Thursday, June 6, 2024

I Should Sign a Petition Asking Republicans Not to Impeach Biden?

Tell Republicans: No Illegitimate Impeachment | Civic Shout

I might as well have signed a petition asking the Keystone Kops not to keep running into each other, or one asking Larry and Curly not to keep letting Moe poke them in the eyes.  I'd be asking any of them not to make fools of themselves.  What would motivate me to make requests like those?  And anyway, some people like to watch people make fools of themselves.

The fact is that I don't have to make a request like that.  Jared Moskowitz did it for me.  He's a Democrat in the House of Representatives, and he made a motion to impeach Biden.  He was, facetiously, I agree, trying to move this circus along.  He couldn't get the Republican committee chair, or anyone, even to second the motion.  "There's no there there," and absolutely everyone knows it.

I don't have to sign this petition.  Anyone I'd be asking not to impeach Biden already knows there's no basis for impeachment.  If there was a basis, they would have impeached him by now.  They've been whining about this for some time now -- Comer, Jordan, Greene, and the rest of them -- and they haven't budged an inch.  They claim they're still gathering "evidence."  That's backwards, isn't it?  Don't you start with evidence, and then make an accusation?

And to add insult to injury, for those of us who are real, this is the Congress that has accomplished the least of any Congress in the history of this country.

No, I'm not signing this petition.  Pathetically enough, it's of more import even to write blog posts.  And anyway, I'm sure this request will end with a request for a donation, which I'm also not going to give anyone.

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