Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I'm No Longer Sure Why I Bother

Noah Jacobs seems to take offense.  Someone sent to me a recent facebook whine of his, in which he complains of my reference to him in the blog post that precedes this one.

Noah was not a central figure in that post.  He got one passing mention, because he was part of a Commission majority that made a faulty decision.  But it appears that in his search for relevance, he wants to interpret this passing mention as a focus on himself.

Noah's wish to be about something, and somehow centrally worth talking about, is his problem.  What is curious is what he does with this ambition and contrived self-image.  His complaint was about my mentioning his name in this blog.  So did he write to me about it?  No.  Did he post a comment about it, or even accept my repeated invitations to write his own blog post?  No.  Instead, he reaches out, I suppose, to his facebook readers (I'm assuming he has some), and he whines to them.

But what's his point?  Where does he think he's going with this, or where does he think it's taking him?  There is no discussion or debate, unless his (imagined?) facebook readers respond to him.  He's complaining about me, but he takes the trouble to try to reassure himself that I won't find out about it.  Am I missing something, or is this empty, and lacking in courage and conviction?

I have said repeatedly, and I will say again, that this blog is a public space.  Anyone is more than welcome to read what's here, and anyone can comment.  Anyone can be an "author" and produce his own views of anything.  The blog is supposed to be about BP, and it is expected that BP will be the central topic.  But even that is not required or essential.  Noah is invited-- I have very specifically and personally invited him several times-- to participate here.  Noah lives in BP, he was briefly an elected official, and it might be imagined that he has some interest in the place.  So why does he skulk around, spewing his half-cocked and distorted views, in a place where only a selected few can see them?

I myself have been singled out for criticism by the Biscayne Times in the past.  When that has happened, I have written a rebuttal, and sent it to the Biscayne Times.  The fact is, if they have trashed me to their readers, I would like my rebuttal to be read by their readers.  What good would it have done me to have complained only to my closest friends?  And the Biscayne Times can choose, and has chosen on numerous occasions, not to publish my rebuttal.  That has struck me as disturbingly unfair.  That can never happen in this blog.  I don't control what's here.  I wouldn't.  If Noah Jacobs, or anyone, feels confronted, or affronted, in this blog, then this blog is the very best place to offer a defense, or even a counteroffensive.  Noah criticized me.  Perhaps I deserved it.  Frankly, because I am not on facebook, and Noah did not reach out to me, I didn't read what he wrote.  I skimmed it, because someone sent it to me, but I concluded it was not for me, so I ignored most of it.  If Noah has something to say, in his own defense or at my expense, this blog is the place to say it.

Come on, Noah, go for it.  Give me the best you have.  If I still disagree, or I still think you're wrong, I'll let you know.  Oh, that's why Noah doesn't write his stuff here.  Right, he did tell me that.  He likes to control the information and how it's presented.  No, Noah is right.  This is not the place for him.


  1. Apparently whatever he wrote has been removed from his FB page.

    1. I'm aware that he pulled even his facebook rant. The same person who told me about this rant also told me it had been pulled. This illustrates the problem I referred to as a complaint that is empty and lacking in courage and conviction. If it could be considered bad enough that he can't bring himself to complain to me, it seems he doesn't even have the assertiveness and confidence to complain to his own friends.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's strange why did my comment get published twice? I'm going to delete the second one.

    At any rate I don't know what to say about Noah, if he has criticisms about you he should make a few comments here on the blog.
