Saturday, February 5, 2022

Here's My Beef with Mac Kennedy.

I essentially don't have one.  Everyone in the world has his or her style, and those styles can be more or less effective, for whatever is the purpose.

I have spoken to Mac, who is a friend of mine, many times, and I've talked about it in this blog, that his tendency to fill a room with himself, and talk a lot, and remind everyone that he's a Commissioner, and that they voted for him, and that he works hard at being a Commissioner, is unnecessary.

The question is whether, apart from its being unnecessary, it works in any way counter to his goals.  The adverse possibility is that his Commission colleagues would either be offended or jealous, and take positions against him, because they don't like his style.  (They would take positions against the Village and its residents, who are their neighbors and constituents, because they want to get back at Mac Kennedy?  Yikes!)  But I'm sorry (for them) to say they're seemingly not sophisticated, strategic, or perhaps mature enough even for that.  They are essentially inert, and they offer nothing to any of us, or this place where we all live together.  Because we have chosen to live together, we depend on each other.  It's a small place.  To take one example, if your part of the Village looks nice, it's good for me, too.  And vice versa.

This blog is more or less about one thing: BP.  You might think that people who are, let's say, elected officials in BP would care about the topics discussed here.  Three (of the five) of them never comment (or request guest authorship, so they can talk to us about their vision, or whatever else is on their minds), and give no evidence of reading these posts, knowing what issues are discussed, or caring what's discussed.  Another chimed in a couple of times, but couldn't stand the heat, and asked me to remove him from the new post announcement circulation.  Yeah, someone who insists upon having a job in the kitchen, but can't stand the heat.  Great.

I don't agree with everything Mac thinks.  I don't have to.  But I trust him to have at heart goals that he genuinely believes are adaptive and progressive for the Village.  And Mac is the only one of the current five Commissioners who can be bothered to engage with his neighbors/constituents here.  There is no apparent alternative but to conclude that he's the only one who cares.  And all of the evidence is that he cares a lot.


  1. The Commission voted on $2500 a month contract for public relations for the village of Biscayne Park what are your thoughts Dr.

    1. You have made consistently clear you are not interested in my thoughts, or in the thoughts of anyone but yourself.

      You have also said you do not want to be mentioned in this blog. Any adult who made such a demand would understand that reciprocally, s/he should not comment here.

      I have asked you repeatedly to leave this blog alone.

  2. Oscar and Alesia Gonzalez formally coworkers of Mario Gunsallus

  3. Have we ever had a public relations firm representing the village of Biscayne Park did Chuck and Roxy Ross have one

    1. You have consistently manifested immense disdain for Chuck and Roxy Ross. Why are you asking now about them? Chuck and Roxy Ross were not the managers of BP, nor did they run it in any way. Your question has no identifiable meaning.

  4. Art Gonzalez has the same last name as this has been a wife couple public relations firm are they related

    1. You don't know whether to suspect Oscar and Alesia Gonzalez, whoever they are, represent some form of nepotism, or Art Gonzalez does.

      Are you related to Louis IV?

  5. Why can’t we just hire Mario Diaz a full-time assistant to do templates blast email monthly newsletters so Mario can focus on running the village we don’t need a full-time public relations firm at $2500 a month

    1. You should attend or tune into the Commission meeting, so you can make your suggestions. You and your suggestions are not welcome here.

  6. Dr does miami shores have public relations firm representing them

    1. Mr Diraimondo,

      You have been consistently rude, disrespectful, and accusatory. You have insisted that you not be named in this blog. Please recognize the implication: the blog will ignore you, and you should ignore the blog.

      I suggest you express your opinions about BP government and management at Commission meetings. Or go to Village Hall, and tell the manager what you think. If you have questions about Miami Shores, you should ask them. You should not be asking me about how Miami Shores operates, or about anything else.


  7. what about B P beef with you Fred ? WIWI PAD

    1. "Anonymous," setting aside that you're an infantile moron, if BP has a beef with me, that beef resulted in the elections of Tracy Truppman, Jenny Johnson-Sardella, Will Tudor, and Judi Hamelburg. Do you want to think back over the past several years, and consider whether BP was right to have had a beef with me?

      Also, in one of your more recent nonsensical drivelings, you suggested that all I do is complain about certain people, including the ones I just named, as well, presumably, as Dan Samaria, Ginny O'Halpin, and Art Gonzalez. Why don't you list two good things that came from the tenures of each of those people. And if you can't think of two, name one.


  8. First Question YES 100% your contribution is complain about other people (look at the mirror)

    Second Question Stability Reliability B P home prices have gone up putting more money in homeowner pocket.

    1. First question: I didn't ask you if you think I complain. I asked you to specify two, or even one, value brought to the Village by the people about whom I complain (and about whom you presumably don't complain). You have failed to answer the question.

      Your second question, or answer, or whatever you think it is, is irrelevant and nonsensical. You're saying, in response to nothing, that property values have increased in BP. Is it your understanding that they haven't increased anywhere else? Do you have some fantasy that the people about whom I complain caused property values to rise in BP?

      Look, you really and truly have nothing to offer. You don't make any sense, and you're childish. I have asked you repeatedly to find something else to do with your time besides fouling this blog with your meaningless nonsense. And even if your life is so empty that you don't have anything else to take your attention, I have asked you to go away. You offer nothing. Other blog readers have complained to me about you. You are not only without value, but you're just rude, in a way that most people who have made it to the second grade have grown out of.
