Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Giorgio/Jorge/George Marinoni "Show"

Jorge/George (that's what he calls himself) is actually of Italian heritage, and his given name is Giorgio.  But, since he calls himself some version of Jorge, and since he's personally from South America, I'm going to refer to him as Jorge.

I've known Jorge and Karen Marinoni for quite some time.  I moved to BP in 2005, and I feel sure they already lived here then.  I think Jorge's career was in something to do with technology, but he's retired, and now, he applies himself to art.

You've seen some of his art.  If you've driven through the Village, and noticed concrete benches with enameled ceramic tile decorations, Jorge made those.  He also paints.  (He's also been active in the Village, at least on the Foundation and the P&P Board.  I think he's on the latter now.)

So, if you paint, you...paint.  And that creates a backlog of paintings you did because you were inspired, and not necessarily because you had people who wanted to acquire those paintings.  That's especially true if you're retired.  People who know Chuck Ross well have to twist his arm to get him to consider selling his magnificent wildlife photography, which went from a hobby to a passion to an expertise.  Jorge seems to be a bit like that.

Two days ago, Jorge had a display of many of his paintings at Luna Star Cafe on the north side of 125th St between 7th and 8th Avenues.  Jorge is not very much of a self-promoter, and he didn't even tell me about this showing until the day before it or the day of it.  So, of course...

The show was from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, and I was busy and didn't get there until 4:30.  It was a pretty thin group at that point, but over the next couple of hours or so, an increased number of "Village people" arrived.  It was very good to catch up.

One painting -- a nice rendering of the log cabin -- was already sold by the time I got there.  Jorge must have been in more active contact with those buyers, because they weren't even in town.  Over the course of the late afternoon and early evening, Jorge sold a few more pieces.  I'm personally way over the limit in terms of art, a noteworthy amount of which is on the floor, because I have no wall space for it, but I picked out the painting I liked best, and told Jorge that if he didn't sell it to someone else, I'd take it.  I like it, I most certainly don't need it and have no place for it, but I do like Jorge and Karen.

I don't know how many paintings have been sold as of this minute.  But Jorge told me the exhibit would remain in place until June 28.  You can't be treated to complimentary wine and "bites" any more, but you can certainly swing by, take a look at Jorge's paintings, and enhance your living space with one or more, which I personally encourage you to do.  And if you see something you like, and it has a red dot sticker on it (it's been sold), my guess is that Jorge will paint you another one just like it.


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