Monday, February 8, 2021

Sure. Why Wait to Add Insult to Injury?

January 6 this year was not, in fact, the first time I talked about this matter.  That post was called "The Problem With Home-Grown Services," and I mentioned some complications that spring from having the Planning and Zoning Board be comprised of BP residents.  I said there was too much opportunity for two kinds of errors.  One was that the Board members would take the Codes personally, and over-regulate their neighbors, because their neighbors might want something that Board members personally don't happen to like.  The other was that Board members would take their colleagues personally, and not frustrate their possibly inappropriate wishes, because they work together.  They're neighbors.  And I gave an example of the latter problem, which is a house built by a P&Z member, and that house is a monstrosity in this Village.  It is grossly "disharmonious" with the style of the Village, and with the block in question, and it is so massive, and two stories, that it deprives everyone on that block, and possibly some BP neighbors on adjacent blocks, of privacy.

And I have to say -- I've said it before -- I love this house.  It's very modern, and I think the design is great.  Just not in BP, possibly unless the builder buys all the lots on that block, and uses them as his back/front/side yards.  And if he had done that, it would still be weird, and disharmonious.  This house, on Indian Creek Island, or Golden Beach, or parts of Coral Gables, or down Old Cutler?  Amazing.  In BP?  Is this some sort of joke?

It seems to me the house was completed a year or so ago.  Finishing touches were still going on in recent past months.  The builder/BP resident is a comparatively younger person -- I'd guess around 40 -- but no one lives forever, and the vast majority of people move from one place to another in the course of their lives anyway, and it was guaranteed that that house would be here, damaging the neighborhood, long after the builder/owner was gone.  And this is all because P&Z could deny any of its neighbors except other P&Z members.

Well, I got an e-mail from some realtor this morning.  I assume it's some sort of e-blast, and probably many of us got it.  The person who built this massive compound, that destroys part of BP, is now, already, selling the house.  He's asking $2.5M.  Ha, ha, P&Z and BP, the joke's on you suckers.  And I'm hoping to laugh all the way to the bank.

And it does no good to be angry about what P&Z perpetrated on us, or even to hope the builder/soon-to-be-ex-BP-homeowner takes a bath.  We're stuck with this building anyway.

It appears we need either new P&Z members, who can follow the Codes, and not feel personally invested and as if this was somehow all about them, or we need a P&Z function that is not executed by BP residents.  What we do not need is a board that denies one resident, because the planned trim is a shade of blue that is imperceptibly imperfect to P&Z members (do you think I didn't sit through that decision, and argue against it?), or a board that is more dedicated to harmony on the board than it is to harmony in styles of construction and decoration of properties here.

We're stuck with it now.


  1. You little Freddie Jonas And Mac. Kennedy the big mouth You too have a lot of free time on your hands analyzing things that are none of your business what people do with their finances in Biscayne Park and properties three own and properties they sell mind your mind your own business !!!!!

    1. Louie/Louis/Luigi, or whatever you claim is your name, it's clear you are unable to spell. You don't correctly spell Freddy, you don't correctly spell two, and you don't correctly spell they. You also don't seem to have a relevant and usable concept of what it means to live in a municipality with other people, and rules, and why it is most definitely your neighbors' business what you do with your property. And it's your business what they do with their properties, too.

      But setting that aside, I have written a post that's essentially about the BP P&Z Board. The post has nothing to do with Mac Kennedy. Mac Kennedy is never mentioned in this post. Clearly, you have an overpowering and possibly unnatural fixation on Mac Kennedy. And I'm not asking. Perhaps what you're struggling with is between you and Mac. Or between you and Dan Schneiger. Or among the three of you. But let me tell you with the greatest confidence that no one else is interested. Really, we're not. If you think you can seduce Mac away from Dan, then maybe you should try. If you can't, then I'm sorry you don't get to have Mac. (I really like Mac, too, so I can understand his appeal to you. It's just that I'm "straight," so I'm not fixated the way you are.) But whatever happens, and whatever you decide to do, I promise you that no one else is in any way interested. (Well, Dan is, and I don't know what you're going to do about that. I like Dan a lot, too, and I really don't want you to make him unhappy by seducing Mac away from him. But hey, I know these kinds of things happen.) Anyway, my point is that you should really keep it to yourself. And to motivate you to do that, let me point out to you what a fool you keep making of yourself. I don't know you, so I don't know if you have any self-respect. But if you do, a word to the...whatever...should be sufficient.

  2. Why does Ozzy Osbourne come to mind when I read Louie’s posts? Perhaps because a train just passed by BP.

    1. Real estate values will plummet if you halt I tried to stop the mega mansions that coming into Biscayne Park you’re very disturbed a little old man what a very unsuccessful practice in the medical field why don’t you go visit your children and grandchildren you’re very sick any need counseling why don’t you focus on the cell phones And these late night meetings that I held with two attorneys sitting there if you watch last meeting there was a handful of people that participated what does that tell you no one cares about these meetings what a waste of money hiring two attorneys to listen to Mac

    2. You lost the election because you’re a lousy Commissioner horrible track record a disruptor self-centered little old man there’s nothing to do right now

    3. And...he's off.

      Have fun, whatever your name is.

    4. You and Mac need to move in together Two losers

    5. Mac is trying take over every aspect of the village unbelievable what this guys getting away with

  3. Yesterday morning, (Commissioner) Mac Kennedy called me. He was talking to me about this post, and he wanted me to know that he was forging an initiative to get more and better regulations regarding what he called, and what are commonly colloquially referred to as, "McMansions." Mac thought, and others probably also think, that better and more specific regulations regarding height, etc, will prevent the erection of "McMansions," which is something some/many people say they don't like.

    Frankly, I don't know what a "McMansion" is. I don't know how to define it, and I wouldn't know how to prevent it, if I didn't like it. Wikipedia defines a "McMansion" in a variety of ways. It talks about a "large, 'mass-produced' suburban communities." And there's some nudge and wink connotation that "McMansion" is a "pejorative term." Then, Wikipedia mentions "a new, or recent, multi-story house of no clear architectural style, which prizes superficial appearance and sheer size over quality." I don't even know what "no clear architectural style" means, unless it means a disorganized mix of styles, let's say resulting from later additions to a building (as we had with the log cabin before it was renovated).

    None of this can possibly be reduced to statute. It's all subjective. It's like the famous Supreme Court Justice's comment about pornography (I can't define it, but I know it when I see it.)

    I think Mac is right to focus on some of our failures to prevent what shouldn't be here, and if he can get the Commission to hone the regulations to things like height of stories, or something like that, then that's a step in the right direction. But it does not address the problem of the 117th St structure. We have a mechanism to prevent that structure from being there. It's the P&Z Board's discretion to apply a "harmoniousness" standard. And they didn't do it, at least not when it was one of their own members who wanted the "McMansion." That's the problem.

    All the specifying in the world is going to leave room, and probably plenty of it, for styles, or paint colors, that either work, or they don't, even if they're in compliance with Codes. That's P&Z's job. It's the job they sometimes choose to do, sometimes excessively, and they sometimes choose not to do that job. That was the point of this post.

  4. This commission needs to be disqualified as soon as possible he’s calling constituents to persuade them trying to turn Biscayne Park into Wilton manors

  5. Louis, do you talk to yourself a lot? That’s all you’re doing here. Like Trump on Twitter, you are banned for life from Nextdoor, and Fred has also shut you down here in the past ... and likely will again before long because no one engages in his conversations when you show up to eat your own vomit.

    1. This game park is big problems with you Kennedy everyone knows it just a matter of time before your removed from commissioner

    2. We should be welcoming new development new buildings in Biscayne Park the only income we have is from real estate tax you moron we should given sent this to builders developers new families moving in this will never be Wilton manors

    3. Developers should be giving tax breaks and incentives to build new houses in Biscayne Park unlike your house that should be torn down build a beautiful home on that lot This is a family neighborhood not what you want to turn it into is it

    4. Mac,

      Correction. I did not shut down what's-his-name. I have never shut down anyone. What's-his-name and I made an agreement that he would never again be referred to (he complained then that he didn't like being referred to, or referred to by name, or having anyone say he was deceased -- I have no idea whence he got that complaint), and in exchange, he would leave this blog alone, and not post any more comments here.

      But what's-his-name reneged, and he resumed unloading his nonsense here. You ask if he talks to himself a lot. I would certainly have no way to know if he does. But he clearly likes to listen to himself talk. He seems to have an irresistible urge to spout. Like a primitive child, he can't stop himself from shrieking and whining, and he has such a fixation (on you) that he must talk about you, no matter what is the topic. "It was cold last week." "Yeah, well that Mac Kennedy...should be removed from office." He is under no control at all, and he's horribly incontinent. I'm talking here only about rhetoric. I have no knowledge of the state of any other areas of his functioning, such as bodily processes.

      But to come back to my point, I have always chosen not to try to exercise any shutting down or censoring of anyone. This blog is an open opportunity, and the only risk anyone runs, which is the same risk I run, is being disagreed with. What's-his-name clearly doesn't care if anyone disagrees with him, and he doesn't appear to have either the rhetorical skill, the composure, or the "bandwidth" to engage in any topic when someone does disagree with him. He seems to understand nothing, not to know what he's talking about, and to be unable to interact adaptively with other people.

      So he will continue to slobber and vomit his pathetic nonsense, clearly having no idea what a fool of himself he makes. And probably not caring. He is, as I said, shockingly childlike, for someone in his 60s. Even someone of 6 would do better.


  6. New construction new house small medium or large bring in fees taxes impact fees. More real estate tech something Biscayne pug desperately needs is the only source of income we have building permits bring in fees moron No matter what circles in your mind it’s just a matter of time even people on next-door are well aware of Mac using a phony last name you’re going to talk yourself out of the commission see it’s inevitable You focus on things that are unimportant too Biscayne Park Residence people read my comments they know who you are there is one person there’s anything good to say about you the mayor can’t stand your guts this poor guy Diaz can’t stand you just a matter of time before he quits or resigns you’re pushing him way too far beyond his limits he is already looking for other places to work because of you

  7. Most of the residents in Biscayne Park already know that Diaz is looking for work outside of Biscayne Park because of you even the two attorneys that are being paid right now to do absolutely nothing Ed and Valerie know that he’s leaving soon Diaz already figured you out there’s no long-term employment for him here too many problems not worth it Diaz is a smart guy and have a future somewhere else but definitely not in Biscayne Park with commissioners like you

  8. You think you’re clever Mac but you’re not you’re a dummy and all your campaign literature you never mentioned husband and wife is a picture of you and Bosco why isn’t Dan in the picture explain who is the wife who is the husband and just about all your emails and all your communications with everyone you mentioned that he’s your husband so that means he’s your he’s wife. Why don’t you put that in the campaign again when you try to get reelected and see what happens ? I have no issue with gay people whatsoever the issue is you you’re not qualified to be a commissioner i’m concerned for my real estate values if this becomes Wilton manors number two we will probably lose 30% in real estate values of the 1200 homes that are in Biscayne Park I’m worried about that I think it’ll stop young new families with children they want to start their lives in a small community it might disrupt it and bring values down you’re not a neutral Commissioner you have other intentions for Biscayne Park. Unlikely they’re gonna work. But slowly the residence is starting to see right through you this last meeting you had was very disappointing nobody was listening maybe 5 people at the most how long did it last the only person was talking with you

  9. Lil Lil Freddy I have increased your viewership otherwise no one would read anything you say I should get paid for my comments

    1. Whatever you call yourself (Do you even know your own name, or are you confused about that, too?),

      You have probably dampened viewership -- not increased it -- but you personally have accounted for a noteworthy increase in comments. This is because you're totally out of control and incontinent, and you appear unable to keep your mouth shut. (If you accuse me of being redundant there, I won't disagree with you.) You offer nothing, but you can't stop spewing. This blog (as is apparently also true of Nextdoor) would be a much better place without you. Nexdoor is willing to tell you to take a hike, and enforce this advice by blocking you, but I'm not heavy-handed that way. I have no idea who else in the world is sick to death of your pathetic, raging, irrelevant, misguided nonsense. (By the way, for someone who has "no issue with gay people whatsoever," [we'll overlook the misplaced modifier], you are disturbingly fixated on Mac Kennedy and how he describes his domestic partner. You've now got yourself all twisted up, if it was possible for you to be any more twisted, about what terms they use for each other's place in their -- not your -- relationship. You know, as if it was remotely your business.)

      But, if you want to be paid for your participation, or what you bizarrely tell yourself is something you consider a contribution, I will pay you 97% of everything I have made from this blog, and I'll even do it retroactively, all the way back to June, 2011. Where do you want me to deliver your haul?

  10. Biscayne Park has been screwed by the psychopaths, whores who run for office to boost their egos. If Louie is so irrelevant why do you psycos spend so much time attacking him. Clearly it is not him but that the points he makes are highly relevant to many Biscayne Park homeowners. Don't forget with these new election laws it is now a matter of who will spend the most time and resources to create votes and government will totally deteriorate to whoever has the resources to manufacture the votes. We need more people like Louie to become active and speak out. If Louie could only make the Biscayne officials honor open government and produce public records when requested much of the corruption could be repressed by transparency and accountability of these officials. We need a website for Biscayne Park where recalls can be started to remove officials who abuse the rights of BP residents to advance their own sick agendas. Louie, see if you can cause a workable public records process and a website to remove errant officials, especially the Village Clerk for not immediately providing public records like emails and phone records and expense reports promptly when requested as already required by state law Chapter 119.01.
