Wednesday, June 12, 2024


As I said a month or two ago, I finally changed the Comment setting so that no one could comment without my approving it.  My one and only goal was to stop comments from anyone who didn't identify him- or herself.

Yesterday, I published a post I had written two months ago, and forgotten to publish then.  Today, a reader wrote to me to say s/he had posted a comment.  No comment was there, and blogspot never sent me the comment to preview.  I checked Spam, and there was nothing from blogspot there either.  The reader was someone I trust completely and know well.

So the system that allows me to block comments from "Anonymous" isn't working.  Therefore, I changed it back to the old system, where anyone can comment without my approval, and I'll just delete any comments from "Anonymous."

The fact is that I never received any comments to preview after I made the change, and I apparently mistakenly thought that was because no one had anything to add.  Well, someone said s/he did, and my goal is to stimulate conversation, not prevent it.

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