Friday, September 29, 2023

What Am I, Chopped Liver?

There's something very unfair, and insulting, about the House of Representatives' (of whom?) efforts to try to find some reason to impeach Joe Biden.  At this point, they're openly acknowledging that there is no evidence, but they want to look for some.  They now think they want to examine Biden' records, to see if anything there is amiss.

They've gotten the idea that they should somehow find some way to impeach Biden, even though there's no indication that he did anything impeachable, or anything wrong.  And they're willing -- desperately wanting -- to go to any lengths to find something that they can consider evidence.

Yesterday, a Florida Representative, whose name I have somehow failed to bother to remember (an overweight black guy with a closely trimmed beard, and his first or last name might have been Byron), presented what he wanted people to understand to be clear evidence in a text message.  Or at least a smoking gun.  Or something.  But House Democrats were all over it, and they discovered that the text message was fake.  It was a scam.  It wasn't really an incriminating text message.  It had just been made up.

So, here's my complaint.  Why does Joe Biden get all this attention and commotion?  Why doesn't someone want to see my bank records, or anything that could disqualify me?  (Well, "Anonymous" whines childishly about various things, but I'm miffed that no one more legitimate, if the Republican House of Representatives could be imagined to be legitimate, than that wants a piece of me.)  It's true I'm not the president of the US, but I'm a registered Democrat.  Isn't that reason enough to come after me?  Republicans are in such a blind and mindless frenzy that I would think someone like me would be a good enough target.  (Apparently not.  Oh, that's right, I didn't win an election over Donnie Trump, the savior of the world.)

Frankly, I'm offended.


  1. Because you are a nobody. That is only for the privilege for some other person.. In your case no one is going to cares about you. As your kid Dr how they feel. That your answer.

    1. "Anonymous," you have made my point. I am, as you rightly say, a "nobody" when it comes to national politics. The rest of your comment is impossible to understand, because it is incoherent and lacking anything that approaches comprehensible English grammar.

      Joe Biden, apart from the fact that he is the president of the US, is a "nobody." I don't know how much mental state you have, but if you have enough, you will remember that GHWB was elected because the public wanted Reagan, and couldn't have him any more. That's why Biden was elected: the public wanted Obama, and couldn't have him any more. Biden was declared the Democratic frontrunner even before he declared a candidacy. Polls show his popularity to be disturbingly low, and even most Democrats, except the DNC, don't want him. (Although they certainly want him more than they want any of the Republican riffraff, just as most voters wanted Hillary Clinton in 2016, and most voters wanted Biden in 2020.) And before him, Trump was a nobody (except an inveterate liar, con man, and TOTALLY self-centered person). He is now the subject of charges in four jurisdictions, and he has just been found guilty of one collection of charges (there are 91).

      So, if the Republican-led House of Representatives wants to invent a theory that Biden is impeachable (why, because if they can openly invent a basis for impeachment of Biden, that will somehow allow them to conclude that Trump's impeachmentS were also invented?), I don't know why someone doesn't want to do that about me. Q.E.D.

      Of course, I'm responding to you, and I don't know who you are, except that you have obvious intellectual impairment, so this whole response may not be worth any more than you are, which is nothing. A "nobody" responding to less than a "nobody."
