Saturday, March 10, 2018

And Then, I Listened to the Recording of the Rest.

Marlen, you correctly noted that we're "different" here in BP.  So why are you suggesting we staff up the way they do at the County, with their "zillions" of employees?  You can't have subordinates and helpers.  You are a subordinate and helper.  Are you aware that you have predecessors?  Do you know that all of them got your job done by themselves, and all or most of them did it better than you do?  I think you made a mistake applying to work here.  Presumably, you needed a job.  So your employment with the Village solves your problem.  But you're not welcome to make yourself, and your apathy and lack of devotion, our problem.  I suggest you find some other place to work, where you can be a smaller cog in a bigger wheel, and you can get away with not doing much, and no one will notice.

Harvey, what grotesque disrespect, disdain, and arrogance you showed in your decision to remove from the Agenda a discussion item that wasn't yours.  Clearly, you're part of the machine, and (most of) the other stooges will accommodate your scheme.  But that doesn't make it right.  It just means you're all disrespectful, disdainful, and arrogant.  I'm still trying to figure out what on earth you're doing on the Commission.  You don't seem to want anything, which is the disease you caught from the rest of the majority of which you're a part.

Jenny, you show a consistent discursive and sterile uselessness.  You have no meaning, except to be a number on which Tracy and the other bobbleheads can rely.  You're part of the majority in votes that are 4-1 or 3-2.  But you don't offer anything.  As is true of Harvey, you don't want anything.  You're just there, voting as Tracy needs you to vote.  Interestingly, though, you did at one point offer to donate your next Village check to Pelican Harbor, so the Village would not squander, as you seem to see it, Village residents' money.  What you were doing, in effect, is transferring taxpayer money from yourself to Pelican Harbor.  If what you're saying is that giving taxpayers' money to you is squandering it, but giving it to Pelican Harbor is not, I agree with you.  I think this was an apt insight you had about yourself.

Tracy, I don't think you understand.  The problem with your having been present at a meeting between Krishan and WastePro was not what you allege you said.  It was that you were there.  We don't know what you said.  You're not honest, so your reporting what you said doesn't mean anything.  And Krishan wants to keep his job, so he's going to agree to anything you claim.  You've made it very clear that you'll fire him in a heartbeat, if he doesn't do whatever you say, and back you up.  You claim to have transmitted concerns or complaints made by Village residents, but no one knows who these supposed Village residents are, or what were their complaints.  No one knows how many Village residents made a particular complaint, against how many said the opposite, or didn't complain at all.  No Village resident complained that WastePro trucks make too many right turns.  That was your idea.  And you told WastePro whatever you told them on your own.  You dominated that meeting the way you dominate every meeting that includes you.  Krishan was a silent partner.  The right way for things like this to happen is as a result of open meetings in the Village, with Krishan in attendance, some consensus from the Commission, and Krishan comes to understand the problems, and works out with WastePro the solutions.  Krishan is the Village manager.  You hired him.  Read the Charter.  Understand what is his role, and what is yours.  The Village is not Tracyville.  You're not allowed to do what you're doing.

Will, what you typically have to offer is stumbling, bumbling, rambling empty nonsense.  No one missed you the last two Commission meetings, when you weren't there.  There was just a little bit less time wasted in your absence.  Tracy had her majority without you, and you don't add anything.  This time, though, you had something to say.  You observed that nothing has gotten done since you took office (which is correct), and you tried to blame it on "infighting."  Let me explain something to you, Will.  You are part of a very reliable majority which is usually a supermajority.  The good news about being part of a majority is that you get to do whatever you want, and you can't be stopped.  The bad news is that whatever is done, or not done, is on you.  You can't blame anyone else.  The only thing different from the foolish and destructive drone that comes from Tracy, you, Jenny, and Harvey, is the voice of reason, perspective, and intelligence that comes from Roxy.  But the four of you ignore her and outvote her, and she's not your problem.  She's not an excuse for you.  If the present Commission is a gross failure, which it is, it's not because of any "infighting."  It's because four of you are inept, you have no aim or agenda, and three of you simply do what one of you says.

It was actually mildly less sickening to listen to the recording than it would have been to have stayed there.  At least you can't confront anyone, when there's no one else there.


  1. Art Gonzalez asked me to post this for him:

    "Hysterically accurate." Art added "Your description of those clowns would hold up in any court in America."

    Everyone has an opinion about everything. And everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. It would be nice if people could support their opinions. I try to support mine. But the thing I insist on about what I say is that I get the facts right. I never want to misrepresent anyone, or anything that happens. I don't require anyone else to agree with me. If they do, fine. If they don't, I'm eager to know how they understand it. But I never want to have to be told that I got the facts wrong. If and when I do, I instantly apologize, as long as I can be shown that the facts were wrong.


  2. The reason that nothing has been accomplished in more than a year under this commission is that they have yet to craft a vision or formulate an action plan. Any leader knows that comes first. Otherwise, an organization stumbles and bumbles at best. Welcome to the Truppman years. To the long-term residents who have complained for years about the inevitable backslide of this community, good work getting these boobs on the dais.

    1. Mac,

      This "leader" thinks she IS the vision and action plan. She has no use for anyone else or his or her opinion, and she only statutorily has to rely on votes to allow her to ride rough shod over the Village. She has three stooges who provide those votes (for whatever are their reasons), and she simply runs the Village as her own personal bailiwick.

