Monday, October 21, 2013

Correction to "Save the Date..." Post

I had reason to go back to the e-mail where I requested information about the 80th anniversary do.  I said I had received "no reply."

My mistake.  I did receive a reply.  I had forgotten the details of it, and it felt so insubstantial to me that it seemed as if I had been given no information.

The reply was as follows:


"Yes, we are set on the 22nd and everything is going according to plan.  We just received confirmation that the grant was approved, all we are waiting on now is the agreement from the county.  I recommend that you get with Issa on [re]scheduling the Food and Tunes.

"The 80th Anniversary Celebration is a joint effort coordinated by the commission, staff, and contractors (North Miami Community Concert Band and Dr Paul George) and will include an art festival.

Thank you,

Candido Sosa-Cruz"

Again, my apologies.  I think I must still have been under the influence of not having known about this at all, and certainly not having been warned to "Save the Date," and was still left having no idea where the event was to take place (I still don't know), what time, whether a meal is involved, how much, etc.

But I was wrong to have remembered that I received "no reply" at all.


  1. PS: Is it just me, or is there something wrong with a neighborhood that can't even throw itself a birthday party without getting a "grant" from someone or other?

