Friday, November 6, 2020

"Note to Self." (Well, Letter to Commission)

This letter was sent by e-mail, and the title was "Please Consider Our Medians.  They Should Be Our Treasure."

Heartfelt congratulations to the three of you who were just elected.  I'm very hopeful for a functioning Commission with a positive vision for the Village.

I really hope you will use part of your time to begin significant action regarding our medians.  What I have in mind is this: You would begin by tasking P&P to formulate a comprehensive (not just trees) scheme for the Village's medians.   The alternative is to have a landscape architecture company do this, but that's expensive.  I think our own dedicated neighbors can do it, and would be in the context of their commitment to the P&P board.

The scheme would involve choices of what plantings would go best in which medians, or more simply, a unified plan for all the Village's medians.  We have lots of trees, but we have no "understory."  There are no low trees or bushes, and the ground cover is a mix of poorly maintained grass, weeds, and raw dirt.  This is not a pleasure for Village residents, and it doesn't look good.  Also, the expanses of unworthy ground cover between trees not only doesn't inhibit people from driving across the medians, but it practically invites them.  So I hope that you will task P&P to devise and present a plan.

Part of that plan can be an expansion of the Village's public art program.  This could certainly include things like typical sculptures.  This morning, I was walking by Jorge Marinoni's house, and I noticed a sphere he made.  The basis of it is concrete, and he's decorated it with lots of ceramic tiles, so it looks like a mosaic.  It had interesting designs and color combinations on it.  It struck me immediately that something like that, either sitting on the ground in the medians, or perhaps, more dramatic, elevated on a pole or a pedestal, would add magnificent beauty to the medians.

I know what you're immediately thinking: but it would cost...  Nope, I don't think so.  First of all, if we had a scheme everyone knew about, then Village residents could donate the money to improve their own, or any other, medians.  It's true that PW would have to do the installations, but that's a one time task.  And I would hope that P&P would choose native materials that, once rooted, will not require much or any maintenance, except for occasional pruning (which we already don't do adequately, and I hope you'll see to it that we start a proper maintenance program, too).  Also, some medians already have concrete benches which Jorge made.  They were all funded by the Art Advisory board, the Chairperson of which is Amy Raymond.  She has worked hard and successfully to take up collections, and sell things, to be able to reimburse Jorge for the costs of his materials (he says he has no interest in making a profit from this), and we can continue and expand this approach.

So don't forget about the medians.  They make us unique more than does anything else about the Village, and they're in your hands now.


What I forgot to add to this was a reference to our longstanding friendly competition among BP homeowners for the best holiday decorations.  Mac Kennedy just expanded that friendly competition by adding recognition for best landscaping, and best Halloween decorations.  I can't see any reason we wouldn't also have a friendly competition for best medians.


  1. What about getting a mailbox installed 3000 residents 1200 homes and no mailbox ? Why ? We’re supposed to get mail six days a week Monday through Saturday That’s not the case in Biscayne Park it’s only delivered 4 days a week And sometimes three days a week Fixed that Fred !!

  2. You sure you live in Biscsyne park Luigi? I do and we get mail everyday but Sunday. Maybe I missed a past mail issue post? As far as I know every house has its own mail box.

  3. I’m talking about a street traditional mailbox that you go to and deposit your mail that’s outgoing I’ve called the post office several times but it doesn’t get you anywhere Yes I do have a mailbox I want a mailbox in the street Because mail isn’t delivered 6 days a week in Biscayne Park

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I have had the occasional day in recent weeks when I didn't get mail, which I normally get -- even junk mail -- six days a week. I attribute the lapse to Donald Trump. But be that as it may, mail is generally very predictably and reliably delivered here, six days a week.

      Also, the presence of a mailbox in the Village wouldn't help you. You certainly can't receive mail from a community mailbox, and if you want to mail something, it's even easier just to put it in your mailbox, and the carrier will pick it up.

    2. Finally Friday !! Did you get a chance to diagnose and give opinion on the snowflake syndrome That Your x Friend posted on October 16 why won’t you read it You’re a professional psychologist psychiatrist in training out of training teaching The snowflake syndrome does exist look in to it I think someone like you with your psychiatric background would be interested what the snowflake syndrome is all about Or is it some type of mental block When it comes down to documented facts about psychiatry ?

  4. PS: This post was about the medians. You don't want to talk about that, or you have no opinion about it?

  5. Dr. Jonas As far as the mediums to get back on point I think they should be left alone is open space Not clogged up with statues in more hedges and bushes And the homes that have limited parking was small driveways Should be able to use them as additional parking when they have family gatherings birthday parties Thanksgiving Christmas. I don’t see what the big deal is to not be used as additional parking only for homes that really need it Now Dr. Jonas getting back to the snowflake syndrome it’s a slang word If you Google it you can study it and read about it but they have a public servant that suffering from this disorder And to have this person or persons with this mental disorder should not be public servants and leading They should be disqualified For participating as a public servant It’s a dangerous symptom to have There’s really no cure for it the only cure would be To keep them out of public servants

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," I'm only interested in the first part of your comment. We have a Code that prohibits parking on the medians, except for special situations, which have to be approved by Village Hall and the police. Some of our medians have "No Parking on Median" signs. I gather you don't approve, and you think the Code should be changed.

      You have described the imagined presence of statues and hedges and bushes as "[clogging] up" the medians, so I also gather you think they either look nice as they are, or you think they look better than they would with the imagined statues, hedges, and bushes.

  6. Dr. Jonas what I said is homes that have limited parking and there are many of them dozens of them Some of these homes the people are parking on the lawn’s because they don’t have parking Why not give them some relief Meaning temporary only not permanent For special occasions There’s some properties that the driveway is so tiny that it’s dangerous just backing out I guess that’s the layout of Biscayne Park this is in general most of the properties in Biscayne Park have adequate parking but there are those that do not Yes I think clogging them up with hedges and bushes and statues is not a good idea Biscayne Park is built on green space Meaning open space there are sections for statues and hedges but certainly not the mediums Dr. Jonas you’re a certified psychiatrist I read your reviews why can’t you answer a medical question about snowflake syndrome when police officers this is just an example apply for these positions they go through some type of Psychiatric evaluation I’m sure at least they do that in New York Before the issued weapons Character is very important in leader ship this is a character disorder I’m nowhere near a doctor but I could identify character disorder And this is worrisome to me I see This character flaws disorder Like a drug Or drinking too much alcohol you lose control I’m sure in your practice seeing this type of disorder And I think as a doctor it’s your obligation to the community is to call it for what it is What’s wrong that a public servant It’s making decisions for 3000 people not to be Valuated like a police officer Maybe you should have an open discussion at one of the monthly meetings and suggested And give you a medical opinion on each commissioner the mayor the police officers Very important we have worked six or eight volunteer police officers do you think they have the same vested interest in protecting this community as the paid police officers do they volunteer because they’re waiting for openings and other police cities. To keep their certification I don’t agree with that I think that practice should be discontinued immediately I wanna doctor is evaluating an elected official in the small community of 3000 people and 1200 homes it should be put in the file and then résumé without violating the Hyppa Privacy laws that govern privacy about medical issues on individuals

    1. Luigi/Louie/"hot dog king," it's true that some things here, maybe including parking, were never generously anticipated. The streets are very narrow, we have no sidewalks (except around the recreation center), and in "the old days," many families didn't have two cars. We've tried to accommodate those limitations by requiring (Codes again) adequate parking on "approved parking surfaces" on the property (not in the swale, and certainly not with any expectation of simply spilling over into the medians), but not everyone follows the rules.

      In addition, although we have an unusually large number of medians, not every street or block has one. So it's not clear where you would imagine people who don't have a very close by median would park, if they chose not to park on their property, on an approved parking surface, as the Code says they're supposed to.

      Also, perhaps a separate discussion would be about what we as a Village think the medians are for, or what we want them to be for. I don't think almost anyone thinks they're intended as overflow parking lots, although it seems almost as if you do.

      Medians are such unusual, valuable, and promising features that it seems to me unimaginable that we would (continue to) use them for anything but enhancement of the beauty and charm of the Village. But I have to confess it's possible I'm alone here. I've pressed for a long time for median improvement, and I have nothing but resistance and non-response to show for it. It's hard for me to think anyone looking at our medians would think they look nice, or just fine, but maybe they do.

      As for the rest of your comment, you have my e-mail address, and you can contact me separately to discuss it. It has nothing to do with medians, which is what I want to discuss here. As a frame of reference, I have no idea what a "snowflake syndrome" is, and I can tell you for sure it's not a recognized psychiatric syndrome. But as I say, let's leave that for a private conversation.

  7. Dr. Jonas just go to milts October 16 blog and I’m kind of surprised that you’re a doctor of psychiatry and you’re not up-to-date with this particular syndrome Many doctors have been speaking about it since 2010 I mentioned before I just Google it. I am going to run for commission/Mayor which ever comes first I’m gonna do my very best to win I’m gonna do my very best to serve the community And no charge Two commissioners the term expires In 2022 I’m getting ready I have a plan My platform is going to be dismantle rebuild awareness !!!! See you on election day !! Bye bye

    1. Apparently, I am failing to make myself clear. No, I'm not going to read Milt's blog. If I have to be clearer about parts of it, he's a nasty and destructive person who is not honest. I have read some of his posts. I have seen his distortion, and dissembling, and when I have tried to correct (as if Milt intended to be correct, and would want to know when he makes a mistake) what he says that's not true, he blocks the comment. That kind of reaction from him moves the problem from viewing it as his mistakes, or even that he might honor someone else's view of things, to viewing it as his being simply dishonest. So, as I say, no, I'm not interested in reading whatever Milt chooses to write. If it engages or amuses or impresses or persuades you, then good for you. If you need Milt's view of things, then you have it. I don't need it. And I will tell you that Milt has access to the comment section of this blog, just as you do, and just as everyone does. If I say something he thinks is a mistake, or even, as he likes to say, a lie, he's more than welcome to state that publicly here. I can handle it. If Milt and I disagree, we'll disagree openly here. And if someone, or a few people, or lots of people, or everyone, agrees with Milt, then I have some soul-searching to do. I can handle that, too.

      One of my friends sent me an e-mail about the so-called "snowflake syndrome." It's a joke. It's not serious. I'm not up to date on the "snowflake syndrome," or astrology, or tarot cards, or performing magic tricks. I don't demand that of myself.

  8. I’m sorry Dr. whoever emailed you that information is incorrect just Google it yourself you’re a medical doctor If I can read it you can read it Anyway we have some heavy rain coming to Biscayne Park and surrounding areas see if you could put in a call to the mayor and make sure we have public works available we had tremendous flooding the last time this happened. I got all the documentation all the paperwork ready to file in 2022 actually will be before 2021 I’ll be filing I don’t need any of the old Guards votes Hundreds of new ones I have a great lawn sign design very catchy right to the point See you in 2022 at my swearing in ceremony at the log cabin !!!

  9. Have the mayor. Call in all public work workers first thing tomorrow morning 6 o’clock to start to clean out all the drain sewers that are clogged up Biscayne Park does not own a pump the last time we had to wait for a day and a half before Biscayne Park subcontract out to get a pump And we should have the new commissioners in the old commissioners volunteering their time the broom sweep these drainfield’s that are backing up our timeline to do it is closing in if it’s not done by tomorrow we’re gonna be stuck and then public works will use the excuse we can’t work in the rain that’s the excuse they use the last time with the Hernandez whatever his name was in term Public Works/intern manager but the planning has to start first thing in the morning before the rains come Saturday afternoon into Sunday then the damage will already have happened
