Thursday, October 22, 2020

Moving On: The Commissions from Hell.

I just got a call from Mac Kennedy.  Mac called to tell me two things.

First, the next candidate financial report is due tomorrow.  It's still a complete puzzle to me why I'm hearing about this from an opponent instead of "the old-fashioned way:" from the Village clerk.  I suppose if we had a competent and interested Village clerk...oh, never mind.  This is a pipe dream by now.  Because the second thing Mac called to tell me is...

Yet another -- the third in a week, Mac says -- highly regarded manager candidate has accepted a job elsewhere.  This commission, and the last one, and the one before that (all starting in 2016) have saddled us with one awful manager after another, and none of the commissions wanted better.  None of them wanted, or cared about, Village functioning.  I don't know what any of them did want. As far as I can tell, it's nothing.  $2000 a year, or $4000 a year for one of them, is a satisfying end in itself?  Or is the sense of power a rush to them?  We can do SO much better.  We used to do so much better.

So, very possibly, we will now have to redo the search for a manager.  Or find out who's left, take another look, and fall in love with candidates who didn't ring our bells the first time around.  Frankly, it's sickening to watch this happen.

I get it, I get it: none of them had any idea what to do, or how to form a vision for the Village, or any sense of ambition for us.  I won't bother to ask why any of them ran for commission.  But when you're at that level of disadvantage, and disinterest, the least you can do is listen to someone who knows better than you do, and does have a vision, a sense of where things should go, and how they should get there.  What a relief it could have been, and should have been, to be able to follow Roxy Ross' lead.  And Mac Kennedy, who calls himself a "newbie," gets it.  Since he came on board, with Roxy, in January, they could have listened to him.  But no, that wasn't allowed to happen.  Just inertia and erosion.  That's what we've had for about four years now.  It's as relentless as it is mindless.

Please, if you haven't voted yet, VOTE!  Please put Will Tudor out of our misery.  Unless you hate the Village of Biscayne Park, and you want to see it get more completely destroyed.  And if that's how you feel about the Village, why do you live here?  Are you masochistic?

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