Friday, January 16, 2015

Swales… Who Knew?

Last night a workshop was held at the Rec Center hosted by the Code Review and Park and Parkways Boards. Topic… Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Swales But Were Afraid To Ask.

All kidding aside, this was to discuss proposed changes to our code regarding swale use, definitions, and prohibited uses along with several other issues. About 34 residents showed up which was a refreshing sign. It is vital moving forward for us all to understand the need to get information DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE instead of relying on the opinions of others not specifically involved in the process. This has, in the past lead to unnecessary conflict and innuendo. Facts trump opinions every time! This is why this workshop was sponsored by the Village and these two boards as it should be.

There was some degree of confusion as to what proposed actions (if any) would actually be, when they would take place and really the very purpose of these potential changes.  My observation was that the residents who spoke didn’t seem to favor the proposed clear zones and/or the tiered 3 zone creation concept. Personal examples were offered and why this would cause a hardship for each resident. Instead of offering any further personal opinions on the meeting I have provided a video of the excerpts. Aside- must remember to bring the bigger battery next time- end aside.

As I was stuck behind the camera during the meeting, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board members for their time and efforts towards any and all possible improvements for our Village. 

Milton Hunter


  1. Yes, there was confusion and I was one of the confused ones. First, I didn't know that what we had were bullet points and not the whole draft, then the advisory boards kept saying that you did not have to remove your trees but they were your responsibility if they died and you could not replace them. The whole draft should have been available to everybody so we could read it, I think we have some educated people in Biscayne Park that can read "lawyer speak".

    1. I hear you Jorge. They'll get it all sorted out.

  2. As a residence of the Park for 34 years, I have seen many changes: some good, and some not very well thought out. Our swales are needed for the look of the Park and for safety. Since we do not have sidewalks, these areas are needed for the walking public, such as myself, to avoid cars. These areas are needed as clear space so that when backing out of our driveways we can see walkers and oncoming traffic. Also, since our streets are so narrow, when trucks pass on my block, their wheels are two feet on my grass. And lastly, some owners plant in the swale near the pavement to stop others from parking on "their grass," and then have a party and have their friends park on everyone else's grass. Keeping an open 8 feet clear space is for the good of all of us, clear of plants and cars.

    Art Pyle Architect

  3. You're correct Art. For safety purposes we need some sort of clear space. I'm not sure if 8 feet works with the lot sizes being what they are and if that is necessary for "safety."

    However, residents need to understand that the "swale" is not their property to develop. This was made clear when I landscaped my front yard.
