Saturday, June 29, 2013

Good News/Bad News. Attendance at Safety Day, June 29, 2013

Attendance was great.  Our police were there, having set up a table inside, and doing bike safety checks outside.  They gave out free bike helmets, and they took finger prints of anyone who wanted them on file.  I'm guessing there were nearly a dozen officers.

The County had several tables all its own.  The State Attorney's office (well, not the County, really) was represented by four people.  There were tables for DERM, other conservation-related divisions, wildlife (the live Florida king snake was there again), and a table devoted to public services, like "SNAP."  That's the acronym that means food stamps.  Everyone was eager to help, advise, and even provide.  By the way, if you want to know what trees the County considers invaders that are "Not Wanted," let me know.  There are 31 types.  Yes, those three are there.

Two guys from a martial arts gym were there, demonstrating various martial arts techniques, for anyone (the intended audience was probably the kids) who was interested.  Ray Atesiano put on his own demonstration in a friendly spar with Dan Samaria.  That's ex-Marine Dan Samaria.  I don't know whether I'd be more afraid of Ray's gun, his Taser, or his dukes.  That beer belly is a diversion.  He's definitely got it.

Costco was there, of course.  John Hornbuckle set up a table, to let you know he's available if you've had home damage and might be making an insurance claim.  Call John before you do.  He'll get you more than you could get yourself.  Even Coach Joe had his own little table, in case you want to sign your kid up for soccer.

I think everyone was there.  Except you.  Turnout from "us" was, um, terrible.  I'm happy to report that the four Commissioners anyone would have had any reason to expect were there.  Dr Mr MIA was MIA.  Come to think of it, I guess I don't even know what the "A" stands for in this case.  Ana Garcia was on vacation, but Candido Sosa-Cruz was there.  Most of the usuals were there.  But not nearly as many residents and kids as I would have expected, as the vendors/displayers expected, as anyone wanted.

I have to be honest here.  If this event had been held in Miami Shores or North Miami, I would not have gone.  I was there out of community spirit.  It's true there was content, and I wouldn't even say I didn't learn something, but that's not why I went.  Those of us who did go bemoaned the very thin turnout from our neighbors.  We thought maybe the event should have been bundled with some other event, or maybe one of those seasonal celebrations.  Nobody suggested that word had not gotten out, but you never know.

If you were there, and especially if you weren't, would you be willing to say what you think the problem was?  Is this simply not of that much interest?  Was it too hot today?  Is a Saturday not a good day?  We've done better in the past, and they've always been on Saturdays.  What do you think?  Please enter a comment.  If you're shy, or reluctant to "go public," send me an e-mail privately.  I won't give anyone your name.  But if there are useful insights, I'd like to tell Ray Atesiano, Dan Samaria, and Chuck Ross what they are.  See ya next time?

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