Thursday, May 21, 2015

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way." Lee Iacocca

We're on the path to getting our new administrative annex building completed, and our Village Hall renovated.  The former is taking shape, and the latter is about to be under way.  The plans are firm and satisfactory.  The financing appears to be a bit of a moving target.  No one is pleased about that.  But we know where we're going, and it's clear we're going to find our way there.

Could there be anyone who isn't on board at this point?  Evidently there could.  And there is.  Not only are some Village residents sniping at the plans and the planners, but even some former Commission members are launching spitballs.   The importance of this is that we have relied for about 82 years on our log cabin as the seat of Village government.  Most Village employees work there, and our records are there.  If this structure was adequate when the Village had less than 100 homes, and just a few residents, it's unimaginable that it could be adequate now.  But not one Commission before the current one lifted a finger to make, or propose, changes.  It's not even clear anyone ever asked any questions.  Repairs were piecemeal and slipshod, the result in recent years including active leaking when it rained, rats running free in the building, and one toilet that sat on rotten flooring which constantly threatened to give way.

It might be understandable that non-Commission Village residents are skittish about repairs, renovations, and new construction which will strain Village finances for some years to come.  It's not understandable that past and present Commissioners are criticizing, scolding, and catastrophizing.  They had their chances to do something before now.  They chose not to.  They didn't lead when they could have.  They don't want to follow the lead of other more constructive Commissioners now.  Lee Iacocca leaves them one other strategy.

1 comment:

  1. Perfectly summarized, Fred! This current Commission is really trying to get the village back on track after too many years of "kicking the can down the road". I'm thrilled to see all of the positive and constructive things taking place!
