Monday, February 19, 2024

Who's Your Daddy? (Who Are Your Daddies?)

Yet again, Donnie Trump is getting donations to pay his lawyers (whom he isn't going to pay).  Now, the tits he's sucking are on "megadonors," not just the small contributors.

Donnie started his life this way.  His biological daddy, Fred Sr, had amassed an impressive (depressing, if you were one of his tenants) portfolio of real estate, and he didn't want to leave it to Fred Jr, Donnie's older brother, who reportedly had a drinking problem.  (Are we, in Donnie and Rep/con fashion, to write off Germans as rigid and unempathic, even about their own offspring?)  So, Fred Sr left his wealth to Donnie, who began squandering and mismanaging it.  I don't know anything about Fred Sr and his wife, but apart from one daughter who became a judge, they seem to have spawned troubled boys.

Why Fred Sr underwrote his loser son, Donnie, is a mystery to me.  But he did, and Donnie lost money hand over fist.  Fred Sr kept underwriting Donnie and his losses.  Maybe Fred Sr was just a superficial and meaningless person, and as long as he could see the Drumpf/Trump name in lights, he was satisfied.  The result, though, is that Donnie's adulthood, failure that it was (bankruptcies, chronic marital failures, etc) was enabled by Fred Sr, because Donnie couldn't do anything except fuck up.  (Except at least he wasn't an alcoholic, like Fred Jr, and he held on to daddy's leg, and made fun of Fred Jr.  That was his big accomplishment.  And it led him to realize that phony images are everything, so creating them became his specialty.)

Fred Sr was Donnie's daddy.  But Fred Sr is dead now, so Donnie has found a collection of other daddies.  He predictably gets himself in various kinds of trouble, and he either stiffs the people he "hires" to bail him out of it, or he gets other suckers to give him their money, so he can...  You know, I don't know what he does with the money.  I don't know if he pays the people he "hires," or he just uses it to support his phony upkeep.  Why should you pay overpriced lawyers to get you out of the trouble you make for yourself, if you can stiff them, like you stiff everyone else, and buy a gold toilet for your 30K sq ft (or is it 11K sq ft?) apartment instead?  And that apartment is worth... Oh, that's right, I read yesterday that anything burdened with the Trump name (anything that hasn't gone out of business already) is dropping in value.

But still, those donors keep coughing up their money.  Why?  Assuming they think Donnie will pull a victory out of his ass (well, our asses), The Guardian says this: "while many donor concerns remain -- not least following Trump's comments about abandoning NATO members -- for some donors they appear subordinate to their support of policies including low taxes and environmental deregulation."  Although The Guardian adds that tech billionaire Peter Thiel and Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman won't donate again.  It wasn't explained why people with way more money than they can possible figure out what to do with would turn away from someone who will advocate to give them more, and allow them to finish trashing the planet.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe there really is a religion to get.  (Although to be fair to myself, I never said there wasn't religion.  I just said it's based on fairy tales.)  But the point is that although Donnie doesn't approve of addiction to alcohol, he does approve of addiction to money, and he doesn't care how much damage is done in the pursuit of it.  And the same is true of the vast majority of the suckers who donate their money to him.  It's a curious thing that someone with so many daddies has so many people whose uncle he is.

So, we'll see.  Some perseverative idiot who calls himself "Anonymous" always, regardless of the topic of the posts in this blog, enters comments about Trump's winning this year.  I have not the slightest doubt s/he will do it again under this post.  I wonder if s/he is one of Trump's mindless donors, too.  Likely so.


  1. Dr. Fred Jonas, the biggest fool in the medical field President Donald Trump will be reelected in November 2024. Have respect from America’s greatest president

  2. You’re just like Dan Samarian I’m sure you’re very good friends with him. He’s running in a special election. Does he have your vote
