Monday, September 9, 2024

Perhaps I'm Just Not Man Enough.

Trump CRASHES AND BURNS at his OWN rally (

You already know about the 14 year old Georgia kid who wiped out two of his classmates and two teachers with an assault weapon he received as a present from his father.  They're both being indicted.

Maybe you care, and maybe you don't.  It's possible we have so overwhelmingly many of these mass shootings/murders in this country that you've sort of lost a sense of perspective about them.  Donnie Trump and JD Vance haven't lost perspective.

Donnie says he's surprised to see this kind of thing, and surprised to see it here.  Although it's unclear why he's surprised, at about 2:49, he gives you perspective: "you have to get over it."

I've been a psychiatrist for a long time, and I will tell you that the thing people never get over more than anything else is the death of their own offspring.  It makes you wonder about someone whose perspective is "you have to get over it."  Should we assume Donnie would get over the death of his own offspring, because at some level, frankly, he doesn't care about them, or is he giving "you" advice he himself would be unable to take?  I guess he would give the same advice to the families of the two teachers who aren't coming home: "you have to get over it."

And then, there's JD Vance.  At about 3:34, he says he "[doesn't] like this," he "[doesn't] like to admit this," and he "[doesn't] like to admit this is a fact of life."  He doesn't make clear what he thinks is a "fact of life."  That everyone will die?  Yes, that's a "fact of life."  That two 14 year old kids who went to school, and two teachers who went to teach them, aren't coming home, because some 14 year old kid whose dad gave him an assault weapon decided to go on a murder rampage?  No, that doesn't really count as a "fact of life" in the way we feel we have to accept it.  Vehicular deaths?  Cancer?  Horrible, everyone hates it, but yeah, "fact of life."  Getting gunned down by some early teen whose father has the world's worst judgment?  No.

Although Vance did go on to clarify what he doesn't like, and what he doesn't like to admit.  (No, it was not that a 14 year old with a tragically disturbed father assassinated four people at school.  That wasn't what JD didn't like, and didn't like to admit.)  JD doesn't like the "fact of life" that we're going to have to harden the schools, presumably with more armed people.  If you think this is a sick vicious circle, you're not going to get any argument from me.

There's something very wrong with this country, and with many of the people who live here.  Way too many of us are on a murder rampage, and someone thinks this is sort of OK.  Presumably, they would like to watch gladiators, or lions fighting people, or dog fights, or cock fights, too.  They just have a disturbing and pathological tolerance for violence and destruction.

Yes, of course I know they think there's a "Second Amendment," and that this somehow gives civilians the right to carry guns.  It doesn't.  The "Second Amendment," which has been informally and indirectly repealed, has nothing to do with guns.  It's about militias.  There are a lot of problems regarding militias, especially in modern times, but if you want to know about them, read Federalist Paper #29.  Fourteen year olds don't qualify.  But more important, militias have a purpose.  That purpose (there are actually two of them) is to protect the states from federal over-reach and domination, and to join the Union if it's attacked from abroad.  Either purpose requires militias to be armed as their enemies are armed.  But the meaningful arms required to do that are already illegal ("infringed") for civilian possession.  The fact is that militias have no role, and neither does the "Second Amendment."

Maybe if someone assassinates Donnie's children, he'll give us an object example of the process of getting over it.  And if someone assassinates JD's children, he can credibly advocate for more guns in and around schools.  No, of course that won't bring back his children, but he can show us how to man up.

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