Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Appearance of Impropriety

It was Mac Kennedy who used this phrase repeatedly during his public comments.  In Mac's opinion, many things the Commission and the Village management did failed in that way, as Mac put it, to pass the smell test.  Tonight's meeting was a glaring example of what Mac was trying to describe.

Tracy "Big Mama" Truppman said she was in a hurry, because the agenda was so "packed."  It wasn't, and we weren't, but Tracy was working hard at something.  Her maneuverings began with choosing members for two of the Boards.  There were two odd things about this supposed discussion.  One was Tracy's derailing of the discussion before it started, and choosing instead to talk about whether we even need some of the other Boards.  Evidently, Tracy is setting the Commission up to end Boards.  What this had to do with filling the Boards on the agenda tonight was a mystery.  Except that it was part of Tracy's overall scheme of reconstructing the Village the way she wants it.  But since Tracy has no more use for the Boards than she has for anyone else who lives in Biscayne Park, it probably made its own kind of sense.  She might as well telegraph her plan starting now.  The other oddity was the 4-1 Commission vote to remove Dan Keys from his very long perch atop the Parks and Parkways Board.  I assume it was Dan Samaria who wasn't given the message that we're axing Keys, but it was very clear the other four knew it in advance.  Not a word was said about the Board or its functioning, except Mac Kennedy's public comment expressing gratitude for some of P&P's recent projects, but four Commissioners were on the very same wavelength about Dan Keys.  And those same four Commissioners were fine with the other already sitting P&P members.  They didn't want to reconstitute P&P wholesale.  It was just Dan Keys.

We went on to talk about an attorney for the Village.  Once again, the Commissioners were prepared, and mostly in line (well, the girls were).  Everything pointed to how wonderful Grey Robinson is, even though they no longer have the one attorney who was the reason four of five Commissioners (minus Big Mama) wanted to hire them, and how inferior Fox Rothchild probably is, even though they now do have the one attorney who was the reason we initially hired Grey Robinson, and apparently, a number of other recent defectors from Grey to Fox.  And the Commissioners pretended it was somehow out of their hands, because we hadn't hired John Herrin personally; we had hired Grey Robinson, for whom he was working.  So naturally, since our commitment was to Grey, we had to stay with them.  Except the Commission also let slip the reminder that Grey offered us the clear choice either to stay with them, stay with John Herrin, now at Fox Rothchild, or get counsel from anyone else we wanted.  But the girls mostly don't tell you what they really want, or why they really want it.  Except for a huge one of Betsy Wise's feet she jammed down her own throat.  Betsy reasoned it this way: Roxy Ross made a public comment that was critical of some things the current Commission is doing, so Roxy is an adversary to the Commission; Roxy and John Herrin have known each other for a long time, and even worked together; Betsy couldn't quite get John to say he had spoken to Roxy in the last six months, but she clearly wanted to leave that impression; according to Betsy, a Village resident who is not a Commissioner spoke to John about something unspecified; for all anyone knows, this could have been Roxy.  Therefore, Roxy is an enemy of the people, and John is in league with her, so he should not be hired.  (And it was either Betsy or Big Mama who wrongly said the Village attorney works for the Commission.  No, he or she works for the Village.)  No one brought tomatoes to throw at Betsy for this twisted, paranoid, and nonsensical reasoning, but she sure heard the verbal protest.  Will Tudor apologized to Roxy for the implication, and Betsy interrupted, to make sure it was clear that Will wasn't speaking for her.  A number of terms to describe Betsy were uttered.  She's a viciously nasty person.  And not honest.

Then, it was onto a variance request.  Suffice it to say that Tracy was actually the only Commissioner who understood the issues, and was disposed to grant the variance.  The rest of them were bumbling and had no idea how to think about the problem.  They thought it would buy them time if they approved one of the requested structures, and delayed on the other.  It was Roxy Ross who pointed out that the advertising for the hearing had been faulty, since it listed the hearing as taking place on March 5, but that was the day the three girls all didn't feel like going to a Commission meeting, so the matter was postponed.  Except no one else knew the matter was postponed.  And although the majority of the current Commission would point out that no one else but them matters, there's still the annoying issue of the law.  So the hearing is now postponed until the May meeting.

Perhaps the biggest joke/scam of the meeting was mobile phones.  On the one hand, there was a discussion as to the possible advisability of having Commissioners use Village-provided mobile phones for Village business.  On the other hand, it appears that in advance of this discussion, the phones have already been purchased.  Hmm.  But here was the biggest joke and scam.  The commonest expressed theory as to why it would be a great idea, and a real convenience, for Commissioners to have Village-provided mobile phones was that it would ensure "transparency."  It turns out there are several current, and thus far unfulfilled, records requests to see whom Commissioners have been calling and texting.  Part of the effort not to comply is telling those who make these requests that it will cost them hundreds or even many thousands of dollars to get the records.  Clearly, Commissioners are trying desperately to hide information about their communications, and they have the Village manager running fierce interference for them.  But the question is, on what basis should anyone assume that Commissioners will make all business communications from their business phones only (and won't either cheat or even make a mistake), and how would this be enforced?  What was proffered as ensuring transparency is actually the greatest possible cover for opacity.

In that vein, the Commissioners were asked many questions during public comment.  Not one of those questions was ever answered, either by any of the Commissioners or by the manager.  This is truly government at its very worst.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it really is. One of the unnerving, but perhaps not entirely unpredictable, casualties of Tracy's reign is how Krishan has completely collapsed. Krishan had a lot of support from many of us when he agreed to apply for the manager position. But he seemed more deferential than we expected during the interview process. I approached him about this privately, and I told him I was concerned he seemed as if he would not be assertive enough with Tracy. He reassured me (although that didn't have any real meaning, because I had no power) that what he was offering was a "bait-and-switch,") and that after he got hired, he would be more assertive with Tracy. Nope. If there was a bait-and-switch, the joke was on the rest of us.

      As a case in point, I happen to be in the process of requesting a variance about something. I know I can't get one, because Tracy treats everything personally, and she will not give me a variance, nor allow the girls to give me one. But I have to go through this exercise. I spoke to Krishan in January, to get the process started. He told me I would be on the next agenda. I was not on the February agenda, nor was I on the March agenda, even the one for the postponed meeting. So I went to ask him about it two days ago. He claimed to have "dropped the ball." I told him that the dynamic was that Tracy prohibited him from processing my variance application, until proven otherwise. He said there was no proof, but that what he was saying was true. In fact, it doesn't really matter. Either this was Tracy's mischief, or she keeps him so busy chasing sticks that he can't do the work of the Village and its residents, or he's just lost interest.

      But the bottom line is that nothing happens in the Village, and Tracy and her stooges, now to include Krishan, simply destroy.

      By the way, just to illustrate another example of the posture Krishan has adopted, during the meeting last night, he addressed Dan Samaria as "Dan." He would never do that to any other Commissioner, and Dan didn't complain or correct him. But Krishan has latched right onto Tracy's marginalization of and disrespect for Dan.

      Betsy and Tracy and Jenny and Will, and even Dan, made awful fools of themselves last night.

  2. Even by BP standards, last night was a shit show of epic dimensions. We got exactly what we deserve

  3. Those of us who love high-quality television know that the commission meetings are scheduled at the same time the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs on Bravo. If our really nice, but incompetent, village manager would send out a teaser before each commission meeting and let all residents know exactly how backstabbing, maniacal and dishonest our commissioners are in advance, it may really improve attendance at meetings.
    The saddest part of this current commission is the fact that this is the best this group of misfits can do even when they have already stacked the deck... let’s not forget that three of these commissioners ran as a group of three promoting positivity, neighborliness and integrity. It’s kind of like when Trump tells us he’s a Christian.
    I have one simple question for this group of commissioners: Do you honestly feel that the type of behavior on display at the meeting last night is in anyway advancing or moving this village forward?
    I guess this is what happens when people vote for candidates who don’t want you to know anything about them and couldn’t even come to an agreement about participating in a meet the candidates event. The residents of BP couldn’t see this coming? If this is truly the level of leadership Biscayne Park residents consider acceptable, I will draw the conclusion that Biscayne Park no longer deserves the privilege of governing itself.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Shit show" is about the nicest thing that can be said of last night's meeting. Just a couple of "highlights".......the monthly Betsy Wise resident smack down. The only month she missed was February when she gave her disingenuous apology.....the one where she played the victim card. Only this month she expanded her hit list to include the attorney going after him in this paranoid prosecutororial style with lots of innuendo. Her issue was his speaking to former commission members or other residents. As long as he's not charging who cares if he speaks to former commissioners or any other resident? Her attitude begs the question what's she so paranoid about? And then her usual accusations that residents are wasting time and money and keeping the village's business from being done in this case due to their public records requests. I believe she referred to it as harassment. Newsflash Betsy....the village's business is our business! But since she brought up time and money. How much time did they spend last night hearing a variance request that legally they should not have heard? And it took Roxy to let them know that the hearing was advertised for March 5 but held on the 19th therefore it had to be re-advertised. One would think someone on staff or the commission should have known this. And thanks to the 3 women on the commission who mysteriously couldn't make the March 5 meeting the village will now be out a few hundred dollars for a new ad. It's really amusing (not) being lectured to by someone who prior to late August of last year had exactly ZERO involvement in this community but now fancies herself an expert on all things governance.

    And then there's the obsession with the decorum rules......the ones that don't apply to any friends of Tracy's. Mike Redmond could yell out several times.....no problem.....while other residents were called out by name and essentially told to behave.

    We have truly hit rock bottom.

    1. Non-Commissioner Village resident have always been welcome to talk to the Village attorney. I spoke to John Hearn at least a few times when I was not a Commissioner.

      The issue is "Betsy's" paranoia, which is really only Tracy's paranoia. Betsy is no more than a guard dog for Tracy. Both of them are obsessed with Roxy, for good reason. Roxy makes them all look bad, even from her seat in the audience. She's just that far superior to anyone else, and there's nothing almost anyone could do about it. There's certainly nothing the present crew can do about it, since they have no redeeming qualities. They feel foolish and inferior? They are foolish and inferior. The best thing they could possibly do is be as deferential as possible to Roxy, and try always to learn something. But they're not built that way, and they're not looking to learn anything.

  6. Betsy is not being paranoid, she is causing trouble, that was contrived and plotted with Tracy. The decorum rules that Tracy and Betsy are trying to use against the residents go both ways. In fact there was a civility reso. on the books that applies to the Commission not the residents. That reso. was violated last night as were the decorum rules by Betsy and Tracy the charter violators and possibly other misdeeds. Tracy did nothing to stop Betsy but she sure stopped me in my tracks when I was making a statement. Only Will reached out at the meeting and apologized to Rox, so I am thinking Will for his show of class last night versus crass by Tracy and Betsy.
    Further, as Fred states I spoke to our former Village Attorney John Hern on a number of occasions over the years. Best I know there is no between the Commission and the Village attorney other than certain specific exceptions. The attorney being told not to come to a meeting does not come under those exceptions.

  7. Speaks volumes as to the lack of class of this commission that John Hearin was told not to come to a meeting where in fact his employment would be discussed. Our reputation continues to sink and the 3 women are clueless. Two of them arrogant and the other.......don't even know what to say about Jenny except totally and completely disappointing. Arrogance is never a good trait. Arrogance combined with ignorance is deadly.

  8. I just posted this on Nextdoor, but I thought I'd also share it here in the interest of helping Betsy to grow into her new position. I kinda feel bad for her at this point in her tenure. This was in response to some residents discussing Betsy's claims of harassment.

    I was at that meeting, and I'm not certain Betsy used the word "lawsuit," but she certainly connected dots between requests for public records (a right in this country through Freedom of Information) and "harassment." And, she indicated she would involve the village attorney, which of course costs us money. (Attorneys hit the "bill" clock every time you contact them.) When the video comes out, I'll also be interested in hearing exactly what Betsy said. I'm rather certain that she was reading from a prepared statement, so it wasn't a comment she just tossed out there. She was armed in advance on the topic. To me (speaking only for myself as a resident who recently requested some public records, although not specific to Betsy), her little speech felt like an attack on residents. Again, can't speak for anyone but myself, but she didn't threaten, intimidate or impress, if that was her intent. I actually chortled in response.

    Remember that Betsy is an attorney herself, although I'm not certain she ever practiced as one, and at the meeting she indicated her inexperience in the field in another comment she tossed casually, if we're being fair. Betsy's apparently fully aware that she's not to be considered an expert in legal matters and she's not acting as our village attorney. Perhaps her inexperience and/or naivete as a legal professional are showing, and that's cool ... we didn't hire her to be an attorney. I'm assuming if she does have that conversation with our real attorney she'll be informed that the public may exercise its right to view all of her communications as they relate to her elected office. She may not recall that particular class from law school, which I believe she attended quite a long time ago. She says she's an accomplished communications professional (which she indicated in another portion of the meeting), so I'd hope she'd communicate better on the dais. She came off a bit out of her league, but she's still rather new to communicating as an elected official if we're going to cut her the slack we might for a newbie or one less familiar with how government works. As good communicators do, she'll probably watch the video herself, recognize her obvious shortcomings, and practice in the mirror or to a pet before the next meeting. I expect we'll see a more polished Betsy in the coming months. She'll catch on.

    1. Mac,

      Betsy placed herself, and the Village, at a breathtaking disadvantage. And she didn't have to. I, for one, asked her not to.

      Betsy decided that based on no activity or reason for any insight about the Village, she should be a Commissioner. She had never attended a meeting, and she knew nothing about any of this. When I talked to her about this, during her campaign, she suggested that I might think her scheme was what she called "arrogant." I told her that coincidentally, that had, in fact, been just the word that sprang to my mind, too.

      Betsy has been completely out of her element on the Commission. (Actually, I don't know what Betsy's element is. All I know is that she proposed to do something she has not done-- "branding"-- and as recently as two days ago, she was still suggesting she was available. It's very unclear to me what she's waiting for, since it's the one and only thing she proposed to offer. I'm reminded here of Bryan Cooper, who ran on an offer to help write grants, which he never did.)

      Anyway, the very least Betsy could do, now that she's a "post turtle," as they say, is listen, keep her mouth shut, and be very respectful of and deferential to her neighbors. We have seen none of that. All we've seen is continued arrogance, snarkiness, and nastiness. Betsy has not delivered what she promised, nor has she shown any useful insight or helpful contribution about anything else. She is almost entirely what Chuck says she is: Tracy's attack dog.

      So, any of us should "cut [Betsy] some slack?" No, I don't think so. I can't see why any of us would.

  9. Mac,

    I'm not cool with any other of the behaviors that have been displayed by Betsy to date and I give her no slack. She is not interested in changing, Tracy recruited her to be, and she has become Tracy's Hatchet Man/Attack dog. At the meeting she clearly snarled and attacked the residents that made public records requests, John Herin our attorney, and Rox in particular by calling her out by name. These actions violated the decorum rules and in general would not be considered normal behavior as an elected official. If we had a competent and unbiased Mayor in place, he/she would have cautioned Betsy to cease and desist or leave the room. And remember she attacked Will, she said something to the effect, she makes no apologies for her remarks and that he should not apologize for her.

    As to the attorney, I maintain that John Herin is our Attorney and not the law firm Gray Robinson. My understanding is that you contract with the Attorney not the law firm and John Herin was our sole contact with Gray Robinson. In my opinion, the Village has made a serious error in disregarding this fact. Further, Gray Robinson does not have the governmental experience in South Florida, that’s why they had to bring in an Attorney from Tampa. Aside from the fact that John Herin was assaulted (accused him of ethics violations) by both Betsy and Tracy at the meeting he has been improperly terminated according to our Charter.* So again, in my opinion, the manner in which the Attorney has been summarily dismissed is yet another Charter violation, and according to our Charter John Herin remains the Village’s Attorney.

    Back to Betsy, she may qualify that she is not a practicing attorney when she takes a position, but she has reminded us she passed the bar, that she was at Fowler White many years ago, and I believe that she still has a license to practice law. I think this may place her on a different footing than the rest of us.

    *Was it just a coincidence that they mostly used the same arguments to try to take a vote to eliminate John at the meeting? I don’t think so, as you say Betsy had a prepared statement. I believe the intention was to take a vote to get rid of him at the meeting. If this is true, then did Tracy and Betsy work this out ahead of time? Tracy jumped all over seconding the motion, with no hesitation.
