Wednesday, June 23, 2021

"Great Day In the Morning!" Or Great Scott.

To paraphrase Richard Nixon, we won't have WastePro to kick around any more.  Nope, now it's going to be Great Waste and Recycling Service.  (It's still not clear what the "recycling" bit is about, but there's probably no point in going there.)

Mario Diaz was proud to announce that on June 10, the Commission approved his recommendation to switch solid waste contractors.  (New managers love to change things.  It's how they make their mark.  They view it as innovation and improvement, not disruption.  One thing they normally love to change is police chiefs, but since Mario and our police chief were already BFFs, Mario wasn't going to change that.)  This will involve new bins and other equipment, for which I assume we will be asked to pay, and it will result in garbage trucks on Village roads four days a week.  We started out with trucks on the roads five days a week when we ran the program ourselves, we got it down to three with WastePro, and now, we're up to four.

The flyer from Mario doesn't specify if the new equipment and containers means we now have automated service, which some Village residents very much didn't want, but if I had to guess, I'd say it does.  And I'm not complaining, because I don't really care how they get rid of the garbage, and how "quaint" is the process.

Here's your new schedule (you already know this, because you got the same flyer I did): if you live on 9th Avenue or west, you have garbage pickup on Monday and Thursday, yard waste on Monday, and recycling on Friday.  If you live east of 9th Avenue, you have garbage pickup on Tuesday and Friday, yard waste on Tuesday, and recycling on Friday.  Everyone's recycling day is Friday, and there will be no garbage trucks on Village roads on Wednesday.  For now.  So we're told.

The flyer did not say anything about cost, so I don't know if we'll now be paying less, the same, or more.

The other possible approach I could have used in choosing a title for this post was "Meet the new boss: same as the old boss."  Remains to be seen.

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