Monday, November 14, 2016

"Reality Bites"

Donald Trump told us he was going to rid us of all the pesky and illegitimate illegal aliens.  "Eleven million" of them, he estimated.  Since Trump has never held any elected office, and has no government experience of any kind, it wasn't clear whence he got his figure.  But that's what he told everyone.  And for whatever were their reasons, they believed him.  So they elected him President of the United States, because he said he was going to correct all the ills he and his supporters felt sure there must be.  Even though none of them had any reason to know.  And many Republicans who did have a reason to know were very reluctant, if not downright refusing, to back him.

Yesterday-- and who could possibly know why-- Trump told us he was going to rid us of "two to three million" illegal aliens.  And he specified that the aliens he would deal with were the criminals, whom we would apprehend, and we'd either incarcerate them, or deport them.

I have no idea whence Trump got his "11 million" number, or why he decided it was somehow really "two to three million," but when the bluster settled, he found himself where we already are: if someone commits a crime, and is caught, and is an illegal alien, they either get incarcerated or deported.  That is precisely, in detail, what we already do.  It's unclear whether Trump would have been elected, if he had said it's all working fine, and he wouldn't change a thing: if he had said there is a process, and that process has due constraints and requirements, and he couldn't properly or legally do things any differently.

We just elected a new Commission.  The Commission is new importantly because there is a new majority.  Not only are they numerically a majority, but they ran as a group or a slate, and they have declared unity.  And they've told us exactly what Donald Trump told us, and based on the same thing.  They've told us the system is terrible, and the Commissioners are terrible, and no one has had the imagination or assertiveness they have to straighten it all out, and they know all this because they have overactive fantasy lives.  Just like Donald Trump and his supporters do.  Trump's platform is deconstructing already.  I wonder when our new Commissioners' will.

I've been hearing about two targets at which our new Commission will reportedly take aim.  One is the recreation function of the Village, and the other is the Police department.  And as best I can tell, trying to read between lines, since none of the new Commissioners has been at all specific (with one exception), this is about reining in expenses.

I don't know what the asserted issue about recreation will be.  We aren't told.  We've been Trumped: we're just told cuts will be made, with no examples given as to what kinds of cuts these might be.  Very, very recently, there has been outcry about the poor surfacing of the tot lot.  BP residents-- most certainly those with tots-- have been agitating for a surface that is cleaner, easier to keep clean, and less likely to feature used hypodermic needles and animal excrement, for example.  One alternative we considered was rubber surfacing made just for this kind of purpose.  And it's not cheap.  So let's assume that at the very least, the new Commission will ignore an upgrade like this.  So what are they going to tell their neighbors who want better from us?  Tough luck, we're more interested in saving pennies, and cutting corners?  Oh, that'll be a winner.  And even if they don't upgrade the surface of the tot lot, that leaves us with no savings.  It's just avoiding a new expense.  So what would they like to cut?  Don't expect me to tell you.  I'm wondering myself.  They, like Donald Trump, managed to get themselves elected on the strength of meaningless slogans and platitudes, and absolutely no relevant experience, but at some point, they're going to have to do something.  And will have to be based on something.  They'll have to get real.

And what do they think they're going to do to reduce the police budget?  The police budget in BP, as is true essentially everywhere, is about half of the overall budget.  The fact that it's half of our budget is not a sign of anything amiss.   And it isn't more than that, because we underpay our police officers, and we provide for them as little as possible.  If we're not the lowest in the County, we're very near it.  We don't provide adequate training opportunities, because we can't afford to, we're at pains to provide adequate equipment, and we rely on hand-me-down cruisers, because we can't afford a fleet of new cars.  And much of what we do provide for our officers (which means for ourselves, since they're here for the one and only reason to serve and protect us) is according to our contract with them.  So we can't change it until the contract comes up for renewal.  And when it does, and we try to tell our officers, whom we underpay, that we would like to take from them their take-home cruisers (that's the one exception), which are part of the reason, or the compensation, or the excuse, that they agree to work for less than anyone else, how do we imagine they will react?  Maybe they'll tell us we're so magically wonderful to work for that they'd stay here even if we didn't pay them anything, and they had to lease their cars from us.  Or maybe not.

It'll be interesting to watch Donald Trump, and our new Commission, deconstruct, as they have to face reality.  We'll see how they adjust when their fantasies get replaced by real issues and real people and real problems.

Please come to Commission meetings.  If you don't want to participate, at least bear witness.


  1. Fred,
    Maybe you should not read between the lines and just ask.
    You don't seem to like Trump and the new commissioners and so you put them in the same basket. Get real.
    The old commission was not terrible, your words, but they could have been better. We want the village to be the "best it can be". If you don't think anything is not the best, you cannot improve it.
    I find it amazing that you decide what people are thinking and motives and then disagree, now with what they think, but with what you think they think.
    Makes it much easier for you to author both sides of the conversation.

    1. But Harvey, I have asked. Repeatedly. Many of us have asked. The new Commissioners won't tell us anything. And some of what they do tell us isn't true. They wouldn't tell us at the Meet the Candidates event, they won't tell us informally, and they wouldn't enter the fray on Nextdoor. I go with what I'm given, and if someone refuses to fill in blanks, I speculate. If they, or you, don't like the speculating, please give all of us real information.

      Of course I lump Trump and our new Commissioners together. They are identical in the ways I lump them.

      No, Harvey, not my words. I don't know what the new Commissioners told you when they were running, if they told you anything, but they have most certainly told others how terrible the just now ending Commission is. And apparently, I'm the worst of the bunch. From what I gather, displacing me was, up to a point, their whole reason for running. Of course we could have been (even) better. Maybe with more time, we would have been. Some of us unquestionably worked to make the Village better. Some worked against it. If I were to be a bit more imaginative in my speculating, I would say that if I was the "For the Best We Can Be" Commissioner/candidate, and if the new Commission majority singled me out as the one who most urgently needed to be displaced, then their foremost goal is to stop the Village from getting any better.

      I can't be bothered to want to guess what people think. I'm interested in what they say. But if they won't say anything, and I find out that parts of what they say aren't true, and I have to vote (or at least form an opinion), then I have no choice but to read between lines.


    2. Harvey,

      Two blog posts ago, I indicated several things "my" Commission didn't get to or didn't complete. Things to improve the Village. You have made clear that you agree that "we" want the Village to be the best it can be. I assume that when you say "we," you mean you and I. If that's not what you meant, please clarify.

      Do you have any indication as to which of the things I regretted we didn't conclude the new Commissioners want to address? Have they told you, or anyone else? Or did they think there was something else that would make us better? They seemed to think the biggest problem the Village has is me, so good, I'm out. Now what? They have every day of two and four more years to do something; something else apart from being at the Commission dais without my being there. What else have they said they want?

      I'm asking you, Harvey. I asked them, repeatedly, but they refused to say. You and I and all the rest of us now have them as Commissioners, and I want to know what I'm getting. Is it a secret, and we will just have to wait to find out? Are you curious? Are you apprehensive? I assume you care.


    3. Fred, The election is over period. You lost and TRUMP won........get over it. After your term the village is broke. After Obama's term the US is broke Maybe we should lump you two together. The best thing for you to do is let it go........IMHO.......Ron Gwynn

    4. Ron,

      I didn't intend this to be a commentary on Trump, per se. I was drawing a parallel, to accentuate a point. I'm over it. If anything, it's fun to watch Trump have to retrench on his signature claims. He'll help us greatly, or do a world of damage, over the next four years. We'll all wait and see. As he keeps changing his positions on things, and adjusting to actual realities (that was my point, which was really a point about BP), we really have no idea what he'll do or try to do. Even you have no idea.

      Having said that, I would correct you on one thing, and offer you a perspective on another. The Village is not broke. It's not broke at all. From the perspective of how the Village has traditionally functioned, we're doing great. We added about $180K to the reserve. That doesn't get the big jobs done (and we're too stingy and timid even to do a collection of the small jobs), but we've never had an ambition to do the big jobs. The immediate past Commission-- the one that's now ending-- did work at some of the big jobs, and I'm personally very proud to have been part of that.

      As to whether the country is broke, it depends on how you define being broke. Clinton left us a surplus. W immediately traded that in for a deficit, then started a war without raising taxes (something no government in the history of the world has done), and left office with a massive deficit. Obama, to my dissatisfaction, did not raise taxes or immediately shut down W's wars, as needed to be done after W, and since he kept on the same fiscal path W started, the deficit got worse, as of course it would have to. Trump has already announced his intention to cut taxes further. So if you're complaining that the country is now "broke," did you complain about that during and after W's terms (and after Reagan's and Bush daddy's), and will you complain about the unspeakable deficit Trump will leave us with? Or are you proposing that this deficit is only about Obama? If so, what kinds of gymnastics get you to a conclusion like that?


      PS: I wouldn't say your proposal to end this conversation was exactly "humble." I would say you were most likely trying to avoid the conclusions I just gave you.

  2. Ok Fred, in your own words and blog: Oct 24th, just to be clear about our problematic finances, our we in deep fiscal trouble, yes we are and have been always.....Which the latter is not true. Nov 11TH, your blog, We have one real problem here, our problem is money, we don't have enough.... Kinda of reminds me of Obama, if you like your doctor you can keep them if you like your insurance you can keep them. I won't drag this post out but he will go down as the worse President ever IMHO. Do I like Trump, not really but I felt I had no choice as most Americans did. The same thing happened here in BP, more of the same or some fresh ideas. Now I know you will disagree which is fine but really, Get over it because your not.........Ron

    1. Oh, no, Ron. You don't really want this conversation, do you? Well, I guess you do, otherwise you wouldn't keep choosing it.

      Let's do the appropriate part first. I said the Village is in deep fiscal trouble, and it is. We cannot meet our expected fiscal responsibilities. We can't fix the roads, we can't address drainage problems, we can't improve lighting, we could never have renovated the log cabin and built the administration building. Even when the Commission struggles over such relatively minor expenses as reworking the Codes, or resurfacing the tot lot, or any of a number of other comparatively small tasks, it's treated as one of these or another, but not both. This is unacceptable. But if we don't do any of these things, and all we have to do is buy more copy paper, and underpay the people who work for us, we can do it. So it's made to look like we're OK, when we're really not, and we only pretend to be by ignoring the bigger problems. So I said it, and I meant it, and I wasn't wrong. Even during the Meet the Candidates event, the four candidates who are not even in a position to know agreed that our fiscal limitation is our biggest problem. We deflect it, and pretend it isn't a problem, by deciding we don't really have a drainage problem, or it's proper that someone else in the state pay for us to fix our own streets, etc.

      (End of Part I)


    2. (Part II)

      As for the inappropriate part of your comment, which is your attempt to comment on something that has nothing to do with BP, look at the example you gave: the ACA. The ACA is terrible, right? It's a crime against the citizens and taxpayers, right? Every Republican is against it, and Trump ran on his fierce opposition to it. But once he got elected, he said there were some good things about it, like that it results in insurance for everyone, with no exclusion for pre-existing conditions. That is in fact the bottom line foundation of the ACA. So once he signs onto that, he essentially agrees to the ACA, which is the thing against which he railed. This was my point, about the new BP Commissioners. They, like Trump, are free to badmouth anything they like, as long as they don't understand it and do not have to confront it. Once they, or Trump, do, the story gets very different. That was my point.

      Is Obama the worst President ever? I don't think so. I did take significant issue with some of the things he did, which I think were wrong. For one thing, he used his whole first term and the beginning of his second trying to be conciliatory to conservatives, who hated him from just before day 1, because he's half black. Since there's nothing he can do about that, he should have stopped trying to get them to like him, and he should have governed as the people who elected him needed him to do. In a similar connection, he was afraid to tell the country that our fiscal state was unsustainable, that his predecessor was completely wrong and out to lunch to create a deficit single-handedly, then start a completely needless was he had no way to pay for, and Obama should have raised the taxes. It was irrational and idiotic for W to have lowered them. But Obama didn't do it. And I hold that against him, even though I realize he was set up and could not have raised taxes without stepping on a land mine. As I asked you yesterday, if you think it was terrible of Obama to have overseen such a deficit, do you think it was terrible of Reagan to have created it, and Bush I to have continued it? Do you think Clinton was great, because he erased it, and replaced it with a surplus? Do you think Bush II was a criminal for having exchanged the surplus for a deficit, again, and accelerated it as he did? If you think the deficit now is unbearable, how do you feel about Trump's promising to further aggravate it by lowering taxes?

      As for "fresh ideas," the going theme, as I understand it, was "anyone but Fred." That's your idea of fresh ideas? "Anyone but Fred" includes Mickey Mouse and your pet dog. Like anyone but "crooked Hillary" included Donald Trump, whom you agree you don't even like. Well, Fred's out, and Hillary didn't get in. So now, we have what we have. I hope it works out for all of us, but I'm not seeing it.


  3. Fred, if you believe that everybody has insurance under the ACA your on drugs. Obama has created 10 trillion in debt which is more than all past Presidents combined. As far as the commission I would rather have Mickey Mouse than You. Now, My father always told me to never argue with an idiot because they will drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience. On that note I will gladly never post on this site again. Thank you for your service to BP Fred as most folks just complain and never volunteer...........Ron

    1. Whoa, Ron. I have no idea what that outpouring was about. I thought I had a friendly relationship with you, and Cindy, and we normally just don't talk politics, because we disagree.

      There is no point in trying to discuss it further with you here.

      As far as the Commission goes, I'm sorry you didn't get Mickey Mouse, but at least you're no longer saddled with me. I don't think any of us has any idea what we did get, although we may have gotten a glimpse of it last night. And you certainly have no reason to thank me for my "service," since you seem to consider it a disservice, although I don't know why. You never said.

      You are more than welcome, always, to post anything you like here. The worst that can happen to you is that I or someone else might disagree with you, and say so. But I don't think you have to fear anyone will call you an idiot, or tell you that if you think a certain thing, then you must be on drugs.

      Rethink what you want to do with this blog, and your involvement with it. I would ask you to rethink what you think of me, but you don't sound motivated. As I said, I thought you and Cindy and I always had a friendly relationship. Evidently not?

