Thursday, March 7, 2019

I Hate When That Happens.

We were supposed to have a Commission meeting this past Tuesday.  It was March 5, the first Tuesday of the month.  But the meeting was postponed for two weeks, until March 19.

The boys were around and ready to go, but the girls, well...  All three of them, apparently, couldn't make it.  At this point, it's a little loose as to what the excuse was, but I'm told it had something to do with an allegation that they-- the three of them-- weren't around this week.  Freakin' nasty coincidence.  I guess.

And it's odd, because Mama was at Village Hall all day, as usual.  And Jenny's car appeared at her house at 6:30 PM, presumably after work, and disappeared the next morning, as if she went back to work.  Betsy's car was in front of her house the whole time.

So it's pretty hard to cling to any idea that they somehow weren't around.  The clearly were.  They just didn't want to attend a meeting that night.  None of them did.  And assuming the absence of a Sunshine violation, it was just a dumb coincidence that none of them felt like having a meeting in advance of the same night.

You might be moved to wonder what it was about that meeting that they were each trying to avoid.  And because they all managed to avoid the same meeting, days in advance, no agenda was published.  I can't even look at a proposed agenda and guess what set the girls off.  Something, that's for sure.  And independently, unless they laugh their heads off every time anyone utters the words "Sunshine Law."  They don't seem to bother to clue the boys in any more.  But really, who cares about the boys?  It's 3-2 anyway.  Good girls.

Well, I guess we'll see what shenanigans they pull on the 19th, and if whatever mischief they make contains any clues as to what they wanted to dodge this week.

Helluva Village government we have here.  But we put this nonsense up there.  The joke's on us.


  1. First, in my opinion, the meeting was improperly cancelled. The proper method would be to cancel the meeting if a quorum failed to appear at the designated time on March 5th @ 7:00 PM. The meeting was cancelled behind the scenes with no explanation, so again a lack of transparency. If as you indicate all three were home, only one was required to establish a quorum. Lastly, what an odd coincidence that all three were not able to attend. Was it not possible to reschedule the meeting for later in the week?

    1. Yup, that's the correct procedure. Yup, absolutely no transparency, or accountability, or the remotest concern for "the residents." In fact, gross disdain for us.

      Oh, you hate when those coincidences happen, too.

  2. Interesting rule in the Charter, it sounds like this addresses a meeting in progress but it could be open for interpretation. Can two members show up and demand the absent members come to the meeting to form a quorum? If not maybe when the next charter review committee convenes this rule should be amended to demand that at a regularly scheduled Commission meeting absent members come to the meeting to establish a quorum or communicate good cause to those in attendance as to why not.

    C) Quorum and voting.

    (1) Any three (3) members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum but a smaller number may recess or adjourn a meeting from time to time and may compel the attendance of absent members in a manner and subject to the penalties prescribed by the rules of the Commission prior to voting on matters of great importance.

  3. One of the theories is that Big Momma needed more time to conjure up enough lackeys for the 3 boards that were up this month. If you remember there hadn't been any notice sent out asking for volunteers by the time the meeting was rescheduled. And we know how Big Momma treats board appointments. It's not about putting the best qualified on the board. It's about fealty to Big Momma. She must be really excited 'cause next month she gets to screw up the two most crucial boards - Code and P&Z. She's been bitching about those two boards for a couple of years. Now she can dole out her punishment to her political enemies and expand her control.

  4. Janey,

    I was also thinking the boards might be a reason.

  5. There are two issues here. One is a reason to cancel a meeting. From the guesses made, there appears to be no good reason. This is the public's business, and a meeting should have been held. I didn't see an agenda, but I would suspect there was more on it than Board nominations. The girls have deflected any and all business they owe their neighbors to have addressed. If any Commissioners "weren't ready" for one issue or another, they could say so, and take any heat coming to them for not being prepared. And if they tried to find Board members, but couldn't, that's perfectly acceptable.

    The other issue is lying about an excuse not to come to the meeting, and what appears to have been a very clear Sunshine violation in colluding to invent an excuse not to come.

    The final issue that I suppose someone will raise is Krishan's cooperation in this. I would normally like to defend him, but I don't know how.

  6. Krishan has sent so many emails for board nominations, he’s practically begging for volunteers. The more efficient way would be to ask Fred or Mac to nominate themselves for a board, then the commissioners would recruit FAST! My bigger concern is how meetings are being scheduled and cancelled, seemingly without cause or proper notice. Aren’t there rules about such things?

    1. Fred and Mac, and Nicole, are personae non gratae and radioactive to the present "Commission" (Tracy, and her little girl stooges). Tracy cares nothing at all for the Village or anything to do with it, and she would not permit the girls to approve those three Village residents, all of whom have done vastly more for the Village than Tracy and her girls ever have or ever will. Tracy is into domination and acting out personal vendettas. She is not interested in Boards. Tracy understood the task: go find volunteers. She couldn't. But that's no reason to hang up the Village and its functioning, and postpone meetings. We've had past Commissions where the Commissioners have tried to find Board members, couldn't, and apologized, and promised to keep trying.

      Are we sure this is about Tracy's failure to find Board volunteers? Are we sure it isn't something else?

  7. The only thing I am sure about is that this whole situation was handled with a complete lack of professionalism, lack of transparency and complete arrogant disrespect of residents. It would take a leap of faith of epic proportions to believe that the 3 girls separately and without each others knowledge just happened to come up with something so pressing only a few days before a regularly scheduled meeting that they couldn't attend that meeting. Everything else is simply theory or conjecture....AKA we're guessing based on Tracy's history and usual MO.
