Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cute, Slick, and Trendy. And the Big Problem With a Lot of EMR.

Tonight, The Betsy Wise Show, starring Bet-sy...Wise, took place at the log cabin.  Betsy let herself loose, in all her PR glory, to teach us about "branding."  Betsy has promised since the day she declared herself the next great BP Commissioner that she would bring the Village into the 21st, or perhaps 22nd, Century with...branding.  We need a brand.  It says who we want to be, or who we think we should be, or anything, Betsy told us, except who we are.  Who we are is so...today.  It might as well be yesterday.  And it's no good.  We need to become a future.  And Betsy walked us-- tangoed us-- to tomorrow, and a future we never dreamed could be ours.

We learned about Missions and Visions.  We found out how Coral Gables, and a few other municipalities that aren't BP, do it.  It's all about style.  It's acronyms, and slogans, and PR glitz, and it's constructed out of our imaginings.

Here are 35 traits, Betsy offered us.  Choose your favorite 10.  And a rapt audience, in the log cabin and at home, compliments, Betsy humbly-- well, no, that wouldn't be fair; there was nothing humble about it; this is a lesson in PR; it's all about Betsy-- conceded, except for the part about Dan Samaria's superior offering, which Betsy didn't think it was necessary to mention, a rapt audience of what turned out to be about 12 people who wanted to play the PR game.  Go ahead, Betsy encouraged, envision a Village characterized by your favorite 10 of the 35 permitted traits.  No, no, you can't choose any traits you like.  You have to choose from the 35 Betsy selected from somewhere or other.  And once you've selected your favorite 10 of the 35 Betsy permits to you, you can register them.  You can use your "workbook," provided by Betsy and her "team," which appeared to be some woman whose name might be Maura, or you can enter them...electronically (yay, as XXI C as it gets right now) on your mobile phone, or your tablet, or your computer at home.  Betsy was working those 12 customers, and she was working them good.

Where was this going?  This is the beauty of it.  It didn't have to go anywhere.  It was an exercise, or a game, and it allowed players to feel included, and important.  Apparently, Charlie Easton didn't feel included and important, or he just wasn't feeling it, because he asked a couple of questions, which Betsy grudgingly dismissed, and then he gave up and left.  "Not for everyone," Betsy spat at him as he left.  No, not for everyone.  There was only a certain amount of this song and dance I could take, too.  I think I was getting PTSD, either from Reggie Watts or from EMR.

I love watching Reggie Watts.  I've seen many videos of him, and I saw him in person once.  What a genius of social commentary.  Reggie Watts caricatures phony pseudo-communication, and pseudo-expertise.  He uses nonsense verbalizations where circular, aimless, and substance-lacking communication is commonly presented.  But it's presented as if it was sententious and profound.  Except it's empty and mirage-like.  Do you know about pop psych?  It's like a lot of that.  When Reggie Watts does it, it's very funny.  When Betsy Wise does it, not so much.  Maybe it's because Reggie doesn't really mean it, and Betsy wants you to think she does.

Electronic medical records (EMR) have been an increasing rage in the medical industry.  The good thing about them is that they're legible, and, because they're electronic and on computers, they're easy to transmit, like from the out-patient doctor to the hospital, or vice versa.  But the movement behind them got a lot bigger than that convenience.  It's like a whole universe just out of making medical records electronic.  There's this entire system of organizing them, and making them uniform.  What has happened is that records have turned from the productions of the authors of them into grand templates, where the author of the note has to complete "fields."  At best, you wind up with much more "information" than is applicable to the encounter.  It's superfluous, and neither pertinent nor actually helpful.  At worst, you get useless filler and dumb redundancy.  And if it's VA records, or Kaiser records (from California), there's precious little actual meaningful and relevant content in an avalanche of records.  They're all structure, and almost no content.

The Betsy Wise Show was starting to feel a lot like that, too.  We were imagining visions and missions, where we can't get agreement to fix the streets or drainage, or improve the medians.  And the reason for our inertia for the past almost 2 1/2 years is that the Commission all by itself couldn't be bothered to form a sense of vision or mission.  When a group of non-Commissioner residents took the initiative to get our neighbors (and there were more than 12 of them) to do an exercise much like the Betsy Wise song and dance, the Commission ignored the whole thing.  Now, Betsy has resurrected some of those same conclusions, and presented them as if it required her to think of the idea.  It was sad, annoying, and slightly infuriating.  The word Betsy once used with me, to describe her ambition to be on the Commission on the basis of nothing, was "arrogant."  Betsy has simply now gotten herself into a higher gear.  But it's the same vehicle.

Instead of a Commission that does its job, and listens to its constituents, and addresses the problems everyone can see, we have the New Show.  Ladies and gentlemen, Betsy entices.  Step right this way.  You'll see things that will shock and amaze you.  Just $10, and my capable assistant will escort you to your seat.

Yuck.  What a waste of time and emotional energy.  But thanks to Dan Samaria, and Chuck Ross, and Cesar Hernandez, for bothering to try to include more people.  At least someone on the Commission cares about the Village residents who aren't.


  1. I stayed until the end, Fred, so I could make some comments on public record, which Tracy didn’t want to allow until I forced the issue after many residents bolted. (For me, at least, that typically includes being interrupted, minimally, or verbally assaulted by one of Tracy's flying monkeys. They creeped me out when I was a kid, but now I understand "false bravado" so I enjoy watching them scurry away when you stamp your feet, like little mustachioed palmetto bugs back to the nest. Tracy allows one particular monkey to enjoy a longer tether than most, but he's no threat to anyone, or at least one hopes. His red-faced outbursts do conjure up the phrase, "going postal," but let's hope he's as harmless as his clownish performances would indicate. If he’s not brave enough to stand up at the podium and state his opinions on public record, electing to shout them safely from his seat next to our village ‘first lady,’ he’s not likely capable of much else other than yelling inanities as he rides his bicycle around the village.)

    My workshop comments centered around two things:

    1. The workshop was developed by Betsy alone and without the input of other commissioners. That alone is problematic for a “transparent” government, which is very different from businesses that pay folks like Betsy to help construct their vision and branding messages. The other elected officials looked rather impotent sitting there without uttering a word all night (truly, not one word from them), and I couldn’t help but wonder if they were embarrassed at having been shut out of something so potentially important as the construction of the workshop format and the selection of its content or relieved that it was done for them.

    2. The descriptors that we were asked to rank were all predetermined by someone, I believe that being Betsy, her staff of one and Krishan, if I understood her correctly. All we did was rank those descriptors rather than developing them for ourselves. The analogy I gave was painting from a blank canvas vs. coloring inside the lines that someone else drew, a la “paint by numbers.” It felt to me that we were roped off from the most important part of the process, then patted on the heads and asked to sit quietly and decide which “green” to paint the trees, choosing only from “olive, “emerald” and “seafoam” but not allowed to dip into “mint,” “shamrock” or “sage.”

    I am emailing a detailed response to last night’s workshop, which will include other comments (sample size, etc.) and some concrete suggestions for tightening up the process before it proceeds any further. Betsy ended the meeting with a short preview of “next steps,” which zipped right through to “passed by resolution at the next commission meeting.” I need to watch the video for that exact wording, but she made it sound that much a fait accompli, and the other commissioners just sat raptly or stunned … hard to tell which based on their collective silence.

    1. Mac,
      1. Yes, if the Village currently had a transparent government, this arrangement would indeed be problematic. In faint defense of at least one Commissioner, it's not entirely accurate to say there was "not one word" from the rest of the Commission. Dan Samaria did try to say something at the beginning, but Betsy shut him down. It was, after all, only the Betsy Wise Show. And the Commissioner who had something to say was, after all, Dan Samaria. Everyone else, except, by your report, the monkey in the front row, were needed only to be spectators, or to participate (jump through hoops) as instructed by the Mistress.
      2. Yes, I complained about that, too. I like your imagery: that creativity cannot be entrusted to "residents," and they should be limited to coloring within lines drawn by someone else. And with a palette not of their choosing. I still say it's a bit breathtaking that essentially the identical exercise was done two years ago, by you, Nicole, and another group, and it was completely ignored by most of the current Commission. Betsy actually resurrected some of the conclusions (I recognized some of the 35 choices as having come from there), but without giving you credit. And my complaint about your presentation then was the same as my complaint about Betsy's presentation last night: why did you, and why did Betsy, choose the descriptors? Why couldn't the rest of us choose them?

  2. Fred ... you do a far better job reporting on the circus than masquerading as one of the clowns. And you were a pretty good clown. Bravo on the RW reference.

  3. Fred.
    If you'll recall, the proposal put forth by the 2017 Vision Group was NOT to be adopted in whole or even considered as any content for a final BP version. Rather, it was an exercise to show how it might be done, what the results could look like ... merely to ignite a fire to get one done by the village proper. Never did we suggest "descriptors." Rather, we conducted exercises to create descriptors as an example, then we performed two workshops to do the same thing with residents ... many more than attended last night. Those workshops coincidentally created nearly identical results (as each other AND what came from the vision group), which indicates that most folks are on the same page. We made those so abundantly clear at the time and many times since ... that we weren't proposing a "vision" but merely saying to the commission, "now you go do it." Last night during comment, another resident suggested that's what we had tried to do, but he did not attend our workshops and was fed some bad info from someone. I introduced myself to him afterward (very nice guy) and explained what we had done and handed a copy of our presentation to him, which I brought as reference for myself during the workshop.

    Clarification in all fairness: Betsy did acknowledge the 2017 vision group, showed a copy of our final product in her powerpoint, and even said that some of the descriptors she used were culled from our work. She was fair in that regard.

    1. Good. Then I stand corrected. But if Betsy only picked up where you left off, used your work, and credited you, then I'm not sure what your complaint is. It's certainly not true that Betsy did this herself without the input of other Commissioners. Nothing happens now without Tracy's explicit approval. In theory, last night wasn't even a Commission production. There was no need for the other four of them to be sitting at the Commission desk. But Tracy approved it, and whatever is good enough for Tracy becomes good enough for Jenny. And we all know this was discussed among them outside Commission meetings. So there's your Commission input.

  4. Fred, are you suggesting that this group violates Sunshine laws? I was trying to read the faces of Jenny and Will (Dan was checked out), and I think they were a bit flummoxed by the whole thing. The next commission meeting should be interesting, hearing the follow-up. Certainly they won't shove this straight through. In 2017, Tracy didn't see the need for it, and I'm almost certain it was Jenny who suggested an outside company should do it. (I need to go back and take a look at the video to be certain.) Betsy Co. was outside then but certainly isn't now. Again, still on board 1000000000% in theory, but the execution is in question. We'll get there (he says with a certain amount of optimism)!

  5. Mac I would love to share your optimism but the more I think about last nights "dog & pony" show the more pissed off I get. First of all that was no workshop. A true workshop would have had audience participation. The legislative priorities workshop had more audience participation than this one did. It was a freaking tutorial as if we were all too stupid to know what words like integrity meant!
    I would be VERY surprised if they don't just shove this through. No way is Tracy going to get in Betsy's way. Tracy surely knows Betsy would eat her alive and Tracy needs Betsy the pit bull to be on her side. So yeah - we'll likely have a mission and values statement. But - it won't be truly be representative of the community. It will be crafted in Betsy's words to fit her agenda and based on what....maybe 30 people total (between remote and those in attendance). Way too small a sample to have any meaning. Oh and I wonder whatever happened to the "communication" component that was supposed to be discussed last night also.

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