Friday, May 6, 2022

A Nice Evening Coming Up.

 Yeah, OK, it's Orchestra Miami again.  So?  They happen to produce some first rate entertainment, for very low cost.

This time, it's a special occasion: the Quinceanera of Orchestra Miami.  That's Miami cute, isn't it?

The date is Saturday, May 21, the time is 8:00 PM, and the location is the Scottish Rite Temple at 471 NW 3rd St.  Orchestra Miami uses that venue frequently, and it's a pleasant place to enjoy a concert.  You can park on the street, unless you'd rather park behind (north of) the building.  The main difference is that street parking costs money, and the Scottish Rite Temple's parking lot is free.  But it's your money, so you decide.

Orchestra Miami is very eclectic in what they present, and this program will feature an orchestra, but also renowned local jazz singer, Wendy Pedersen, and one of my favorite jazz pianists, who's also local, Jim Gasior.  The information I have doesn't list the program, except to say it will be an "exciting array of [jazz?] standards and classics."

The cost is $30 per ticket, which is highish for Orchestra Miami, and low for anyone else, and the evening, festive and special as it is, will include "drinks, light bites, dancing, and prizes for the best quinceanera outfits."

I don't know if there's a way to transfer the link to get tickets, but you can go to, or you can call 305-274-2103.

I won't be there, because I'll be out of town, but I hope you go have yourselves a wonderful time.  And whatever a "quinceanera outfit" is, you ought to wear one.  You might win a prize.


  1. Thanks for posting this! The Quinceanera party follows the concert with Wendy & Jim- tickets to the concert are $5 for students/kids and $20-$35 and the Quinceanera party afterwards is $30 per person, which includes drinks, light-bites, dancing and a contest for best Quinceanera outfit! Tickets and info can be found at

    1. Elaine,

      My apologies. Because I knew I couldn't go, I did not click the "Tickets" link, which would have made clear that tickets are $5 for kids, $20, $25, $30, and $35 for adults, depending on which seats they choose, and that the $30 admission, which was the only price mentioned in the e-blast, is for the after-party.

