Thursday, October 17, 2019

Yeah, Well...

There's been a flurry of e-mails in the past couple of days.  There was something about some meetings that weren't exactly noticed in the usual way, and about which most people found out, because Janey Anderson talked about them on Nextdoor.  Apparently, one of the meetings, or possibly two of them, are tonight.

Here are the text messages I just got from someone in attendance at one or both of these meetings:

"Betsy quit!!"  I assume that means she resigned her Commission seat.  The next text message said
"Special election in 90 days."
Then, "Now they are going to recruit a new Code Compliance Board...Old members can't reapply."  And "Tracy just said 'I'm concerned about attorney fees for the Board.'"
And finally, "Code Compliance workshop," and "Now a communications workshop with only two Commissioners."  It was not specified which two.

So, I wasn't told why Betsy Wise resigned, or if she gave a reason.

Yes, of course we now have to have a special election to fill her seat.  For what it's worth, that special election will cost us several thousand dollars.  Not that it isn't better to spend several thousand dollars than to have Betsy Wise on the Commission, but it's just noteworthy that we have yet another expense.  And I think it was at the last Commission meeting, or maybe some meeting shortly before that, that Betsy was asked if she really donated her stipend back to the Village, as she had previously said she would, but she never answered.  I'm guessing the answer was no.

Interesting about resurrecting the Code Compliance Board, after Tracy Truppman insulted all the members to the point that they all quit.  And no discussion about making an exception, in view of Tracy's trampling of everyone, so that the prior members, who were doing a wonderful job, could reoccupy their seats.  Apparently, Tracy sees yet another opportunity to control a new group of members, and she doesn't let pass opportunities like that.

And what's this concern about the cost of an attorney?  Since when does Tracy Truppman care how much Village money gets diverted to her attorneys?  Usually, it's the more, the better.  And she was willing to pay some magistrate what an attorney would cost, or maybe more.  Frankly, I'm not even sure it was past practice to have the Village attorney at the Code Compliance meetings.  I'll find out.

A communications workshop with only two Commissioners present?  I wonder which two.  The only one who alleged an interest in this is the one who just resigned.  Although Will Tudor, in some of his past ramblings and incoherent sputterings, did once or twice talk about improving communications.  But neither he nor anyone else ever actually did it (except Dan Samaria and his televising Commission meetings), or even discussed a real plan.  So, I really don't know which two Commissioners bothered to pretend to be part of a discussion like that.

Well, I suppose I'll find out more tomorrow.  And if I do, or if anyone who was there elaborates in a comment, I'll let you know.


  1. Oh, so now I know who stayed for the "communications workshop." Betsy turned in her resignation letter earlier today, so she wasn't there. Jenny never showed up. After the first meeting, Tracy decided she wasn't feeling well, so she went home. Dan and Will were left.

    And Dan tells me the estimate for an election to fill Betsy's seat is about $15K+. It's money much better spent than what Tracy has been bestowing on Rebecca Rodriguez and Gray Robinson. At least for our $15K+, we'll get something.

  2. I was there, and I don't recall Tracy saying she wasn't feeling well. I thought she said something about family in town. Not that it really matters. Tracy has no interest in communicating with residents other than through bogus code violations through her pit bull, Code Office Christina Caserta. After loosing her pit bull on the dais, Betsy Wise, Tracy now has only that one pit bull and her lap dog, Krishan Manners.

    1. It was Dan Samaria who told me Tracy's excuse was that she suddenly didn't feel well. I assumed that was the excuse she gave Dan and Will. It makes more sense than suddenly remembering you have family visiting from out of town. But as you say, it doesn't really matter. Tracy doesn't do well when she can't control things, and being on the short end of possible 2-1 votes about something wouldn't appeal to her. Even Krishan and Rebecca couldn't save her from that.

      So, Jenny was mysteriously absent, again. Hmm. One rumor I heard was that Jenny told Mama she wanted to resign, and Mama talked her out of it, or threatened her, or denied her request, or whatever it is Mama does that influences what people do or say. But Jenny is increasingly MIA regarding Commission meetings. So maybe she's backing herself out of it anyway.

      Will's a nice guy, but he has no idea what's going on, he has no perspective, he isn't interested, and it would be great if he would resign, too. And if the four of them would resign, Tracy included, this week or next, we could elect a whole new and actually goal-oriented and functional Commission. Yeah, I realize what a big "if" that is. But a guy can dream, can't he?

      PS, Mac, it's losing, not loosing. For an instant, I thought you were right, and you meant Tracy was loosing (turning loose) her pit bull on the dais, but then I saw you really did mean losing.

    2. OK spelling police ... I have been multi-tasking today, and this blog doesn't allow one to edit a post. You must delete and re-enter and who has time for that bullshit! Its certinly not werth loosing ones shit over.

  3. Given Tracy's collection of pet dogs, one would think she'd support a dog park!

  4. It seems it was once again open season on the now former code board members with Krishan, Rebecca and Tracy continuing with their unsubstantiated accusations against us. IF there were "many serious issues over the years with that particular board" as Krishan likes to say, both he and Tracy are complicit in whatever problems there were. They had a responsibility to call a special meeting and inform us of what these issues were and attempt to come to a resolution. The fact that they stayed silent certainly casts doubt on the veracity of their statements. I plan to make a public records request for all documentation regarding those "settlements" that they claim the village had to make. Anyone want to make a bet that no such documents exist?

    Of course she wants a brand new board. Some of us were too "punitive" for her tastes. We wouldn't want to upset those breaking our laws now would we??? And God forbid Krishan would stand up to an angry resident. He absolutely lacks the back bone for the job and that gets more obvious every day.

    And allow me to state the obvious - if we don't get someone(s) to run Betsy's resignation will have been a complete waste. We can likely figure at least 1 person Tracy's already got lined up to run.
