Saturday, March 16, 2024

So, Ryan Huntington Has Stepped Up His Campaigning. Sort Of.

When I went to get the mail from the box immediately outside my front door today, I also found a door tag from Ryan.  No one knocked on my door today, so someone blew by my house for the purpose only of leaving the door tag.

The tag was completed on both sides of a glossy card.  On the "Vote Ryan Huntington" side, there was a photograph of Ryan (and one of him, presumably, in a group of firefighters), and his "Mission" statement.  Ryan aims to "review, interpret, and understand the culture and history of our Village, so we can create healthy, sustainable and tangible change for residents now.  Which can lead to growth opportunities for the future, while staying true to the integrity and beauty of our Village."  At the end of this side of the card was Ryan's suggestion that we "Vote for Change."

There are several issues here.  First, as I mentioned, someone just wanted to leave the card, but not get, you know, bogged down or waylaid by the time-wasting possibility of a conversation with the people whose votes Ryan wants.  Second, I'm still assuming that Ryan spoke to Chester Morris.  Chester is on the new post announcement circulation for this blog, and if Chester reads the posts, I would have thought he would have given Ryan a heads up to be sure to meet me.  The fact is not only that I did a post about Ryan, but I always offer candidates guest authorship, so they can use the blog to say what they want.  It would have been to my advantage and to Ryan's advantage if he met me.

Third, Ryan wants to become a Commissioner so he can "review, interpret, and understand the culture and history of our Village," etc?  Isn't that backwards?  Hasn't someone who would be a useful and meaningful Commissioner already reviewed, interpreted, and come to understand the culture and history of our Village?  I realize that there are always people who think they can be effective electeds with no prior knowledge, but I haven't seen any evidence that they're right.  I still don't know how long Ryan's lived here, or if he's indoctrinated himself or served the Village in any way.  His door tag seems to make clear he hasn't.  So, he imagines he's going to get elected, then waste time finding out about the Village and how it works, what we've done, what we haven't done, and why we haven't done what we haven't done, on the job?  I don't know anything about firefighters, but I would strongly suspect that firefighters have more sophisticated training than just being children or unrelated civilians who are overtaken by a sudden idea that they should join the FD, then figure out about fires and how to fight them later.

The other side of the door tag has a photograph of Ryan's family.  They're a nice-looking group.  If they wanted to be models, I'd encourage them.  The "About" section talks about how Ryan is a firefighter, paramedic, husband, father, and BP resident (right; he couldn't run if he wasn't a BP resident, for at least a year).  He also notes that he "care[s] deeply" about the Park.

Below that, he lists four goals.  They're essentially the usual boilerplate campaign platitudes, but #3 is curious, because Ryan says he wants to "Renew a culture of collaboration between elected officials and residents, where we seek resident input prior to any project."  So, Ryan doesn't have time to meet his neighbors when he wants their votes, but he wants to collaborate with them about projects once he's in office?  Must be that new math.

If I felt compelled to vote in this election, I'd have a problem.  Dan Samaria was already a Commissioner, and has given me reasons not to vote for him.  Ryan Huntington has a level of visibility that is more frustrating and insulting than it is enlightening and reassuring.  And I don't even know who the other candidates are.  I think there are some, but they're totally invisible.  If I'm wrong, and it's only Dan and Ryan, I won't bother to vote.  Dan won't make a good Commissioner (as if we cared any more, apparently), and Ryan is a "pig in a poke."  If my house catches fire, or I collapse in the street, I hope he helps me.  As a Commissioner?  I'm just not seeing it.


  1. Interesting reply look what happened in the last election. We voted in two ladies, both with the same name of Veronica one of them, resigned her position. The other, Veronica/Argentina lady still asking questions still tying up the meetings for hours and hours let’s not forget about Art Gonzalez making this announcement when he was elected to his first term and only term that he’s not gonna Pursue a second term, so what do we have there a big waste of time. He has never contributed anything to the commission. sitting that was another mistake. Now we have these newcomers that know nothing about the village of Biscayne Park look how damaging the Veronica Argentinian lady is and she thinks she knows about the village and she does not she’s learning she says it’s been over two years that she’s been learning and still hasn’t been able to pass the test of knowledge the faster we dissolve the village of Biscayne Park commissioners the faster the village of Biscayne Park will be in a better place. One thing that’s extremely important. Why do we have to and are forced to address Jonathan as the mayor the 3000 people in the village of Biscayne Park did not vote for Jonathan to be the mayor. How could he steal that position from this community? Miami Dade County already has a mayor. It’s a woman mayor cava Jonathan‘s title should be administrative commissioner not the mayor they need to remove the signed mayor. At these meetings he is not the mayor of the village of Biscayne Park. Nobody voted for him other than four commissioners you cannot do that. Read the charter clearly the title of mayor needs to be removed, nobody voted for him. He’s only been here two years in the village, and yet he pronounces around like an elected official and steals the title of mayor

    1. The only thing being dissolved is my brain cells trying to work around this preamble of a moronic epitaph to Dan SamariaN's political career. Listen, buddy, I want to level with you.... Your racism; i mean colloquialism precedes you. We all know it's you. Maybe like switch it up a little to throw off the scent that it's literally Dan Samaria commenting and ranting obsessively about "Veronica/Argentina". We get it you are a misogynist who hates women existing in a realm you believe mediocre (or in your case; extremely under qualified and subpar) men should be in. Look no further buddy, Christian Mingle surely has your match. If that doesn't work maybe FarmersOnly, and if that truly does not fit your standards; then the Tudder app surely will.

      Also by that logic of not having a Mayor because our County has a Mayor, we should dissolve the power of the purely ceremonial decree of Mayor Groth. Maybe since Mayor Groth is "pronouncing" around he can help (according to you) "Veronica/Argentina" and Dan SamariaN, both who use English as a second language.

  2. Getting back to the Argentini/commissioner. Her English very poor. She has a difficult time, pronouncing certain words, her pronunciation if you listen to the videos and watch, she can’t pronounce words. Clearly, she gets confused, then usually another commission of steps in and guides it through the difficult time of pronunciation of certain words, so what do we have? We have another handicap commissioner there are classes at Miami Dade, which you could take on her off time to help her with her English pronunciation of words. She could also do a course online and repeat the words over and over until she gets them right

    1. Ah yes, Let's add ableist to the long list of things Dan SamariaN is. By the way little sweet angel; there's a difference between pronouncing words and enunciating them. I believe there is still time left to enroll in the summer semester. Shorter semesters and they give great discounts to veterans. Missed opportunity, buddy. Think about it.

  3. This July marks 10 years that I’m a village resident, and in this 10 years nothing has changed we have broken streets we have streets that flood we have houses that are in disarray. We have a non-functional police department. Basically we do not have a police department. We have security guards and volunteers in the last 10 years we’ve had six managers, three police chiefs clerks that are changing hands all the time nobody stays in the village of Biscayne Park. This current manager Chris is on a timetable. He will be departing soon. This commission is a sham. It’s an embarrassment. It shouldn’t take place every month

  4. in the last 10 years the front door of the police department door has been locked it’s never been opened. Could you imagine that keeping the police department closed 24 hours a day seven days a week for the last 10 years can anyone explain why no one is at the police department

  5. And one of the meetings, the Argentinian made a racial statement against Dan Samarian Dan was explaining the way he talks the New York accent that he has being from New York. She said she’s not in favor and doesn’t like it and doesn’t agree with Dan Samarian that’s a nasty nasty lady She’s gonna be a one term commissioner as well

    1. Dan SamariaN strikes again. First of all, I want to publicly denounce Dan as one of our own New Yorkers. We promise we do have a high literacy rate, he must've been a product of no child left behind (except he was probably a 50 year old child at this point, and in fact was left far far far behind). You are right Dan SamariaN, she might be a one term
      commissioner. You would be the expert witness in that. Please yell a little louder from the bleacher seats.

    2. PS- New Yorkers are not a race of people. Just FYI if you've ever filled out Census paperwork, or maybe a loan application, an indicator it might be a scam is if it says "New Yorker" as a bubble in next to Race/Ethnicity.

  6. Since Ryan is a firefighter maybe he could use his expertise to get that door opened at the police department firefighters have the tools to break doors down I think that should be first on his agenda, reopen the police department for safety purposes

    1. Are firefighters supposed to take work tools home and commit vandalism as well as B&E? Perhaps your friends from your Jan 6th watch party could give you tips & tricks for gently trying to overthrow established governments and safety protocols. It could've been my ears finely attuned to listening when people talk, or my brains ability to comprehend the english language in real-time, or perhaps the fact i can pay attention when that attention is called for; but the police dept stated, they don't leave it open because they are out patrolling the streets and don't have an administrator in office. That is something the would love to have and have their budget fund; however, this has not been the case.
      If it even was on this man's agenda would you read it to make sure that it's getting done or would you complain about it on a third-rate (at best) blog

  7. It tells me one thing. FRED is a Monday morning quarterback he should apply to be a Village reporter maybe he can get some respect or a job 3 A M job at a radio station where people can actually listen to him as we sleep. Can wait to tune in

  8. he just loves talking to himself self medicates
