Friday, October 5, 2018

I'm Calling You Out, Jared Susi. The Gauntlet is Down, Dude.

Sure, Jared, you look good compared to the competition.  Dan Samaria is the only other one who showed anything like interest in the Village.  Ever.  Apart from you.  But neither Dan nor the rest of them have any self-confidence or willingness to face the voters.  It's only you.  Will Tudor is the only one with a Commission track record, such as it is, but he won't step out on his own, without protection.

So you're it, Jared.  But what have you got?  You gave us all a superficial sampling, but I want more.  I want depth.   We all know you're a good guy, and you and Nicole are involved and productive, but you can do that without being on the Commission.  You've done it already without being on the Commission.  You and Dan Samaria are the only candidates who have lifted a finger for this Village, off or on the Commission.  And you're going to donate back your stipend?  You think you're the first Commissioner to do that?  You're not.  You might be the second.  OK, fine, it's way better than what most of the current Commissioners have done, but it's not completely unique.

What are you really going to show us, when you're a Commissioner?  (And I realize fully that if you get on the Commission, and you don't just do whatever Tracy tells you to do, she'll marginalize you in a heartbeat, and make you irrelevant.  I know that.)  But what would you do, if you could?  What do you want?  What's your vision for the neighborhood?

For example, "2-, 5-, and 10-year plans" for what?  What would you like to see happen in the Village over the next two, five, and 10 years?  And make the Village safe and pedestrian-friendly how?  What are the "character and charm of our public spaces and architecture," and what would you do to maintain them?  I mean, if you could.  Imagine that you were part of a Commission that had goals and an agenda, that wanted for the Village what you want.  Or that was available to want anything at all for the Village.  You won't be on that kind of Commission, but tell us how you and like-minded Commissioners would plan.  And what efficiencies would you like to maximize?

You know how politicians and office-seekers are, Jared.  They give the voters ethereal double talk and pablum.  But some of your neighbors are adults, and they want more than pablum.  Give it up, Jared.  What kind of neighborhood is this, once Commissioner Susi, and an imagined Commission of ambitious and visionary neighbors, get their teeth into it?


  1. Thank you for thinking I’m productive!

    I look forward to reading jareds response.
    This blog is such a resource for residents to get their information directly from the candidates and to read feedback from neighbors in the comments as well.
    I’m still disappointed a forum isn’t happening... I’m not hearing much about or from the other candidates, but that may be because I’m the wife of a candidate so why would they knock on my door?
    Thank you for Asking the tough / common sense questions! I hope more neighbors ask tough and uncomfortable questions that are important to our success as a village. The candidates responses will help us make our voting decisions much more clear & effective.

    1. Unfortunately, Nicole, this blog is not a resource to get information directly from candidates. It's only a resource to get information from one of them. And it's the only place I know to get "public" information, that anyone can explore or challenge.

      By the way, you are beyond productive. Some of what you've accomplished, and the enthusiasm and community spirit and selflessness you showed in accomplishing it, is a wonder.

      Yes, I await Jared's response, too. I'm sure he knows that he is not limited to responding as a comment. He can simply write a new post, and say whatever he wants. I have made the same offer to all of the candidates. Only Jared was willing to put himself out there. It appears that only he has the courage of his convictions. As I have said many times before, the only risk anyone takes in writing here is that someone is free to disagree with them. That's the risk I take, too. I regret very much that of five Commission candidates this year, only one is willing to take a risk. For that reason, and more importantly, because the rest won't participate in a forum, the only candidate for whom I would vote is Jared. But I still want specifics.

  2. I will be writing a post today. Thank you for the support as well as keeping my mind agile.
