors Which is the gay community in Fort Lauderdale and very pricey real estate all the homes are well taken care of I also funded Dwayne Johnson’s fathers foundation youth coalition And LeBron James his father as well They are my friends I have multiple photographs with them. Their coalition was They would have camps for the youth and I would donate all the food nationally Do you know how many times that I was with these guys at the camp at nova university FIU the various events that they would hold All black I would ship my product for the camps whatever the event was being held For young black children Every time there was an event they would reach out to me and I would immediately ship what they needed I never said no Now let’s talk a little bit about Fort Lauderdale there’s a park there I forget the name I think it was Wayne Huizinga park maybe I’m wrong In coalition with the Wilton manors community And the local radio stations I donated all the food Hundreds of people I did the same in Coconut Grove Peacock Park 500 people I fed again for the black community So stop with your preaching about African-American black and other lifestyles And everything in this blog could be fact checked including my association with Opera Winfrey The Dwyane Wade family is from Chicago they were buddies and they introduced me

    1. Nice to hear, Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king."

      I was born in Miami. I grew up on Miami Beach. I graduated from Beach High.

      I was never in the hot dog business or the pizza business. It sounds like you made a nice success of it. Congratulations.

      How did you know your office manager was gay and had a husband? Because it's really no big secret? If it's no big secret, why are you bothering your BP neighbors about parades, and letting others know they have same sex spouses?

      I think you should let some of your black friends and associates see your comments in this blog. Perhaps they'll point out to you some bias you didn't know you had, just as people like Heidi Siegel did. Your references above sound like trying to hard (to drop names), and protesting too much.

    2. I don’t know who you’re talking about I’ve never met or talk to this person I’ve never met you I never met your buddy I’ve never met the mayor i’ve never met Roxy I’ve never met Chuck Never met you But again you keep skirting the question Why can’t you talk about the blog that was posted on October 16 I would think you would be interested in that one because it specifically talks about mental disorder. The snowflake syndrome but you never reply I guess when you ping somebody down and they say ouch they run the other way both of my children were born on Miami Beach Grew up on Miami Beach Didn’t go to beach high Always attended private school Saint Patricks Can you please reply to the specific question of the post that was posted October 16 about me myself and I You answer every single other one but that one you keep skirting and skirting and skirting away from it

  29. I meant to say 79th St. causeway not 17th St. causeway but you wouldn’t know any of this because you weren’t even here !!!! If your children are in Boston why would you move 1500 miles away for one child and 3000 miles away from another child ?

    1. Let me see if I can find a nice way to put this. Mind your own business, Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king." I live where I do for whatever are my reasons.

  30. Because my office manager openly talked about it it was part of his life Had no issues at all I met him dozens of times exchange Christmas gifts bonuses Invited them to my parties on Miami Beach. They even had children not sure if you know who Kevin Burns Also has a partner and children terrific guy I’m not sure but you have to fact check this one I think it was the first couple to adopt a child in the state of Florida Another couple that I know was my attorney and her companion husband and wife to women I think I can fact check it also this particular female couple were the first couple ever married in the state of Florida Both attorneys And I’m still in touch with them

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," if your office manager openly talked about his sexual preference, and you had no problem with it, then why are you complaining about Mac Kennedy? Why can't you be as accepting of and friendly to Mac as you say you were with your office manager?

      As for your complaint about how you think I describe you, other people commenting in this blog have described you that way, and whatever anyone says about you is based on the comments you choose to put here. As I said, please go ask all your gay and black friends to read your comments, to confirm for you that there's nothing there that could or should be interpreted as homophobic or racist.

      I don't think we need to conversation any more. The blog has moved on, and so should you.

  31. You described me as some type of monster that’s a racist and a homophobic Monster I can asure you i am not that anyone that knows me would vouch for me And there’s nothing in any of my blogs since your buddy started harassing me with emails and phone calls that suggest I am racism or homophobic It’s not the case My complaining is about I’ve asked you several times already about the snowflake syndrome and you’ve yet to explain your definition since you have psychiatric background about this disorders

  32. Fred you find everything but you can’t seem to find the October 16 blog that talks about snowflake the truth is you don’t wanna read about it you don’t want It’s there for everyone to see October 16 it’s called me myself and I

  33. Freddie the blog was written by the gentleman that interviewed art prior to the elections A third-year resident of Biscayne Park If you still can’t find it just check in with Art he was interviewed by him on October 16 Let me add something else my grand children’s bicycles are in my home along with my bicycle Where are your grandchildren’s bicycles I never let more than 48 hours go by before I touch feel and talk to them I picked him up from school just about every other day We snack together we eat together And for the people who claim that are watching my house that I never go out who is this person is watching my house is at the police department Or is it Chuck’s watch patrol That’s a big issue if that’s taking place If I find out that my house is being watched I will sue Biscayne Park And how many times I’m on my bike with my grandchildren be very careful I reach is very far !!

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I am truly no longer interested in this conversation. I think we've done with it all we can, and we should both move on.

      As for the references you seem to be reiterating ad nauseam, when you mention someone who interviewed Art Gonzalez before the election, I am now persuaded that you mean Milt Hunter. It's unclear to me why you didn't feel you could actually specify Milt's name, and I'm not asking. I don't know how well you know Milt, or if you know him at all, but referring to him as a "gentleman" is a tenuous thing. I am well aware that he is the Emperor of his own blog, which he handles any way he likes, and in which he writes anything he wants to, whether or not it's true, and I do not read it. I am unfamiliar with the post you reference, and I don't care enough to view Milt's blog to read whatever he said there. I did make one very recent exception about Milt's blog -- meaning I did read what were then, and might still be, the three most recent posts -- and I did my own blog post about this. I entitled that post "You Have a Decision to Make. Or You Already Made It." But I certainly don't have to point that out to you, since you entered quite a number of comments there.

      So I think we can very safely drop this now. I think what I want, and you think what you want, and the election for BP Commissioner is over now, and we can all proceed. I hope that you're like me, in that you want the best Village we can have. Let's hope our new government and management (any day now) give that to us.

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